Sorry it has taken me so long to finally post this blog post. My IPad has been down for a while and somehow had gotten locked out so I have been waiting for Apple to get back with me to unlock it. I have finally done that so here goes.
I took 2 weeks to try each of the three brands of MCT Oil pictured for a total of 6 weeks. All three products were quality products and kept me on track as I have continued to prepare for my endurance event in China in two weeks. I am going to go through each product as I took them and give you a quick rundown of what I thought about them.
Left Coast MCT Oil
-worked fast and I could feel the sustained energy that it gave me
-blended completely
-no crash
-no oily aftertaste or residue
-the energy was clean with no jitters or heart racing
-some mild stomach discomfort
-great packaging and labeling
-32oz for great price on Amazon for $21.97
Link to buy:
KetoMCT Oil
-not only worked fast it was seemless. I went from needing energy to having it with no charge up.
-very nutty almost hazelnut smell when blended
-blended completely
-zero crash
-no oily aftertaste or residue
-no jitters, no heart racing
-little to no stomach discomfort
-packaging was a small pill bottle. This made it really difficult to use and I ended up spilling some of the first bottle.
-32oz for $39.99 from their website at
Wild MCT Oil
-worked fast and I could feel the sustained energy
-blending seperated a little in coffee
-no crash
-there was an oily aftertaste from time to time and some residue
-no jitters, no heart racing
-some stomach discomfort
-great packaging and labeling
-when put in the refrigerator the oil solidified just like coconut oil
-website has lots of other great products as well
-16oz for $19.95 from their website
All three could be good options for you. In order of how I liked each of the products KetoMCT Oil performed the best, Left Coast MCT Oil was a close second, and Wild MCT Oil came in third. However, because of the price and value I would go with Left Coast MCT Oil as my regular brand. It was effective and did everything MCT oil should do with little stomach discomfort all at a great price. Although you couldn't go wrong with any of the three.
I hope this helps out and give you some extra insight into the three brands.
#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nurition #FatAdapted #MCTOil #LeftCoastMCTOil #KetoMCTOil #WildMCTOil (no link...go to