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Monday, March 31, 2014

13 Ways to Have More Energy in the Mornings

Are you sick of waking up feeling rundown, irritable, or always being on the wrong side of the bed? Not all of us can be morning people (like me), but we can all make the most of our mornings. If we can find a way to start out our day right, we can have a great rest of the day. So here is an article to help you find more energy in your morning and propel you through the rest of your day.

13 Ways to Have More Energy in the Mornings

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Sleep #Refreshed

Travel Tips How to Get Great Service

When you travel do you ever see those people that seem to get everything that they want? Everyone goes out of their way to take care of them. Well often there is a reason and it isn't always because they have money. Check out this article and find out how they do it, so on your next trip you get great service too.

Travel Tips How to Get Great Service

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Going Vegan? Here are 5 foods to help you get your protein

I have been Vegan for over 5 years and have been an professional MMA fighter during all that time. I found that not only do I feel better and recover better from training, I also build leaner muscle mass as a vegan and avoid all the stomach issues I had before. The myth that you cannot build muscle mass or get enough protein is a complete misconception. The real issue is that you really need to understand nutrition, so that you continue to be healthy as a vegan. So here is an article that will help you to find those protein sources to help you on your journey.

Going Vegan? Here are 5 Foods to Help You Get Your Protein

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Protein #Veganism

Burn 450% More Fat in Half the Time with Interval Training

If you really need to ramp up your fitness program this is the way to do it. Interval training is a great way to vary your training, keep it fresh, and dial up the intensity to make your workouts even more sweat inducing. It is all about that intensity and pushing your body to the best of your abilities. Try it out.

Burn 450% More Fat in Half the Time with Interval Training

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Interval


I didn't believe that I was very creative most of my life, until I was in college and two of my roommates were both art students. They taught me that I was more creative than most people and just because I was not painting or drawing didn't mean that I was not creative. The very martial arts that I competed and studied were creative. The was that I was always interested in building props and expanding my mind was a sign of creativity. Just the very fact that you aspire to be an entrepreneur is creativity at it's best. So check out these 7 habits that can help you become the best entrepreneur that you can be.

7 Creative Habits You Need to Acquire

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The 5 Rules of Real Strength

Just to warn you this article is taken from a body building perspective. When we think of strength we often think of how much someone can lift. However, I believe that real physical strength is so much more than that. It seems counterproductive to be able to bench press 500lbs but not be able to run a mile. Or be able to squat 800lbs but not be able to pick up your socks from the floor. I whole heartedly believe in functional strength. It doesn't matter how big your muscles are but how that strength helps you in everyday life. So check out these rules but remember the 6th rule: All strength must be functional to be productive.

The 5 Rules of Real Strength

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Strength

7 Tips to Sell Your Ideas the Steve Jobs Way

Steve Jobs brought his Apple brand to the apex of achievement in our lifetime, which could never even have conceived a computer in past generations. He was able to put an ipod in nearly every home in the US and across the world. He continued to produce and sell so many incarnations of the same product with minor tweaking that the array of Apple products is astounding. But we keep buying. So obviously he knows something about what people want and we need to take time to listen. Here is a great article that will help you see what he did so you can emulate it. Check it out.

7 Tips to Sell Your Ideas the Steve Jobs Way

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to Use Your Frequent Flyer Miles For Discount or Free Airfare

I found this website the other day and I think it can be really helpful for all of you out there that love to travel. This is also one of the main reasons why we do not include airfare for our guests at Warrior Vacations. It is just so easy to get discounted or free airfare, if you know how. So here is that website that will guide through getting the right plans to build frequent flyer miles and how to use those miles for free and discounted trips. It is our goal at Warrior Vacations to give you best experience for your money, so check out this article and start saving now. Then go and book your

How to Use Your Frequent Flyer Miles for Discount or Free Airfare

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Discounts

The Ultimate Guide to Protein Supplements

How often do you hit the local Vitamin Shoppe and stand in front of the protein wall and scratch your head thinking, "which one do I try this time?" I know I used to do it all the time. Not only are there so many brands out there, there are so many different kinds of protein. To make it even more confusing they all say that they are the newest and best. Whey protein, Casein, Whey Isolate, Soy Isolate, Plant Protein, Egg Protein, and many more...we'll here is the guide that can help you make up your mind and see what is right for your body. It gives you all the pros and cons of each type of protein, so next time you hit the store have some knowledge and get the best for your body.

The Ultimate Guide to Protein Supplements

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Protein

How to Change Up Your Workout Routine

Let's face it the same ol' same ol' gets old. Not only is it boring, but when it comes to exercise it means plateau. If your goal is to build muscle or slim down and you seem to be running into a roadblock maybe the recipe for your success is to try a whole new recipe to begin with. If all you do is the same circuit in the gym maybe its time to join that spin class. Or if you are doing cardio maybe its time to hit some strength training. Regardless of how you do it hit those muscles a different way to keep seeing results. Here is a quick guide to help you decide what you actually need to get the most from your workout routines.

How to Change Up Your Workout Routine

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #ChangeUp

Richard Branson’s Five Rules for Epic Entrepreneurship

If you have noticed our quotes of the day for the last month have all come from Richard Branson. He is the brash, witty, ultra successful British entrepreneur who owns the Virgin group. He is a self made millionaire and has come from a assorted background. His success shows us that all it takes is determination, some luck, and constant innovation to move from a nobody into someone who works for international peace and is in every industry from cola to airplanes. Here are some great guidelines from the man himself.

Richard Branson's Five Rules for Epic Entrepreneurship

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Earthing: The Benefits of Connecting with Earth’s Energy

Have you ever wanted to put your feet in the fresh cut grass, into the ocean, or bury them in the sand? As residents of this planet we have a indescribable connection with the earth and much of our energy and power is derived from it. There are so many benefits from getting out and enjoying the beauty that is around us. It charges us and fills us up. Ultimately we are from the earth and long to be connected to it. So check out this article and find out the great benefits that can be had from connecting to the earth.

Earthing: The Benefits of Connecting with Earth's Energy

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nature #Connection

Five Weird and Wonderful Travel Jobs

So you want to are some great jobs that you can do while you are traveling to support yourself. You can find these all over the world and while you are working you can experience some of the best things life has to offer. So be a perpetual traveler, adventure seeker, and dreamer. Live life, don't let it pass you by.

Five Weird and Wonderful Travel Jobs

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Science Compared Every Diet, and the Winner Is Real Food

There is a real reason why diets don't work. We have to realize that no matter how popularized the diet is or how it worked for your friend it may not work for you. We all have different body chemistry and our bodies need different things. We must know ourselves and tailor our diet to our own needs. This is also the reason why getting back to eating real food actually does work. It involves a lifestyle change. We start eating healthy whole foods that our bodies can actually process and we are bound to be healthier all the way around. So for more information check out this awesome article and see the science behind the diets.

Science Compared Every Diet, and the Winner is Real Food

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Diet

13 Things Fitness Instructors Should Never Say in Class

I am sure I am not alone in the fact that I have said almost all of these things at one time or another. It is great to see them and realize why you shouldn't say them. So check out this list and take some time to laugh at yourself, then make sure you never do it

13 Things Fitness Instructors Should Never Say in Class

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #ThingsNottoSay

8 Tips for Successful Business Development

How do we take our ideas from just grand thoughts in our mind and transform them into thriving money making products that everyone uses? There are many things that go into this from product development to business structuring. We need to have it all to run successfully as a business. Often the most successful businesses are people who are willing to listen at the right time to modify their original plan to fit the market that they serve. We all need room to grow and develop to become the most effective and efficient system possible. So here are 8 tips to develop as a great living breathing business, check it out.

8 Tips for Successful Business Development

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, March 24, 2014

5 Ways to Create Adventure and Joy Every Day

When is it along the development into adulthood that all our sense of adventure and excitement is choked out of our lives? I remember as a child daydreaming about meeting Muhammad Ali and being trained by him. I remember walking down to the park and imagining being attacked by monsters and having to defeat them on the rocks that overlooked the park. As children we have a great sense of adventure that we often lose. The joy of life is apparent and we find it everywhere. Just look at little children give them a present and how often do they play more with the box than the actual present. The great thing is that if we can tap into that childlike state of mind, we can find adventure and joy at every turn of our lives. This would make out live so fulfilled and we could watch our dreams come true right before our very eyes. What are you waiting for step into adventure today.

5 Ways to Create Adventure and Joy Everyday

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Joy #Life

Mysterious Ball in Costa Rica Forest

This is an interesting fact about Costa Rica, they have mysterious spheres that no one knows where they came from. There are many theories that you can google on the internet, but still no definitive answers about where these spheres come from or what they were used for. However, they are found littered all over the country buried in the dirt. Many of them are completely round and could not be reproduced without the latest technology. They are an amazing sight to see so check out this article about them.

Mysterious Ball in Costa Rica Forest

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

16 Places Common Diseases Do Not Occur, and The Reasons Why

We have a very misguided belief that our American society has everything right. We trust our doctors, government, pharmaceutical companies, etc. to give us the correct picture of how are health should be. But when we look at the rest of the world we find that we have some of the highest levels of disease and some of the worst healthcare in the world. So why are we so resistant to look at other cultures that are thriving and adapt our lifestyle towards theirs for a healthier life? Often it has much to do with just that, lifestyle. We do not want to give up anything that we find comfortable, even if it means our life. It is a sad state that we live in that the instant gratification of a hamburger or cupcake trumps the lifelong elation to life pain and disease free. Here is a great article that will show you places where diseases are lowest and why they live that way and see if it doesn't challenge the way that you currently live.

16 Places Common Diseases Do Not Occur, and the Reason Why

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

Seven Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

I have heard this complaint from many fitness lovers, "I love going on vacation to get away from everything, but I always pay for it when I come back. I wish I could keep training or mix it up on vacation, the hotel gym is just not enough." This is one of the main reasons why I came up with the idea of Warrior Vacations. A resort that is based around the idea of a training vacation. This idea mixes the training (in various disciplines: martial arts, fitness, and yoga) with the beauty of the environment and eco-tourism (zip lining, surfing, rafting, etc.). So if you want to mix up your training in a tropical island beach resort we have the place for you. Go here to start your adventure: However, if you already have vacation plans here is a great article to help you get your workout on while you are traveling, so you don't miss a beat.

Seven Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Travel

7 Key Factors Every Entrepreneur Should Consider Before Throwing In The Towel

One of the most hazardous mistakes we can make as entrepreneurs is giving up too soon. We always hear that we just need to wait a little longer and success could be right around the corner. The trick is we need to do the due diligence to make sure success will ever be a possibility. If it is your goal to make the best pager ever invented I think the time has passed you by. However, if it is your idea to make a wifi device that gets rid of tablets, phones, and computers you may have a winner but a market that is just not ready yet. So not only do we need to know our market but we must be patient. This is the most difficult place to be, right before that first sales comes through. As you wonder if anything is ever going to work. While you pay out your last dime for the advertising that seems to be having no effect. This is crunch time, this is where we here are 7 things to consider before you hang it up. Check it out and renew the vitality in your business.

7 Key Factors Every Entrepreneur Should Consider Before Throwing in the Towel

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Sunday, March 23, 2014

6 Reasons You Should Be More Concerned About Ocean Conservation

The oceans are linked to everything that we are able to do on this planet. When I did a snorkeling tour off Cano Island in Costa Rica I was fortunate enough the see several humpback whales including a baby doing tricks and showing off for us. It was a beautiful sight to behold. However, the highlight of the trip was a sea turtle the size of a Volkswagen 100 feet from our boat. It was so beautiful and amazing to see such a creature in the wild, I have to say I have never seen anything to match it. With all that life in mind I also remember seeing the mounds of trash in the ocean as we flew over from the coast of Florida to Costa Rica. It is astonishing the amount of pollution that we cause with little thought for the life that we are harming in doing it. Checkout this article and see more reasons why.

6 Reasons You Should Be More Concerned About Ocean Conservation

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

How Exercise Can Change Your DNA

It always amazes me to see new studies that show how beneficial exercise can be for your health. Not only does it have the obvious benefits health, weight loss, better sleep, etc. There have been studies that show that it actually changes your DNA. This article will tell you even more, but this is the exact reason why it is not just about being born with the ability, you can also develop ability. Check it out and be the best you can be.

How Exercise Can Change Your DNA

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #DNA

10 Benefits of Eating Less Meat

We have this idea that meat is the best thing for us. This comes from years and years of misinformation about the health benefits of meat and the abundance of meat products. I am definitely not a animal activist. However, I think the practices are disgusting and need to be changed. I am more concerned about the health issues and diseases that eating meat causes. Many of these things have been covered up and looked over for years because of the money that can be made from an entire industry. Here are some great benefits of cutting back, so check it out.

10 Benefits of Eating Less Meat

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Food

How I Turned My Mediocre Website Into A Million-Dollar Business

For all of us that have website for our business this topic is extremely important. We are constantly trying to find better ways to drive people to our website and convert those viewers into customers. It is a constant challenge and there is no way to really know how to reach our individual markets. We have to keep trying different methods and find out which works best for our target market. So checkout this article and fine tune what you need to do to reach your market. Btw, here is our website that we need to promote: We also need all the help we can get to get our business in front of people.

How I Turned My Mediocre Website Into a Million-Dollar Business

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

How to Sit for Meditation Using the Best Seated Meditation Posture

I know for myself, one of the things that steered me away from meditation for so long was the idea of sitting for so long in one position without moving. I have ADHD this is not one of my strong suits. I understand that the purpose for meditation is to let go of the physical and connect with the spiritual. However, your mind will only hear, what your seat can endure. So here are some great options for seated meditation postures that can help you get the comfort you need to release your hold on the physical. Because in reality it doesn't matter how you get there, just get there.

How to Sit for Meditation Using the Best Seated Meditation Posture

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Meditation

Friday, March 21, 2014

Something in the Water and Air: Costa Rica’s Pura Vida

Not only is Costa Rica a beautiful country. The people are equally as beautiful. They love life and the mantra that they live by "pura vida" is a perfect way to live. We should all strive to live the pure life. Here is a great article to tell you more about what that means to Costa Ricans, check it out.

Something in the Water and Air: Costa Rica's Pura Vida

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Habits That Make You Obese and Overweight

It is often not the amount of times a week you hit the gym or the intensity of your workouts that make you skinny or fat. More likely than not it is a combination of things with your personal habits being at the center of that struggle. I know myself when I retired from an active pro mma career it was my habits that caused me to gain 30lbs. Not only had my activity level decreased (still training 4-5 days a week 1.5-2.5 hours at a time), my junk food and portion control habits had become apparent. I was still eating too much of the wrong things. I am proud to say that after changing some of these habits and tightening up my diet I am back down 15lbs, so only another 10 to go. So check out these habits and change what is holding you back from the life you want.

Habits That Make You Obese and Overweight

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

13 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise

We all know that exercise will help you lose weight and make you feel better. However, exercise also has many other benefits that we don't often think about. From mental stability to increasing balance. Get in a good exercise program and enhance the quality of you life all the way round. Check out this article for more info.

13 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Exercise

7 Things Great Entrepreneurs Know

There may not be anything that predisposes you to success. However, there are qualities that successful people have. If we want to remain the best we can be in our individual businesses we need to find what applies to us. Here are 7 things that are pretty universal for all entrepreneurs. So are you a great entrepreneur?

7 Things Great Entrepreneurs Know

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How To Achieve Arm Balances in Yoga

This is one of the most challenging things that I struggle with in my own personal yoga practice. This article will help you with some of the issues associated with arm balances. However, I will also let you know that sometimes it can be a bone issue rather than flexibility or balance. I struggle with some ulna flexion because of the orientation of my bones which makes it quite a challenge to put all the weight on my arms to balance myself. This doesn't keep me from trying and falling time and time again. Just know that there may be some things that you just cannot do as a yogi, but it is ok we are all different and beautiful regardless.

How to Achieve Arm Balances in Yoga

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Balances

Costa Rica’s treasure troves

Check out this slideshow from the BBC and start your adventure here:

Costa Rica's Hidden Treasure Troves

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

The Top Ten Things Your Kids Should Not Eat

There are so many choices out there for food for our children. The problem is we often op for convenience instead of wholesome. We look at the school lunches and realize that they are feeding our children garbage. Then we wonder why obesity and nutrition related diseases (Heart disease, Diabetes, Cancer, etc.) are on the rise in the juvenile realm. We continue to stuff our children with "non-foods" expecting them to stay healthy and it just doesn't work. If we want to have a brighter future we need to get a grip on our own health and share that with our children. They are our future and we need to support them the best way possible and give them every advantage.

The Top Ten Things Your Kids Should Not Eat

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Food

12 Mistakes that You Could Make When Running

Many people have trouble running because of past injuries or injuries incurred from running. Many of these injuries could be prevented with some simple tips on running mistakes. There are so many simple things that can go wrong when running. Just one step off the curb wrong and you have twisted your ankle. Just one big rock that you didn't see and you fall down. It can be very dangerous. So check out this article and clean up your mistakes for a better, safer run.

12 Mistakes that You Could Make While Running

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Running #Technique

10 Ways to Become the Most Productive Person Around

It's not about who has the most gadgets (even though they are nice), its not about who has the most education, its about who get the most done. Also contrary to the old modality that you have to work long hours till your fingers bleed, to be productive may be as simple as a phone call. There is a definite art to productivity. It depends on the field that you are in that determines the scale that measures your productivity. In a call center it is all about the numbers and in a construction site it is all about staying within a time frame. For me as an entrepreneur it is about making connections and getting my business out in front of as many people as possible. You just never know who you will meet and how that will effect the business that you are doing. So check out these simple things that can help your productivity and get out there and produce. 

10 Ways to Become the Most Productive Person Around

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dragon Sequence in Yin Yoga

I practice a wonderful style of yoga called yin yoga. One of the reasons why I love it is that it helps so much in restoring the body and after I have trained hard and have broken down my body with running, mma, boxing, kickboxing, etc. I need it bad. So here is one of the great yin yoga sequences on video. Check it out.

Dragon Sequence in Yin Yoga

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Yin

A Story of an Ecotourism Pioneer in Costa Rica

It always inspires me to look at some people who have went before and have found the same success that I am striving for. So here is a great story for you. In the near future I hope to share some of the success that I am bound to have and show you how beautiful it is to live out all your passions and dreams. So go and make the dream a reality.

A Story of an Ecotourism Pioneer in Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacations #Travel

The Benefits of Different Colored Fruits and Vegetables

There are some great reasons why you should eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables and this article will explain more. It is no secret that fruits and vegetables look their best at their peak of ripeness. They are enticing and delicious. They also contain the most phyto-nutritents at that time, which are essential to your body. So pick out the best, brightest colored veggies you can find and live a healthier life.

The Benefits of Different Colored Fruits and Vegetables

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Foods

10 Reasons to Start Strength Training

As we live in a growing sedentary culture we need to continue to develop our strength. Too much sitting in front of the tv and at our desks at work make our muscles atrophy and rob us of our health an vitality. So strength training is important for everyone. It doesn't have to be hours in the gym lifting heavy weights. It just has to be load bearing movement. Yes, that load bearing can be bodyweight. We just need to keep moving. So check out this article and get moving.

10 Reasons to Start Strength Training

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout

A Roadmap From Debt to Living your Passion

We live in an age where the majority of us are in debt up to our eyeballs. We don't own our cars or house the bank really owns it and we are constantly living from paycheck to paycheck. This is a tough spot to ask a person to forget about all that and live their passions. The question often comes up how do I give up the necessities in life and live the fantasy that I have always wanted. Well the answer is baby steps and strategic positioning. If we really desire to live in our passions rather than making money for someone else. We are going to have to sacrifice. Then we need to position ourselves so we have the best chance of success doing the things that we love. If we do that we have given ourselves every opportunity to make the best success we can. Here is another article that will give you step by step how they did that very thing check it out and be encouraged.

A Roadmap from Debt to Living Your Passion

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What’s the Point of Yoga Anyway?

Since the popularization of yoga in Western culture there have been several meanings attached to the ancient practice of yoga. There are now as many methods and methodologies of doing yoga as there are yoga teachers. So the question becomes why do you do it. Is it strength training, flexibility, endurance, to check out the cute girls (why I, a greater connection with self, the universe, others, or some other reason all together. So the greater question is do you do yoga for the physical benefits (which there are many) or the spiritual benefits (which are innumerable) or is it just a way of life? Often the physical benefits open people up to the legalistic alignment based ideas of yoga where the spiritual side allows people to become lovers of practice and the world around them. So choose what is your goal with yoga and how do you express your life to others.

What is the Point of Yoga Anyway?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Lifestyle

“In Costa Rica, My Allergies Have Disappeared…”

I currently live in Cincinnati, OH one of the allergen capitals of the United States. With the crazy weather this year I have been struggling with sinus issues for the last several weeks. However, I have also noticed the same thing down in Costa Rica all my allergy issues disappear. The fresh air and the freedom from the pollutants makes me feel better all the way around. This is just another benefit of the beautiful rich coast. So check out this article and sign up for your trip:

"In Costa Rica, My Allergies Have Disappeared..."

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

What Does 300 Calories Really Look Like?

We often look at a meal and think we are trying to make healthy choices but we really have no idea how much we are eating. This is why portion control can be so helpful. We are a culture that has went from having very little to eat to a culture that eats to excess. However, when we had little to eat it was nutritious whole foods not we have empty calorie food that is devoid of nutrition. So here is a great pictorial view of what 300 calories look like in our food today. Check it out and see where you are.

What Does 300 Calories Look Like?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Food

Running For Haters

When I decided to make the move towards retirement from an active professional MMA fighting career I needed something to continue to motivate me to train. I had become bored with the constant grind of conditioning drills and technical training sessions. So I thought what do I hate more than anything.....running. So of course I signed up for the 10k in the Flying Pig for my first race. I trained for a few weeks and then ran the race. I had a goal to finish in under an hour and a personal goal to finish under 50 mins. I finished that first race in 49:21. I found that running was very freeing. The open spaces and being able to pass people and finish well satisfied my need for competition. I was hooked. I compete in my first Spartan Race next month in Indianapolis and I am seriously excited about it. So check out this article and get on the road.

Running For Haters

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Running

The Power of Failing

One thing we are all experts at is failing. Everyone fails. It is how we learn from that failure that makes us successful. The most successful people have failed over and over. The trick is not to give up and keep pushing forward in spite of failure. If we can understand that failure is just a teaching moment and passing. We can then derive the most benefit from it and continue to grow into the success that is meant for us. Here is a great article that will break it down for you.

The Power of Failing

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, March 17, 2014

10 Characters You May Encounter in Yoga Class.

There are all kinds of people that attend yoga class for various reasons. However, you are assured to always meet some interesting people if you stay around for long enough. I have grown to love the acceptance and warmth of most people within the yoga community, but have also felt the elitism of some yoga students. Check out this list, it will make you laugh and you may even find yourself on this list.

10 Characters You May Encounter in Yoga Class

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Characters

The Most Memorable Costa Rica Attractions & Things to Do

When you come to the rich coast there are so many things to do and see that it becomes hard to pick the beauty that you want to see. The great thing is that you almost can't go wrong. It proves to always be an amazing, transformational journey into a land of great beauty. Here are some great ideas on where you can get started on your journey. When you are ready book your stay here:

The Most Memorable Costa Rica Attractions and Things to Do

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

15 Tips to Restart the Exercise Habit (and How to Keep It)

Now that we are in mid March almost all of the new year resolution fitness people have left the gym and have gotten themselves involved in other activities. So this is a perfect time to get rededicated and hit the gym on a program that can last. Summertime is coming quick and we all want to look good in our bathing suit, so now is the time to get back at it. Here are some great tips to help you develop the habit of fitness.

15 Tips to Restart the Exercise Habit (and How to Keep It)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout

20 Worst Restaurant Meals

Here is one of the reasons why the standard American diet is so bad for us. We often find out that our favorite meals and those that are easiest to access are so bad for our overall health. Here are 20 of the worst meals that you can get, all of them will look familiar and people shovel them in their mouths by the truck full daily. When we understand the nutrition there is no surprise why obesity is on the rise around the world.

20 Worst Restaurant Meals

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Food #Nutrition

Yes, But Who Said They'd Actually BUY the Damn Thing?

No matter how many test groups you run all of us in business face this dilemma. Does anyone really want the product you are selling? We often make the mistake of believing that if our circle of friends need it everyone does. This is one of the main reasons why businesses fail. Even in my own business I have had hundreds of people say they love the idea and want to go as soon as I get it open. Now that I have the dates set and am ready to go few of those people are calling and booking their trip. We need to understand that this is a cost of business and it will force you to look for different options for marketing harder and longer than you ever thought possible to build a brand that will last and continue to grow. So here is a great article that will give you even more information on this subject.

Yes, But Who Said They'd Actually BUY The Damn Thing?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur