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Monday, June 30, 2014

27 Tips for Mastering Anything

Human Beings are amazing creatures. We can do the most despicable things as well as create the most beautiful works of art imaginable. We can grow and learn how to do just about anything given enough time. I have made many mistakes in my life and a few of those cost me a high level of education. I currently only have my associate degree, but I have continued to make my life about self study and I have continued to read and amass information, as well as obtain mentors in my chosen fields to guide me. This education has been far more effective than any class in the educational arena. Where it doesn't help me in the world of mainstream work, it does catapult me into the realm of entrepreneurship. So check out this article and find out how you can learn just about anything.

27 Tips for Mastering Anything

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #SelfImprovement #GetBetter

9 Ways To Add More Adventure To Your Weekday

Here is a great article to get the most out of your summer. We can't all get away but we can all enjoy some adventure right where we are. I have always been a pretty adventurous guy, I can turn a hike in the woods into walking through the forest of Lord of the Rings. Sometimes all it takes is a great imagination. So find your next adventure and enjoy the rest of this great summer.

9 Ways to Add More Adventure to Your Weekday

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Can We Eat To Starve Cancer? The Diet To Keep Cancer Away

There are many great studies going on in regards to cancer. The best and most interesting to me is the idea that cancer is largely a dietary issue and can be controlled and eliminated by dietary choices. If you read the book The China Study, you will find the clear correlation between some forms of cancer and the amount of animal protein ingested by people. You will also notice that specifically the effect of casein (cow milk) protein on the body. The scary thing is that it is in everything, even things that are considered to have no dairy in them. So be careful and read your labels. Check out this great article for some more current info.

Can We Eat to Starve Cancer? The Diet to Keep Cancer Away

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Cancer

The Surprising Secret to Get Adults Moving

I often struggle to understand what motivates people to action. Most people are the complete opposite of myself. I am very self motivated and am highly efficient at what I am working towards. So I need little motivation. Most people need lots of motivation and you have to get creative to get them moving. This article will show you one of the unlikely ways that they found that get people to move. I wonder if you could use this idea and adapt it to other forms of motivation. Who is willing to take this on as a case study. Post your findings here.

The Surprising Secret to Get Adults Moving

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Adults

10 Newest Ways to Make Money Online

The internet has changed the landscape of business and has really made it available to everyone. If you can be creative and find a way to reach your target market the possibilities are absolutely limitless. So here are some great ideas to make some money online. Take these and expand on them to create new and exciting ways to meet the needs of the people in your network. Check it out.

10 Newest Ways to Make Money Online

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

12 Signs You’re “That Guy” At The Gym

The Difference between a Businessman and Entrepreneur

Contemporary Styles of Yoga

Sunday, June 29, 2014

10 Amazing Active Vacation Destinations

Here's How a Nutritionist Eats

3 Ways My Yoga Practice Has Changed My Life

Yoga can and has been life changing for many people. I know personally it has changed my life. It has made me more balanced and accepting to other people. It has helped me to connect to a community of people that are encouraging, loving, and seeking the best for the world around them. I actually have my yoga story on my, so sign up for my two free reports My Journey Into Yoga and 5 Ways to Optimize Your Training. Share your story here, what has yoga done for you. It is so important that we see the beauty that yoga has brought into our lives.

3 Ways My Yoga Practice Has Changed My Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #LifeChange

30 of the World's Best National Parks

If you like to get out in nature here are some of the best places in the world to do it. You will see beautiful sights and enjoy the best nature has to offer. One of the parks is in Costa Rica I have yet to make it to this park, but I look forward to visiting it. I know the wonders that I saw at Chirripo National Park and Manuel Antonio National Park. Nature has so much to offer and often it is free. Check out these places and let me know how many you have made it to.

30 of the World's Best National Parks

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

What Does 100 Calories Look Like?

I know that we can always get those 100 calorie bars or 100 calorie packs, but here is what 100 calories of real food looks like. You will find that you can get much more from fruit and vegetables than you can get from anything processes or animal product. So if you are looking to stay healthy and eat more food to fill you up on your diet, while cutting the calories stock up on those fruits and veggies.

What Does 100 Calories Look Like?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Healthy #Nutrition

How Fit Are You? 3 Simple Tests to Find Out

Here are three great tests that can show you your overall fitness. We often get caught up in sport specific fitness and if we are in good condition for a specific sport, but if we are not professional athletes in that sport we only need all round fitness to be healthy and functional. So check out this very functional fitness test and see how far along you are to meeting your goals.

How Fit Are You? 3 Simple Tests to Find Out

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #FitTest

What We Can Learn From Successful Entrepreneurs

This is a great article. I can completely identify with many of these entrepreneurs. I am currently right in that place where I have little marketing budget, I am struggling to get my idea out to the customers that can use our services, and I often struggle with the fear. However, this information gives me hope, knowing that my situation is common and many successful entrepreneurs have been here and just had to wait it out and keep pressing forward until they hit their groove. So take heart you are not alone and there are people out there willing to help, so just ask and connect.

What We Can Learn From Successful Entrepreneurs

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, June 26, 2014

What Can Yoga Asanas Do For Skeletal Alignment?

Yoga helps with every area of the body and can help promote better skeletal alignment. We all get what we want out of yoga. Whether it is more flexibility, skeletal alignment, a spiritual connection, chakra alignment, or restorative method yoga is for everyone. Check out this article to find out more about this subject.

What Can Yoga Asanas Do For Skeletal Alignment?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Skeleton

How Two Little Girls Saved the Rainforest of Costa Rica

Here is an amazing story of two inspiring girls that took it on as their mission to do all they can to save the rainforest. This story has turned into a organiztion called Kids Saving the Rainforest and is based in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. At Warrior Vacations we are only 25 mins from their location and will be able to visit their sanctuary any one of the days you are there for your vacation. You will be able to see firsthand the monkey bridges that these kids have put together to keep the animals safe from the growing population and the developments of modern society. So check out this story and go to to get your adventure on the calendar.

How Two Little Girl's Saved the Rainforest of Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel #AmazingStory

Vitamins and What They Do

We are always talking about the fact that we need to get a healthy balance of vitamins and nutrients to be healthy, but often we don't know what those vitamins actually do. We tend to have a vague idea that we need these things but don't really know why. Here is a great guide that tells you exactly what these vitamins are for. Check it out and get healthier.

Vitamins and What They Do

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

MMA Metabolic Resistance Workout

MMA athletes are some of the most well conditioned and toughest athletes on the planet. As a retired professional MMA fighter myself, I know the methodologies for training. I know that they are wide and varied, but the best athletes have learned to use combat conditioning rather than weight training to get maximum benefits. These athletes do circuit style training with high intensity to be able to withstand the rigors of fighting in the cage. That high intensity training combined with endless hours of technical training fine tunes the athlete to dominate the opponent and withstand anything the sport has to offer. So check out this workout and start getting in fighting shape.

MMA Metabolic Resistance Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #MMA

24 Easy Ways To Make Money On The Internet

We live in a whole new world. We are a global community and things are just getting started. We continue to find new and untapped ways to make money online. At this time the market is literally wide open and is left to the imagination. The things that we will see over the next 20 years will blow our minds. The trick is to be one of the internet entrepreneurs that is setting the trend and developing new products and methods. So check out some of these methods and get your ideas in line. Then go and implement them, who knows where we will all be in the years to come.

24 Easy Ways to Make Money on the Internet

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

MMA Getaway? Warrior Vacations Hopes to Create a Niche

Here is our article on they are the industry leader, when it comes to sharing new trends in the MMA community. So check it out send us your dates and get ready to go on your Warrior Vacation. Oh yeah be on the lookout for an announcement about an MMA Fantasy Training Camp in early 2015.

MMA Getaway? Warrior Vacations Hopes to Create a Niche

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Yoga for Teachers: 50 Great Tips and Techniques for Yourself and Your Students

We, as yoga teachers, are always searching for ways to help our students experience a better practice and have a deeper practice ourselves. This often means that we need to get out of our comfort zones and learn some other forms of yoga and methodologies for teaching. I am not your traditional yoga teacher, but I love the spirituality and intention behind yoga, so I have great respect for everyone in the yoga community. So check out these tips and be the best yoga teacher you can be. At the core it is all about living a healthy, happy, holistic life. Everything else is just what fills up that time.

Yoga for Teachers: 50 Great Tips and Techniques for Yourself and Your Students

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Tips

How To Fund Your Travels By Working 5 Months A Year

Here is something that I am trying to achieve. I love travel. I love experiencing different cultures and different people. So the more time I can spend traveling, not just for relaxation, for adventure and growth the better more well rounded person I will become. This increases my sphere of influence and allows me to help people all over the world. This is the best thing that can happen in this global community that we now have. Why waste such a precious gift that we have been given and not expand our minds and enlarge our territory. So check out this article and see how they have done it and then start your own adventue.

How to Fund Your Travels by Working 5 Months a Year

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

The Best Things to Buy at Whole Foods for Better Value

No matter what you believe and how you feel about the company, no one can deny that Whole Foods has brought a food revolution to our country. They have brought healthy foods and nutrition to the forefront of the public culture. We also all know that this can be pretty expensive. So here is an article to help you navigate the expenses and get the best value for your buck at the most forward thinking grocery store out there. Check it out.

The Best Things to Buy at Whole Foods for Better Value

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Healthy #Nutrition

Overcoming The 4 Excuses That Keep You From Exercising

This article gives you the 4 main excuses that keep most people from working out. However, we can find millions of reasons to get out of working out. It is amazing the excuses that people come up with for not staying healthy. The one thing that I have to remember as a trainer and supporter of a healthy lifestyle is that fitness is a personal decision and the only person who is going to pay for that decision is that person who is unwilling to put in the proper time. I keep working out regardless of who is around because I know the impact staying active has on my life. I refuse to stay sick and incapacitated because of choices that I can control. If I can control it I choose health and happiness. What is your choice? List some of the crazy excuses you have heard or made here....

Overcoming the 4 Excuses That Keep You From Exercising

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Exercise

The Gift of Time

The one thing that we are all bound by is this: TIME. There is not one of us that can escape it. It changes everything. We go from the youthfulness of childhood to the wisdom of the elderly. Time can be too fast, too slow, and everything in between. We often have too little time and if you are like me you have learned how to create time. No this doesn't mean that you make more hours in the day, however it does mean that you shift things around, prioritize, and focus on the things that will maximize the effort that you put forth and make the most out of your day. So check out this article that highlights the issue of time.

The Gift of Time

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, June 23, 2014

A Backbend Sequence For Anyone Who Sits All Day

Many of us sit at a desk all day and wonder why we have back pain. We were meant to be mobile creatures. When we were kids we never had back issues, because we were constantly running and jumping. We used what we had and therefore it was more mobile and pain free. We need to continue to find ways to keep ourselves moving and we will find that our pain will lessen significantly. So check out this article and get moving.

A Backbend Sequence For Anyone Who Sits All Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Back

The New Wellness Movement: 6 Places That Will Make You Feel Amazing

In the wellness community there is a rush on finding vacation places that will not only help you to relax but will also allow you to feel amazing. This kind of holistic vacation is exactly what we are aiming for with Warrior Vacations. We want to help you find your fitness and yoga to develop your body, then help you center your mind, cleanse your body with organic foods, and provide thai massage and reiki to balance your energy. Check us out at and get ready to feel amazing.

The New Wellness Movement: 6 Places That Will Make You Feel Amazing

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

10 Easily Digestible Foods + 5 Difficult Ones

Are you having some difficulty with the foods that you eat? Do you need to digest them better? Here is an article about some of the most easily digestible foods to eat. So check them out and make your belly feel better.

10 Easily Digestible Foods + 5 Difficult Ones

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Healthy #Foods

Home workout to get a Sexy Butt.

Here is a great workout to really workout those glutes. So if you want to look sexy this summer and rock that bikini check out this workout.

Home Workout to Get a Sexy Butt

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout #GreatButt

Build Your Twitter Brand in 60 Days

This is an article that I really need to read as well. I have been able to really work most of the social media that I use, but the one that really confounds me is Twitter. I use it daily but I am still unsure on how to best reach people with it. No to mention I refuse to buy follower, just to seem like I have people. I am looking to build a real brand and expand my business to people that are really interested in a great vacation. So check out this article with me and let us take this journey together. Follow me and I will follow you back.

Build Your Twitter Brand in 60 Days

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

5 of the best beaches in South America

17 Uses for Pickle Juice

(Image) Bruce Lee’s 7 Fundamentals for Getting Your Life in Shape

Are You a Small-Business Owner or an Entrepreneur? The Difference Is Important.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Friday, June 20, 2014

Yoga: variations on some traditional poses that allow the body to MOVE

Check out this video and see some great ways to take your traditional poses and learn how to make them flow. I have really been getting into flow work and enjoying the way that it helps me to integrate my yoga practice into my sports performance. So check it out and get your flow on.

Yoga: Variations on Some Traditional Poses That Allow the Body to MOVE

 #WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Variations

10 Best Treks in the World

If you like to get out into nature this is the article for you. I love to get out in the elements and see what beauty the planet has for me. It is very grounding and energizing to get out and see what nature holds. Here are 10 of the best places to get out and see that beauty. Check it out and start checking it off your list.

10 Best Treks in the World

 #WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel #Trekking