I know I wear workout clothes everyday. It comes with the territory of not only being a fitness professional but also a fitness enthusiast. One thing I notice is that some of my shirts, as much as I like dri-fit, smell after I have worn them for a while. No matter how many times I wash them or what I was them with. As soon as I put them back on and start to sweat in them, the odor comes back. This article will give you some insight into why this happens and what you can do about it. Do you trade smell for comfort, only you can decide. Really, who cares everyone is sweaty and stinky anyway. Learn to love it ;)
The Gym Shirt That Makes You Stinky
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Stinky
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Difficulties Shopping in Tamarindo, Costa Rica
This article is about Tamarindo, a little beach town in Costa Rica. However, I have felt the same way about several places that I spent time in the country. The diversity and culture just permeates everything. The local art, clothing, jewelry, and souvenirs are plentiful. I loved being in La Fortuna, a little town just at the foot of Arenal Volcano, and all of their shops, restaurants, and markets. One of the closest places to Warrior Vacations in Isla Palo Seco is Manuel Antonio. It is a beautiful mountain side rain forest, and beach. Along the beach and on the side of the mountain there are tons of restaurants, hotels, and shops that can meet all your needs for shopping. It is quiet an amazing place. So check out this article and get ready for some unique things when you make your trip to the "Rich Coast."
Difficulties Shopping in Tamarindo, Costa Rica
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation
Difficulties Shopping in Tamarindo, Costa Rica
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation
Is organic food better for you? Nutrition, anti-oxidants & new research
This is the real question when it comes to organic or not. Does it have any real health benefits? One of the difficulties that we face is that many of these benefits are not immediate. Sure you feel better and have more energy because the foods are more bio-available, but most people are hopped up on all kinds of stimulants that mask those kinds of results anyway. We live in a fast food, microwave culture, who rarely look past the next 5 minutes. And we want them to think about what their life could be 30 years from now. Sure there are studies that show that with organic food it lowers the risk of disease and helps your body to heal itself, but those results are far off and people just refuse to look ahead. It can be a challenge but as this article states there is more and more information out there that points to the benefits. People must decide that they are concerned about their health long before they will be willing to spend any extra money on things that might actually be healthy for them. So give them the info that they need them help them to make smart choices. Start by checking out this article.
Is Organic Food Better for You? Nutrition, Anti-Oxidants & New Research
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #organic
Is Organic Food Better for You? Nutrition, Anti-Oxidants & New Research
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #organic
Better Yourself by Understanding Why You Don't Like Certain People
We often see in other people the things in ourselves that we either like or don't like. We are attracted to people who we are most like. This is why the law of attraction is so important and why keeping positive people around you is so good for success. However, learning why people instantly frustrate you is just as important. This will teach you how to deal with so many things in your life. Sometimes it will help you to change your own attitude, other times it will help you know what you need to stay away from. So check out this article to find out more. Know yourself.
Better Yourself by Understanding Why You Don't Like Certain People
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur
Better Yourself by Understanding Why You Don't Like Certain People
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur
Monday, September 29, 2014
17 things you learn on your first road trip
I have always learned something about myself from my travels. This is one of the reasons I love to travel it is always an enlightening experience. So check out this article and match it up with things that you have learned.
17 Things You Learn on Your First Road Trip
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

17 Things You Learn on Your First Road Trip
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

6 Reasons You Should Stop Obsessing Over Alignment in Yoga Class
This is one of the biggest failures of Yoga in America. We have made yoga into something that it was never meant to be. We tell people that if you were only flexible enough you could look just like the girls on the cover of Yoga Journal. This continues to feed into our image driven culture and doesn't do what yoga was intended to do: free you physically, mentally, and spiritually. We then become enslaved to the idea that I have to look a certain way, I have to pose a certain way, I need to flow a certain way, I need to meditate a certain amount, or I need to fit into a certain brand of yoga pants. We need to realize that we are all individuals and yoga is for everyone. It is all about better and optimal health. Yoga is only a vehicle for achieving this. Be who you are and allow the practice to shape you into the healthiest person you can be, whatever that looks like.
6 Reasons You Should Stop Obsessing Over Alignment in Yoga Class
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #TheRightWay

6 Reasons You Should Stop Obsessing Over Alignment in Yoga Class
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #TheRightWay

Here is a great no nonsense article on the animal and plant protein. If you want to know which is better for you this is a great place to start. So check it out and make your decision for your own optimal health.
Animal vs. Plant Protein - What's Better?
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #ProteinSources

Animal vs. Plant Protein - What's Better?
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #ProteinSources

15 Ways to Exercise in Under 5 Minutes
Exercise is more about intensity rather than length. We don't have to exercise for 3 hours at a time to be fit and healthy. We can do a few simple exercises at full intensity and get just as much benefit as an hour at the gym. It is all about how willing you are to up your intensity. There have been programs like insanity and the new p90x3 that have proven that you can get intense results in less time. Just get your body moving at a high intensity level. Check out this article and get in shape.
15 Ways to Exercise in Under Minutes
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #GetItDone

15 Ways to Exercise in Under Minutes
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #GetItDone

Billionaire Peter Thiel Explains Why You Should Follow Your Passion Instead Of Going To College
As our culture depends more and more on degrees and higher education we have this idea that college is our salvation. This dependance on higher education to be the qualifier of intelligence and ability couldn't be further from the truth. As more and more colleges crop up to make money off students and families the educational component is watered down. Yes, college is a business and it makes money, lot's of money. It keeps people in debt and keeps them bound to being employees. I am not saying that there isn't a place for it. Many people are simply not entrepreneurs and need to get the best education that they can get. However, there are those of us that have the desire and willpower to learn from life rather than school. The education from life experience is always so much more instructive and beneficial than someone spoon feeding you material that you don't truly care about. So check out what Peter Thiel says about the subject and let me know your thoughts.
Billionaire Peter Thiel Explains Why You Should Follow Your Passion Instead of Going to College
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Billionaire Peter Thiel Explains Why You Should Follow Your Passion Instead of Going to College
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Sunday, September 28, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Get your yoga on for any position: standing, sitting, laying, etc. This article will give you some basic standing yoga poses, check them out.
Standing Yoga Poses
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #Standing

Standing Yoga Poses
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #Standing

3 Places You Can See Abundant Sea Turtles
When I was in Costa Rica I went to Sierpe and took a snorkeling trip off Cano Island. While I was in the boat on the way to the island I saw lots of amazing things. I saw several humpback whales and had a baby performing for us in the distance. I also saw the largest sea turtle I had every seen. It was ever bit as big as a Voltswagon Beetle. It was absolutely astounding to see this huge creature in its natural habitat swimming arms reach of our boat. It was amazing. Also on our island at Warrior Vacations we have a section of the beach that is protected for the sea turtles to come and lay their eggs. What a gorgeous place to be. Check out this article and come down and see us, start at www.WarriorVacations.com
3 Places You Can See Abundant Sea Turtles
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

3 Places You Can See Abundant Sea Turtles
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

10 health benefits of cucumbers
I love fresh cucumbers right from the garden. I like to put them in my salad, slice them for a sandwich, or even just with a little salt. They also have some great health benefits, see this article and find out how beneficial they can be.
10 Health Benefits of Cucumbers
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy

10 Health Benefits of Cucumbers
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy

How Fit Are You? Test Yourself with These 6 Exercises
How fit do you think you are? Here are some exercises that will show you exactly how good shape you are in. The only thing you need to do is be honest with yourself and give it an honest effort. So get yourself moving and see where you are in your fitness quest.
How Fit Are You? Test Yourself with These 6 Exercises
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Test

How Fit Are You? Test Yourself with These 6 Exercises
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Test

The 1 Email That Every Salesperson Must Master
Now that 15 to 20 percent of all business is done online if we fail to see the power of email marketing we are missing out on a huge segment of business. As the the trends continue to turn towards online shopping, people who are not willing to change with the times will be left behind. So master that sales letter and prepare yourself for online business. Check out this article and get a crash course.
The 1 Email That Every Salesperson Must Master
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

The 1 Email That Every Salesperson Must Master
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, September 25, 2014
This Is Your Body On Meditation (Infographic)
What happens to your body during meditation? Does it have an effect? Can it change you physically, as well as mentally and spiritually? These are all questions that we can answer. This is how meditation changes people's lives and helps them to be a better person, inside and out. Check it out.
This is Your Body on Meditation
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Meditation #YourBody

This is Your Body on Meditation
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Meditation #YourBody

10 Things I've Learned from 6 Months of Traveling with My Kids
There aren't many good memories from my childhood, but the good ones I do have were all from vacation. I loved traveling with my family. My dad always planned everything out a year a head of time. We would go for two weeks and the first week was always in Florida. The second week we would make several stops on the way back to the Philadelphia area, stopping at numerous tourist attractions all over the eastern half of the country. I loved going to caves and seeing some oddities on the side of the road. It was a magical time that I looked forward to all year. I have not yet been able to do that with my own family but I am looking forward to doing just that. I want to share with them the magic of my own childhood and give them some great memories. Check out this article and find out another vacation story.
10 Things I've Learned from 6 Months of Traveling with My Kids
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation #Kids

10 Things I've Learned from 6 Months of Traveling with My Kids
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation #Kids

Vitamin Needs of Athletes
As people we all have needs for vitamins. We live in a culture that is significantly nutrient deficient, many of the foods that we eat are completely devoid of nutrition. This is one of the main reasons that we remain so sick and diseases run rampant in our age. I always get scared when I read labels and it says fortified, that means that they have taken all the nutrients out of the food and are trying to add them back in. Does that sound healthy to you? We now see the effects of years of bad food, it is all around us. So for athletes, we have an even greater need for quality nutrition and vitamins to fuel our bodies for optimum efficiency. Check out this article that outlines some of the needs that we have. If you need more nutrition advice or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me. I can tell you how to get the healthiest meal of the day.
Vitamin Needs of Athletes
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Vitamins

Vitamin Needs of Athletes
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Vitamins

10 motivational quotes (with images) for a healthier lifestyle
We all need some extra motivation sometimes. It is so much easier just to sit on the couch and stuff your face full of junk. But, we are motivated people and even in the low times it's just that little bit of motivation that can keep us going. I don't know how many times I have not wanted to even start a workout and forced myself to do it. EVERY SINGLE TIME, I feel phenomenal afterwards. Thai is what keeps me coming back time and time again. I know that if I stop I will then feel worse about myself because then I get down because I didn't do what I know is good for me. How many of you experience that same thing? Do you push through? Let me know if you need some more accountability, I also run online fitness challenges that provide just that. Check it out.
10 Motivational Quotes (with images) for a Healthier Lifestyle
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Motivation

10 Motivational Quotes (with images) for a Healthier Lifestyle
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Motivation

5 Quotes From Billionaire Mark Cuban That Will Inspire You To Work Your Ass Off
Mark Cuban, sometimes controversial, but undoubtedly successful has continued to make waves in business. These are the people that we can continue to learn from as we walk our paths to success. Often they were where we are and have faced the struggles and have come through stronger than before. They are aware of the ups and downs, the highs and lows. So take some inspiration from Mark, who has had more than his share of battles, and push forward to your success.
5 Quotes from Billionaire Mark Cuban that Will Inspire You to Work Your Ass Off
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

5 Quotes from Billionaire Mark Cuban that Will Inspire You to Work Your Ass Off
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
How to Start Yoga Practice
I talked to a friend yesterday who made some comments about yoga. She has taken a few yoga classes but she said she was turned off because "people aren't meant to bend that way". She has young children and I reminded her that kids bend that way all the time. She replied by telling me that kids are just developing and they have pliable bones. I told her that there is truth to that, but it is more about movement and keeping in motion than it is about pliable bones. The reason why we are so stiff as people and lose range of motion is because of lack of movement. We can be just like kids again if we take care of our bodies and keep in motion. This is where yoga comes in. We don't need to do all those crazy poses and may never be able to touch our feet to the top of our head (this is impractical btw). However, we can have the same looseness and health that we had when we were kids. So here is an article to get us started on the path to better health and feeling like a kid again. Move the way you play.
How to Start a Yoga Practice
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #GetStarted

How to Start a Yoga Practice
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #GetStarted

Vegan, gluten-free? Safe, tasty trip tips
I am vegan and I am always trying to plan my trips so I can continue to keep to my healthy lifestyle. This can often be a challenge because in many parts of the world people are uneducated about what Veganism is. So I always make sure that I can find restaurants that are vegetarian or vegan friendly. I regularly use my Happy Cow app on my phone. The other thing I always make sure I do on vacation is to not be super strict. If there happens to be a piece of cheese that makes it onto my plate I am not going to freak out. However, I also know some people, because of allergies, cannot be so lax. So here is a guide to find some of those more vegan friendly locations. Also just an FYI both owners of Warrior Vacations are vegan and chefs, so all of our vacation packages are organic and can be vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free. Check us out at www.WarriorVacations.com.
Vegan, gluten-free? Safe, Tasty Trip Tips
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel #Vegan

Vegan, gluten-free? Safe, Tasty Trip Tips
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel #Vegan

Did America Get Fat by Drinking Diet Soda?
It may not be diet soda alone, but this is definitely a case of false advertising. How many fit people do you know that drink diet soda on a regular basis? Very few, mostly I see obese people that have been addicted to diet soda and continue to drink it even though they see no results. They often do it just because it says diet on the label. The problem is, they don't realize the dangers that the ingredients provide. So check out this article and find out more about that "diet" soda and do your best to stay away.
Did America Get Fat by Drinking Diet Soda?
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #DietSoda

Did America Get Fat by Drinking Diet Soda?
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #DietSoda

6 Most Important Attributes to Look for in a Fitness Trainer
Just yesterday I had a conversation with a coworker about a personal trainer that she is working with. She mentioned that she got roped into a contract with a large gym and now has personal training for the next 6 months. She is less than a month in and she already hates it and is bored. She mentioned that the trainer seems bored and so is she. She wants to do something more dynamic than doing a circuit on machines, so that it stays interesting. This is where you have to develop a relationship with your clients and find out what it is that they like and what keeps them motivated. So this article is for both fitness seekers and fitpros. We need to be conscious to see what clients are looking for, so we can provide the best service possible. Check it out.
6 Most Important Attributes to Look for in a Fitness Trainer
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Fitpro

6 Most Important Attributes to Look for in a Fitness Trainer
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Fitpro

Marketing Your Business Online: Fundamentals
As our lives become more and more about being online, we shift to an online marketplace. Currently 15-20% of all business is being done online. This is a huge market to tap into. If we are missing it or refuse to take part we will be left behind the growing trend. The brink and mortar store is failing, as people choose convenience over traditional shopping. So how can we use this to our advantage. I know I have struggled with making this transition myself, but I see the trend and want to stay ahead of the curve. So here is a guide to help you understand the basics and make your online business successful. Check out mine at www.WarriorVacations.com.
Marketing Your Business Online: Fundamentals
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Marketing Your Business Online: Fundamentals
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Sometimes its just good to get filthy. Check out these places, so famous and some not so famous, but all filthy. Then list some of the filthiest places that you have been.
The 30 Filthiest Tourist Attractions on the Planet
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The 30 Filthiest Tourist Attractions on the Planet
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The Truth About Sweeteners
How many of you get headaches when you take in sugar substitutes? I know every time I ingest some aspartame I get a chronic headache. I never get any headaches otherwise, but since I often take supplements to train I don't always check my labels (I know, bad Jeff) and I end up paying for it for the rest of the day. However, these sugar substitutes can do far worse things to you. Check out this article and find out what.
The Truth About Sweeteners
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Sweeteners
The Truth About Sweeteners
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Sweeteners

The only sure way to lose weight and to keep it off is to boost that metabolism. You can't starve the weight away and expect to keep it off. Or workout 5 hours a day (who can keep that up) for any length of time. To keep it off you need to turn your body into a constant fat burning machine. This is how our bodies function optimally and not only will you feel better, you will look better too. So check out these simple ways to get your engine going.
5 Simple Steps to Rev Up Your Metabolism
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Metabolism

5 Simple Steps to Rev Up Your Metabolism
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Metabolism

8 Ways to Instantly Increase Your Confidence
In business and in life, one thing that we all need is confidence. If we are going to get that next sale or if we are going to get the girl that we want, we need that confidence. It helps us to do the seemingly impossible and press on to bigger and better things. I tend to be a networking whore, my confidence allows me to talk to anyone and helps me further along my business. I am always spreading Warrior Vacations because you just never know how and when that break will come along. So here are some simple ways to boost your confidence. Check it out.
8 Ways to Instantly Increase Your Confidence
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

8 Ways to Instantly Increase Your Confidence
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, September 22, 2014
8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life
We all live fast paced lives and they continue to get faster and more busy. I know myself and I run two businesses, personal train, and work a 40 hour a week job. I am constantly running from one thing to the next and back and forth. There are times when I just need to stop and refresh. I need some me time to refocus my efforts and step outside the box and gain some more perspective on my life. This is what meditation provides for me. It is that escape and recharging that allows me to find that continued success in my life. It often becomes that time of impartiality that helps me evaluate what I have been doing and look at it from another angle. It is a time of grounding and getting back to the essence of things. So check out this article and see how meditation can benefit you.
8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Meditation #Improvement

8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Meditation #Improvement

The 2014 Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the World
Here is a list that may help you pick your next travel destination. We all want to go to a place where we feel warm and welcomed. Where people appreciate that we have come to enjoy their city and explore it. This is one of the things that impressed me about Costa Rica, the people were intensely interested in the fact that you would want to come and enjoy paradise with them and they were glad that you were there. It completely changes the who vacation experience, when you can feel that friendliness. It can also destroy a vacation when people are rude to you. So check out the cities you should be going to and which ones to avoid.
The 2014 Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the World
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The 2014 Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the World
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The Myth of Protein Deficiency
As a vegan this is the one question I get all the time. I have been a vegan and a professional athlete for over 5 years. There has been a myth that you can only get protein from meat and meat products for centuries. The scary thing is that most people know so little about nutrition that they still believe this, even though gorillas, who are primarily vegetarian, are some of the largest and strongest mammals in the world. Not only do people believe this, we also live in a culture that has been saturated with protein overload. With the rise of bodybuilding and the focus on image, people have believed that we need 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to build muscle. This is completely untrue. If we continue to overload our bodies with this kind of protein we will find that later in life many protein related disease and abnormalities will develop. As a vegan protein is not the problem. The problem is education on both sides. You can be extremely unhealthy on both sides of the coin because of the lack of knowledge about basic nutrition. So get to know your food and your body to live an optimal life.
The Myth of Protein Deficiency
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Protein #Veganism

The Myth of Protein Deficiency
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Protein #Veganism

Fitness 101: How to Lessen Post-workout Muscle Soreness?
Have you ever got up the next morning after a great workout and barely been able to walk up or down the steps? Have you ever struggled to even get dressed because your muscles were so sore? Many people struggle with that post workout soreness and often it can keep them from even completing a workout. I have never had a problem with being sore and rarely, if ever feel soreness in my body after a workout. However, there are ways to combat this type of soreness if it is one of the things that can be debilitating to you after working out. Check out this article and find out how to relieve and prevent some of this, so you can get in your best workouts ever.
Fitness 101: How to Lessen Post-workout Muscle Soreness
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Soreness

Fitness 101: How to Lessen Post-workout Muscle Soreness
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Soreness

10 Mantras for Success!
There are many components to having success in your career or business. All of them are integral in helping you to achieve the results that you desire. None of those are more important or more pivotal than positivity. I have several friends who have great ideas, but are so negative that they simply cannot and refuse to seek out the opportunity as it presents itself. They constantly get in their own way of success because they are always second guessing everything. Even worse than that they continually tell themselves that nothing ever goes their way, so they live lives of constant disappointment. It really is a shame that they choose to live this way rather than seeing the beauty that life has to offer them. So here are some things that you can say to yourself that will help you to become more positive and embrace the success that you have coming to you.
10 Mantras for Success!
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

10 Mantras for Success!
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Difference Between Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga
Often when we look at yoga from the outside we see many different forms that all look very similar. This is true about many things. Martial Arts is very much like this. There are many different arts that do a round kick, all from different perspectives and with different influences. This is the same with yoga. Check out Astanga and Hatha Yoga, they are two of the most common forms that we use in the west and we often have very little understanding of where they come from.
Difference Between Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #Differences

Difference Between Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #Differences

America's best specialty food festivals
If there is one thing that we love in America its our food. We have amazing regional cuisines and all over the country we have food festivals to celebrate our love of food. So here are some of the most famous that you can plan on going to check out.
America's Best Specialty Food Festivals
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #FoodFestivals

America's Best Specialty Food Festivals
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Travel #FoodFestivals

Diets Don't Work: Yo-Yo Dieting
We all know that this is true, we need to do more than just crash diet. It must become a lifestyle change. Over the course of one year only 1% of people who begin a fitness program alone keep the weight off. 10% of people who change their nutrition (diet) alone keep the weight off. But 89% of people who combine fitness, nutrition, and coaching keep the weight off a year later. These stats are simply amazing. So we know what we need to do to see lasting results and the question becomes, why aren't you doing it. Check out this article and find out what happens when you yo-yo diet and then contact me to find out how I can help you get all three: fitness, nutrition, and coaching.
Diets Don't Work: Yo-Yo Dieting
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Dieting

Diets Don't Work: Yo-Yo Dieting
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Nutrition #Dieting

Beginner Runner – First 5k
When most people get started in fitness one of their first goals is to run a 5k. This is a great goal and very achievable. But what does it take to get prepared and be successful with that first run and make sure that it is the first of many. Check out this article and get prepared to be on the road.
Beginner Runner - First 5k
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Running

Beginner Runner - First 5k
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Fitness #Running

The Real Reason Your Lifestyle Business is Failing
We all need to take a realistic look at our businesses. Even when they are successful there is always room for improvement and we are always one step away from failure. So we need to make sure that we are being objective and evaluating the business that we own. Check out this article and see why you are where you are.
The Real Reason Your Lifestyle Business is Failing
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

The Real Reason Your Lifestyle Business is Failing
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, September 18, 2014
5 Tips to become the McGyver of Yoga
Who didn't want to be McGyver? The guy who could take two pieces of wire and a battery and create a car to get out of any situation. He was simply amazing. We can do that in any area of our life by taking enough time to study a situation. Yoga is no different. We often look from the outside and believe it is impossible to do some of the poses and things that yogis do. However, it is just a matter of study and practice. So check out this article and see what you can do to become the McGyver of yoga.
5 Tips to Become the McGyver of Yoga
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #Yogi

5 Tips to Become the McGyver of Yoga
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Yoga #Yogi

26 Unbelievable Places in the World That Really Exist
Where have you gone that has been unbelievable? Have you ever been to a place that has literally taken your breath away? I know that is the way I felt at the foot of Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica. I also felt that way from the summit of Mount Chirripo, just shy of 13,000 feet, in Costa Rica. Those places just made me stand in awe of the beauty of nature. So check out some of these places and list some of the places that you love below and show us some pictures.
26 Unbelievable Places in the World That Really Exist
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

26 Unbelievable Places in the World That Really Exist
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

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