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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Use Yoga Balls and Yoga Straps

There isn't much equipment used in yoga, but there are a few. Here is a great article that will show you how to use some of these very beneficial tools. Check it out.

How to Use Yoga Balls and Yoga Straps

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Equipment

Living and Traveling through Costa Rica

This is one of the most beautiful, friendliest, and happy places on the planet. Why wouldn't it be the country is up and coming, very progressive, and has beaches on all coasts, not to mention it is only the size of Ohio. I have travel to many places within Costa Rica and I have loved the scenery just as much as the people themselves. This is why I started my business there. I am so excited to be able to showcase this beautiful tropical country to all those who choose to expereince it. Check us out at

Living and Traveling Through Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Clean Eating Habits - The Healthy Way To Start The New Year

If you are looking to make a change in the new year look no further than your own diet. Diet is the one thing that really controls everything that you do. It starts with energy levels and also gives you fuel to not only complete the day, but also complete that all important workout. It also helps your body recover from the workout and your everyday life. So it all starts with your diet, you are what you eat. So eat clean and live clean. Check out these tips.

Clean Eating Habits - The Healthy Way to Start the New Year

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy #CleanEating

13 Smart Ways to Boost Workout Intensity

Looking for a way to take your workout to the next level? Here are some great ways to do just that. There comes a time where you start to plateau and you need to up the intensity, but it is not always about just lifting more weight or getting on a different machine. So here are ways you can change up that boring old routine and spice it up so you continue to get the gains that you seek.

13 Smart Ways to Boost Workout Intensity

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Intensity

The 11 Harsh Realities of Being an Entrepreneur

It's not easy to be an entrepreneur. It is often much more challenging that working for someone else. It takes time to build and grow the business that you dream of. Here is an article that will give you a reality check if you are starting your own business and the steps that you will have to overcome if you ever look to be successful in your endeavors. I have had to learn all of these and I am still learning. So prepare yourself and learn your lessons well, so that you can find true success by pushing through all these things.

The 11 Harsh Realities of Being an Entrepreneur

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub

I remember, as a kid, having this stuff rubbed on my chest as I went to bed so I could breathe better when I was congested. Even now I love the smell of vapor rub and it seems to have a calming effect on me. However, it is that time of year and if you are concerned about being moe natural this is how you can make it yourself without all the extra additives that the brand name has in it. Check it out and clear those nasal passages.

How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Natural #ColdRemedy

How to make the most of a road trip

I have been dying to go on a road trip myself and am excited for the new year to begin because I have several trip planned. All of them are business trips but I am still excited to enjoy them. I love seeing the countryside because I know that their is adventure around every corner. So check out this list to make the most of your next road trip.

How to Make the Most of a Road Trip

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The Ultimate Healthy Grocery List When You're Cooking for One

If you want to eat better it all starts at the grocery store. If all you have in your kitchen is junk food you will never change your weating habits and meet those goals that you desire. So here is the ultimate grocery list to get those good foods into your kitchen. Check it out and start out healthy this year.

The Ultimate Healthy Grocery List When You're Cooking for One

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy

12 Most Inspiring Ways to THINK Yourself FIT!

Getting fit is more about the mental process of pushing through the challenge than it is the actual work itself. We can hit it hard but it is our will power that will keep us going to meet the goals that we set for ourselves. This also bleeds into the nutrition realm. You have to be disciplined mentally to achieve those goals, without it you will fall back into medocrity. So make the decision today and kep it going in the new year.

12 Most Inspiring Ways to THINK Yourself FIT!

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Decisons


The time is now! There is no other time to get started on your dreams. Most of us will never get started in anything unless we have constant forward momentum. The way to get that moemtum is to just get started. I know I don't want to get to the end of my life and have regrets. So I am constantly pressing forward and working on making my dreams come true. So start today and make all those dreams a reality.

Start to Chase Your Dream for 2015 Today - Part 1

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sweeter Dreams: 7 Surprising Tips for Better Sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping? Well here are some great tips to help you get some better sleep. We all know that better sleep helps you feel better, build more muscle, lose weight, and have more mental stability. We have also found that it is not all about the amount of sleep that you have but the quality of sleep. If you can get 6 hours of quality sleep it is much better than 9 hours of tossing and turning. So get better sleep and be healthier all around.

Sweeter Dreams: 7 Surprising Tips for Better Sleep

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Sleep #Relax

17 Of The Most Beautiful Travel Destinations Of 2014

Here are some of the most beautiful places of 2014. How many have you visited? Are you ready to get out there and see some of the rest of the world? We all need to gain perspective and travel is one of the best ways to do that. So check out this list and pack your bags, it's time to take flight into adventure.

17 of the Most Beautiful Travel Destinations of 2014

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

I Quit Sugar & Healed My Autoimmune Disease

As we progress and more and more processed foods are dominate in our food supply we find more and more disease in our lives. Whether we want to believe it or not we really are what we eat and the diseases that we suffer from are a direct result from that. Yes, there are elements of hereditatary predisposition but these can be staved off by a healthy diet and control. The problem is that our diets are out of control and instead of eating to live we live to eat. This shows in our waist line and our doctors bills. So check out this article and see if this isn't part of your problem.

I Quit Sugar and Healed My Autoimmune Disease

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Sugar

Top 10: Legendary Workouts

If you want to looking like a legend you have to train like one. So here are some of the best workouts from some amazing people. Learn what worked for them and find out what works for you. Then get to work. We all need to know how our body responds and then push that element to the best that we can be. So check these out and enjoy.

Top 10 Lengendary Workouts

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #LegendaryWorkouts

The 5 Irrefutable Principles of Selling

Often we don't max out our potential because we don't know the guidelines of what we are doing. It is no differnce in sales. We need to know the parameteres and then know when we can break them or stretch them a bit to serve our needs. So here are the principles of selling, know your limits and and then expand your horizons.

The 5 Irrefutable Principles of Selling

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Benefits of Oil Pulling: Why I Love It and How To Do It

I have yet to try this but I have friends who swear by it. It has also been a hot topic on the radio stations as of late, so I figured that I would find a good article about it and post it. So check this out and see what you think and give it a try. All the details are here. So try it and post your expereinces I would like to know what you think. If you currently do it share with the rest of us. Thanks.

The Benefits of Oil Pulling: Why I Love It and How To Do It

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #OilPulling #AlternativeMedicine

10+ ways to breeze through airport security

One of the worst things about airport travel is getting through security, especially in the busy holiday season. So here are some great ways to prepare yourself so you can make it through security with minimal problems. No one wants to get pulled out of line or questioned about how they packed their bags. So check these out and get ready to breeze through the airport.

10+ Ways to Breeze Through Airport Security

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Holiday feasting: 7 ways to stay healthy in the face of temptation

This is one of the most challenging times of the year for our diet. We fall of the wagon and then spend the next two months trying to recover from the mess that we have made over the holidays. So here is a quick guide hat may help you to recover from some of the difficulty. So check it out.

Holiday Festing: 7 Ways to Stay Healthy in the Face of Temptation

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Holidays

Resources to Jump-Start Your Interval Training Now

Interval training is one of my favorite styles of training. I love to vary the intensity to get the best workout possible. Even in my bootcamp classes I try to vary the intensity with doing different exercises so people have a chance to rest, while still moving. I have found that interval training can some of the best training to boost sports performance. So check out these resources to get started.

Resources to Jump Start Your INterval Training Now

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Intervals

From Broke to Billionaire

To realize that it is not always about education, what you look like, or where you come from is so inspiring to me. The fact that you can take your passion, drive, and innovation to make yourself into something great is amazing. We really have no limits but those we set for ourselves. So the question is what are you allowing to hold you back? Why are you not moving forward? Don't use excuses just checnge your direction and rise to the heights only you can achieve. Check out these others that have already made it.

From Broke to Billionaire

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

5 Amazing Ways Meditation Can Affect and Change Your Body Read more at:

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I have always loved history and knowing about the amazing things that have happened in the past. When I first went to Costa Rica and stood in the shadow of Arenal Volcano, I absolutely fell in love with the majesty of those destructive forces. I remember rounding the first hill and seeing Arenal right in front of us, absolutely stunning. Not only are they beautiful, but also deadly and unpredictable. So check out this article about another volcano and the destruction that it left in its wake.

Pompeii: City of Ashes

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

10 Benefits of Beetroot You Probably Don’t Know

I, personally, love beets. I really enjoy a golden and red beet salad any day of the week. They are absolutely delicious and can be cooked and seasoned with just a little salt and pepper. So check out these amazing benefits of beets and enjoy them for your next meal.

10 Benefits of Beetroot You Probably Don't Know

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Veg

Sprint Training: Why Sprinting is Absolutely Critical

I don't know that I fully agree with this article, however I do believe that sprint training is something that should be added to our training roster. It is a great way to increase our cardio and help us increase the explosiveness that is needed for many sports. I don't think that we can replace all of our other exercise just for sprinting. We need to cross train and there needs to be variety in our workouts. Not only do they get boring without the variety, our bodies begin to adapt and we stop challenging ourselves and therefore stop growing. So check this out and start adding some new stuff to your training.

Sprint Training: Why Sprinting is Absolutely Critical

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Sprinting

10 Surprising Success Tips from Amazing Sales Guru Tom Hopkins

Here is an area where I am my weakest. I am great at networking and working my social media, but when it comes to actually selling a product I often fall short. So this article will be as helpful for me as it will be for you. If you need help boosting your sales, check out this article and then share some of your sales tips that can help out the rest of us in our chosen businesses.

10 Surprising Success Tips from Amazing Sales Guru Tom Hopkins

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, December 22, 2014

Six Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot

I have not had a flu shot for several years and I have several reasons why I choose not to participate in vaccinaions. Some of them are mentioned in this article. However, I am not against all medication but those that are unecessary and those that I have very little information on what they will do to my body. I have not had a flu shot in over 5 years and have only had the flu once, oddly enough it was two weeks ago. Because I am physically healthy it ran its course in 4 days and I have been fine since. So check out this article and find out some more reasons.

Six Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Natural #Medicine

10 Dangerous Festivals From Around The World

If you are up for a little adventure and danger check out these festivals that have the element of danger involved. These are some of the strangest festivals from around the world. But if you are up for the challenge check it out and see about joining one of these in the next year.

10 Dangerous Festivals From Around The World

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Focus More on Your Brain and Less on Your Diet to Lose Weight

We defintely need to change our eating habits and begin to eat healthier. However, this all starts with the mind. We have to make the necessary decision to stick with a plan and see it to the end no matter what we need to sacrifice in the end. If this means we need to completely change our diets or start a fitness program all of that starts in the mind. We have spent so much time trying to do it physically, which is why we often fail in our goal to lose weight. It has to start in the mind. So check out this article to find out how this is done.

Focus More on Your Brain and Less on Your Diet to Lose Weight

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #WeightLoss #Nutrition

How to Make Weight Loss Resolutions Work

The new year is coming and we will all be making our resolutions. Whether it is to drink less, eat healthier, make more money, or lose weight we all find things that we need to change in the new year.      The problem is that we often only keep those resolutions for a short time. By Feb we have fallen off the wagon and think it is too late to keep going. So here is an article to help you find a way to make your resolutions stick. So if you want to make that goal of losing 20, 50, 80, or 100 lbs this next year here is how you do it. Check it out and let me help you in the new year.

How to Make Weight Loss Resolutions Work

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Resolutions


If you don't know who Nikola Tesla is you have been out of the loop. He is by far the greatest inventor of the 20th century and has furthered our civilization more than any other person in the last century. His patents are the bases for thousands of modern conveinences we enjoy today. The sad thing is that he died penniless and with little fanfare. However, it is now starting to turn around and the historic and scientific communties are giving credit where credit is due. So check out this article about this amazing figure from our recent past.

It's Nikola Tesla's World

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur