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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

20 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn To Be Happy

There are some things that we learn as children that just don't serve us as we develop and get older. I know that I struggle with some of the things that I learned growing up on the streets that seem to be counter productive now that I am an adult and in a much different environment. I learned how to survive and now that people aren't always out to get me I don't need the same skill set. So what are those things in your own life that you need to release to find true happiness? Check out this list then make a list of your own.

20 Life Lessona You Should Unlearn to be Happy

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #BeHappy


If you have ever traveled you have met some of these people. They can be the most annyoing people ever and can potentially ruin the great vacation that you have planned. So get the inside scoop and figure out how to avoid these people before they drive you crazy. Oh yeah and if you are one of these people do something about it.

The 15 Most Annoying Travelers in the World

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

5 ways hummus helps to slim you down

Hummus is one of my favorite snack foods. If you have never tried it you definately should it is delicious. There are a number of reasons why it is so good for you, so check out this article and get skinny.

5 Ways Hummus Helps to Slim You Down

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #WeightLoss #Nutrition

Best 10 Qualities of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs have lots of great qualities and a few bad ones. But every successful person started somewhere. So we need to keep that in mind as we are progressing on our own journey of self discovery. We also should keep in mind that levels of success are different each of us. What is success to you may be different from other people, so find your own success and get ready for a amazing adventure.

Best 10 Qualities of an Entrepreneur

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Get Your Mojo Back

It is so easy to lose that stream and passion for life. There are so many difficulties and things that can derail us from making the most out of our lives. So how do we get that zest for life back? Check out this article and find some new strategies to get yourself back on track.

Get Your Mojo Back

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Mojo

8 Glorious Beach Destinations That You Can Actually Afford

Do you love the beach? I know I could spend all day on the beach. So because I love the beach and I love to travel. I started a vacation company. The difference is that we are also focused on a healthy, sustainable adventurous lifestyle. So we have coupled the beach, island destination with fitness and yoga and a twist of adventure tourism. The best of all three worlds to make your vacation an unforgetable journey. Check us out at

8 Glorious Beach Destinations That You Can Actually Afford

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

This is the real challenge. We are all bombarded with unhealthy life choices, but how do we maintain that healthy lifestyle? With all the crash dieting and the yo-yo weight loss, we need to find a healthy way to keep our lifestyles healthy. This can give us the staying power that we need. So check it out and get ready to change your life.

How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy

Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Before You Quit Your Job, Do These 4 Things

Entreprenuers can get themselves in trouble by leaving their jobs too soon. They get so excited and motivated by the opportunities that they see before them that they make the jump before they have all the facts. If we do that we struggle with forcing the business to supply all of our income and often it doesn't happen as fast or as big as we projected. There are so many factors that get in the way. So take note of these 4 things and make the decision on what you should do with your future.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Before You Quit Your Job, Do These 4 Things

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, March 26, 2015

7 Steps to Positive Self Talk

If you are really looking at making breakthroughs in your self esteem you need check what you are saying to yourself. It really is the words that we speak to ourselves that govern how we feel about ourselves. What is it that you constantly say to yourself? Do you constantly say you are fat? Do you always say that you feel miserable? If you do those things you are going to get those results. It becomes the self fulfilling prophecy. However, if you think you are beautiful, gorgeous, and successful you are much more likely to find those things in your life. So check out this article and find a way to change the way that you talk to yourself.

7 Steps to Positive Self Talk

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #SelfTalk

9 spring destinations for couples

We are finally coming out of the deep freeze here in the States and finally staring at Spring. We all have cabin fever and want to get out and go enjoy the beautiful weather. So where are you looking at going this Spring. I was planning on heading to the Florida Keys, but my plans have changed and now I am going to Gatlinburg, TN. Where are you going to go? Send some pictures I'd love to see what you are doing this spring.

9 Spring Destinations for Couples

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Three Ways to Get Kids to Make Healthier Food Choices

This is so difficult. Our kids are bombarded with unhealthy food choices everywhere. It is so easy to just run through the drive through and pick up a quick meal. Not to mention kids are super picky about their food. So how in the world do we get them to thunk about making better choices when it comes to food. We know that the choices that they make now could impact their lives for years to come, but they can't see that. Honestly, most adults can't even understand that. But if you are reading my blog you are past that point (or you haven't been So check out this article and find some strategies for getting your kids on board.

Three Ways to Get Kids to Make Healthier Food Choices

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Kids

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Network

This has been one of my biggest strengths when it comes to business. I have done a great job of networking and reaching out to people around the globe. This is really not as complicated as many people make it out to be. It is really about just being available and relentless. If you want to enlarge your netowrk you have to reach out to people around you that are successful in the same market you are in. This means that you need to be genuine with other people and not be interested in what is in it for you. Be a person that is willing to give of yourself, with no expect for return. This will allow people to really open up and you will find much more success this way. You have to know that even though you may never get a return from that person the universe will open up doors that you could never imagine and enlarge your network. So check out this article and get your name out there.

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Network

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

6 ways to make people like you

There is no way to force people to like you. However, you can make yoursslf more attractive to other people. You know the people that you meet that you instantly like and enjoy being around. Those are the people who you want to spend your time with. Since we are the summation of the people who we spend close contact with. This idea is extremely important. So check it out and start making the changes necessary to allow people to be drawn to you.

6 Ways to Make People Like You

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Attraction

7 Travel Rules You Should Break

There are no rules in travel, do what you enjoy. Travel is all about you. What do you like? How do you relax? What do you want to see? I love tourist traps. I have been going to them since I was little. I enjoy going in an out of souviner shops and looking at all the crazy products. I also love seeing the larger than life attractions. So check out these rules and see how you can break them in your next trip.

7 Travel Rules You Should Break

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

8 Alternatives to Coffee to Start Your Day

There are many people who either don't like coffee or just want to cut the caffiene out of their diet. Here are some alternatives to coffee to give you that kick without all the extra stuff that is not so good for you. Personally, I love my coffee. But I know, like my dad, there are people who cannot drink coffee at all or hate the taste. So check out these alternatives and see if you can find something that you enjoy.

8 Alternatives to Coffee to Start Your Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #WakeUp

6 tips to better negotiate your salary

I often post about being an entrepreneur because that is what resonates with me. I love creating and developing business. It is how my mind works and it is what I wake up with on the brain. However, I also know that everyone is not like me and some people are better equipped to work for someone else than they are to run their own business. So how do we get the best value for our time and effort? Are you being paid what you are worth? If you don't think so, here is a great way to begin negotating your salary. Check it out and get paid better.

6 Tips to Better Negotiate Your Salary

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Where to Begin Your Path of Personal Growth

This is often the most difficult path to find. We all know we need to grow and get better. We all know that we have shortcomings and want to get better, but we struggle to figure out how to begin. How do we find the trail head on the path to personal growth. It is different for all of us and very personal. However, we have to begin somewhere. Check out this article and see if it can help you find the path for your life.

Where to Begin Your Path of Personal Growth

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #PersonalGrowth

The Travelers Guide to Happiness

We all want to enjoy our vacation. Thats why we go on vacation. However, often we find that vacation can be just as frustrating as regular life. From the flights to the packing, travel can be daunting. So here is a guide to making sure your vacation is as happy as possible and allow you to navigate some of these pitfalls.

The Travelers Guide to Happiness

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Think Food Doesn't Affect Behavior?

We seem to have this idea that food is just about sustaining life here on earth. However, food is one of the largest contributors to the quality of life that we enjoy. If we eat garbage, we will be sick and disease filled. If we eat healthy, we will remain healthy and energetic. This goes all the way down to our mood. How do you feel after you eat a huge meal? Do you want to sleep or feel lethargic? Do you get frustrated or angry when you miss a meal? Food affects everything that we do, so check out this article and find out more about this.

Think Food Doesn't Affect Behavior

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #FoodEffects

6 Productivity Tricks You Can Learn From CEOs

If we want to break through to real success we have to evaluate ourselves and figure out what makes us the most productive. It is not the same for everyone. We need to play to our own strengths. So we need to look at other ultra successful people and see what works for them and adopt and modify to make us just as productive. This will literally supercharge our success and allow us to constantly stay charged and breakthrough to higher and higher levels. It becomes all about balance and prioritizing your life. Check out this article and see how other people do it.

6 Productivity Tricks You Can Learn from CEOs

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Saturday, March 21, 2015

15 Ways To Instantly Boost Your Self Confidence

If you want to be an entrepreneur or just successful in every area of your life you need self confidence. There is no other way around it, if you don't believe in yourself no one else is ever going to believe in you. So you need to deal with those issues that you struggle with and let people know that you love yourself and you are going to be successful in everything that you do. It is so important. If you can start doing this you will find that life will change dramatically. Then let me know how those changes are going.

15 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Self Confidence

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #SelfConfidence


Even if you can't catch a plane tomorrow you can keep that travel bug satisfied with these great movies. There are just movies that inspire us to relive those magic moments of our lives and drive us to explore the world around us. So check out these movies and allow your mind to take a trip unparrelled.

Top 10 Travel Movies

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The Truth About Food Labels

If you really want to be healthy you need to know what they are putting in th foods that you are eating. They have made the labels on food so deceptive, so they can almost trick people into buying their food with catch phrases. So here is a great tutorial on how you can correctly read those labels and know exactly what you are putting in your body. Stay healthy and be educated.

The Truth About Food Labels

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #FoodLabels

55 Ways Young Entrepreneurs Can Cut Expenses

As a young entrepreneur, I am always looking for good ways to cut expenses. We all need to save money because we all struggle with rising expenses and little income at the beginning. So these are some ways that we can save some of our money, so it can be better spent on the things that will further our business and make us the best in our corner of the market. So check these out.

55 Ways Young Entrepreneurs Can Cut Expenses

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Friday, March 20, 2015

10 Journaling Tips to Help You Heal, Grow and Thrive

This is something I have always tried to be better at. I am a horrible journaler. I will try for a few weeks and it always falls by the wayside. I understand the benefits and the possibilities, but it never seems to work for me. However, if you are one of those people that love to journal and use it to the maximum effect. Try out the suggestions in this article and allow that time reflecting to change your life for the better.

10 Journaling Tips to Help You Heal, Grow and Thrive

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Journaling

7 Tips for a More Fulfilling (and Frugal) Travel Experience

When we travel we all want to have a better time and spend less money. It seems like this is never possible, however it is. You just have to know where to look and pick the right places to have the best experience. So check out this article and find out how you can make your next trip better than ever before. Allow the expereince to be life changing and memorable.

7 Tips for a More Fulfilling (and Frugal) Travel Expereince

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

The Health Benefits of Chocolate

I know very few people that don't like chocolate. For many of us it is a close tie between our love of chocolate and coffee. Again it becomes a matter of excess. If we are having some chocolate it can become very beneficial, but too much can become a real problem. So check out this article and find out how you can get the best benefits from something that you love.

The Health Benefits of Chocolate

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Chocolate

Top 10 Ways to Capture Attention

Here is one thing that is so important to business, you must get noticed by the peope that you are trying to reach. This is what I have been working on the last two years. It is not an easy process and you never know what it is going to take. You keep pressing on to see if it is going to work, changing your methods and reaching as many people as possible. So check out this list and see what you can do to keep reaching the people that you need to become consumers.

Top 10 Ways to Capture Attention

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, March 19, 2015

15 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself To Discover Your Life Purpose.

We are all looking for what we should be doing in life. What is it that you excdel at and can do effortlessly? Sometimes it takes a little digging, but we will only be happy and fulfilled when we realize what we should be doing in life. If you want to figue out what you need to get out of life check out these questions and answer them honestly.

15 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Discoer Your Life Purpose

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Purpose

How Much Coffee You Should Be Drinking

After so much research and varying opinions there is a study that says that coffee can be good for you. I personally love coffee and it agrees with me. So I have one cup in the morning just to kickstart my day. I do my best to not drink anymore during the day, but I absolutely love my morning coffee. So check out this article and see how much you should be drinking.

How Much Coffee You Should Be Drinking

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #CoffeeLove

30 Things Only Entrepreneurs Would Understand

As an entrepreneur you are a different breed. We think and act differently than other people. We make decsions and push forward when other people would quit. We are the ones who realize dreams when other people cannot even concieve them. WE are the dreamers and visionaries that make the dreams and visions a reality. Check out these 30 things and see if you agree.

30 Things Only Entreprenuers Would Understand

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

7 Essential Habits To Acquire Greater Wealth

Becoming wealthy in both business and personal is really all about your habits. You need to create good habits and continually replace bad habits. It is constant work, but when your good habits exceed your bad ones then you will find success in all areas of your life. So get started today.

7 Essential Habits to Acquire Greater Wealth

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #BeWealthy

Why staying with locals will always be better than staying at an all-inclusive resort

This is one of the great things that I love about vacation. It is exploring the new things in life. So often we go on vacation and we stay at the cookie cutter resort, so we can drink, eat, and lay at the pool. I would prefer to get down and dirty in the culture and see the beauty of the people and the lifestyle that they live. So check out this article and get real on your next vacation.

Why Staying With Locals Will Always Be Better Than Staying at an All-Inclusive

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

10 Ways To Get Protein Without Eating Meat

When ever I talk to people about being vegan, the first question they ask is, what do you eat? The second question is, how do you get your protein? We here are some of the great ways that I continue to get the protein that my body needs and keep that muscle mass that I want. We often have the idea that people can't build muscle without meat, but some of the largest animals in the world only eat plants. So how do they get their protein? From the plants of course. The idea that protein only comes from meat is completely uninformed. Not too mention that some plant sources have even more protein than meat sources. So check out this article and get the nutrition you need.

10 Ways to Get Protein Without Eating Meat

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Protein

5 Ways to Start an Online Fashion Boutique for Free

There are so many ways to get your ideas rolling and start making money from something that you love. Here are some ways that you can get your business moving in the right direction. Apply these same ideas to any area of business. This is your ticket to real freedom in your life and finding that success away from the office and running someone elses ideas. So check it out and get started.

5 Ways to Start an Online Fashion Botique for Free

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Learn The Art Of Following Through: 5 Steps To Ensure You Will Achieve Your Goals

This is the real difference between meeting your goals and missing the mark. You need to really master the follow through. This really seperates people with great ideas and those people who actually get things done. Which kind of person are you? We all know that person that has great ideas but can never seem to get anything done. Be a person that makes things happen.

Learn the Art of Following Through: 5 Steps to Ensure You Will Achieve Your Goals

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Goals