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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

20 Laws of Extraordinary Success - part 4

Law 16
To achieve extraordinary success you must first deal with your fears. Super Achievers understand that failure is one of the most often missed keys to extraordinary success.

-Fear can both be a roadblock to success or the greatest motivator to achieve success. It is all in how we use that fear, to be sure, fear will always be there in one form or another. The main fear that we struggle with is the fear of failure. This its always a possibility in every endeavor in life, so why let it get us down. Instead use your failures as learning experiences to make you better.

Law 17
Studying failure will prevent us from repeating it and become the building blocks for future success.

-If we can put aside our pride and blame, we can get to the root of or failure. This will enable us to make strategies that will help us to steer clear of the same pitfalls that have caused us to fail in the past. Every step that we can take will propel us ever closer to the prize that we so desperately seek.

Law 18
Avoidance of criticism will short-circuit the ability to achieve extraordinary success.

-None of us enjoy criticism. However, criticism is necessary. Whether we believe it or not, we don't know it all and often get it wrong. This is why we need the input of others to help refine us and make us better. Even the most destructive criticism can launch us into new levels of success if we can make it into a positive change.

Law 19
Becoming a positive person will help us achieve more and enjoy the ride.

-If we are negative no amount of money or success will bring us happiness. This is why many successful people commit suicide or turn to drugs and alcohol. If we are not positive people I can guarantee a life if depression, anxiety, and stress.

Law 20
You must have PASSION to achieve extraordinary success

-Passion will carry you longer, deeper, and farther than anything else when it comes to success. This is the one quality that will see you through all the difficulty and self-doubt that you will inevitably face. PASSION, PASSION, PASSION if you don't have it, no goal is worth it.

Use these 20 laws to drive and propel you into new levels of success and let me know about it..... go and make your dreams possible.

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