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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Treating Cancer with Plant Based Nutrition: One Dietitian’s Story

When I realized that many of the diseases that I thought were genetic, that science told me were genetic, are primarily dietary issues I was floored. The amazing science that has been coming out in the last 5 years has all been pointing to the fact that even though disease has its roots in our genes, we can turn off and turn on those genes by the foods that we eat and the nutrition that we consume. So with that in mind preventative medicine becomes the most important medicine of all time. Why do we spend all our time and money treating symptoms rather that starting early and preventing all those ailments before they even begin. Check out this article and start doing your research and get healthy.

Treating Cancer with Plant Based Nutrition: One Dietitian's Story

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #CancerFree

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