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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Why I Don't Do Crossfit

I know that Crossfit is a huge craze right now in the fitness industry. I have lots of friends that go to Crossfit everyday and I love them for it. I agree that it is a great workout that provides great results. You might ask, "why do you have a problem with it then?" The only real reason I have to stay away from Crossfit is the risk vs reward. To me many of the exercises that they put you through in their workout of the day are too extreme and leave you at the risk of serious injury. I am not willing to allow myself to be injured for quick results and then spend the next year sidelined because of injuries. I know many great Crossfit trainers, but I also know a host of irresponsible Crossfit trainers that just push their Crossfitters way past what is acceptable and don't give them the adequate knowledge to keep themselves from serious injury. I know bodybuilders that do deadlift for 1 rep with perfect form for competition and now we have people doing deadlift with weight for time or high reps then doing box jumps right after. You are just begging for injury. I agree with the Burn With Kearns rules of training Safe, Effective, and Efficient. If we keep that in mind we will always protect ourselves from injury as best we can, but still challenge ourselves and push to that next level. Here is another article from someone who has similar concerns about Crossfit, check it out.

Why I Don't Do Crossfit

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Crossfit

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