This doesn't mean that all vegetarians are healthier or even that it is good for all people to be vegetarian, but what I believe this article shows is that not eating meat can lower the risk for several of the largest killer in our generation. Certainly, there are people who don't get the right nutrients or eat just as unhealthy as vegetarians or vegans, but they have lower risk for heart disease, cancer, or diabetes than people who have a steady diet of meat. There are always advantages and disadvantages. However, it seems in our culture it is pure laziness and the unwillingness to go without something that keeps people literally eating themselves to death. I hear over and over again, "I could never give up cheese" or "I couldn't stop eating bacon." We have become so shortsighted. No that one piece of bacon will not kill you, but a lifetime of shoveling harmful foods into your body will give you cancer or heart disease. I want to be one of those guys that looks 60 when he is 80 and is still running marathons until the day he dies, but that is just me. I don't want to spend my last 20 years on earth in a hospital or nursing home unable to care for myself. These are choices we make early in our lives and effect us for years to come. So make your decisions, you are the only one who can.
The Fact Vegetarians Are Healthier Than Meat Eaters
#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Vegetarians