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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Yoga of Redemption: A Portrait of the Prison Yoga Project

I have worked in jails as a correction officer and also as a Chaplin. So I have always had a heart for prison inmates. We so often look down on these people for the mistakes that they have made and forget that they are still human beings. I do realize that they need to pay for their crimes and some are horrific, but I don't believe that they should be treated like less than dirt. They have feelings, mental, physical, and substance abuse issues that they need relief from. Yoga is one of those programs that can alleviate all of those issues. So check out this article and support these programs as much as you can.

The Yoga of Redemption: A Portrait of the Prison Yoga Project

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Prison

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