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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Top 7 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid Like The Plague

There are so many things out there that can be so bad for our bodies. Often we don't even realize the long term damage we can be doing to ourselves. If we want to stay fit and healthy, free from disease we really need to follow some of these healthy guidlines. Check out these foods and start looking at the foods that you buy at the grocery store.

Top 7 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid Like the Plague

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Unhealthy

Use Interval Training for Fat Loss

I love to use intervals in my classes to keep people moving, motivated, and burning the calories that they need. This is a great format for changing your regular training to really start seeing the results that you desire. Check this out and get to work.

Use Interval Training for Fat Loss

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Intervals


We often have the thought that if only we had more money we would be happy. In reality money doesn't make us happy. There are people out there that have lots of money who are not happy at all. I know many people who are upper middle class that are miserable and I know people who live close to the poverty level that love life. There are so many other things in life that bring happiness. Check out this article and see if you can find the other parts of life that can bring you joy.

Why Money is Only One Third of Happiness

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, June 29, 2015

18 Surprising Dairy-Free Sources of Calcium

In the last 40 years we have been bombarded with the idea that the only way to get a good dose of calcium is through cow's milk. This is simple not true. Not only is it not the best way to get our calcium, it can also hurt us in many different ways. My son is allergic to dairy and so was I when I was his age. Now that I am vegan I stay away from diary all together. I know that some of the alternatives on this list are not vegan, but it gives you a good idea of how many other sources of calcium are out there for you to indulge in. Check it out.

18 Surprising Dairy-Free Sources of Calcium

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #DairyFree

Plyometric Training - What is it All About?

One of my favorite training methods for really working people is plyometric training. It is called many different things Hiit, Explosivness training, Jump training, etc. I love to use it specifically for fighters who need to be more explosive in their movements. This helps them to have the muscular endurance to last through a very demanding fight. Not to mention it makes them faster and more powerful by working those fast twitch muscle fibers. Check out this article and see how you can add this to your training routine.

Plyometric Training - What is it All About?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Plyo #Hardcore

10 Things Self-Made Millionaires do to Become Wealthy

If you really want to become wealthy you need to look at what those people have done before you to amass their wealth. I have personally ncver cared about monetary wealth. I would rather be comfortable and happy than have money and miserable. So if I am able to live out my dreams, make enough money to live comfortably, and help contribute to the world in some way I will feel like the most wealthy person in the world. Success really is in the eye of the beholder. Check out this artticle to find out how to follow in their footsteps.

10 Things Self-Made Millionaires do to Become Wealthy

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Embrace All Of Your Passions

To find real success and happiness in life. We need to do things that really motivate us. This is different for every person. What is it that you love to do? This is how work becomes pleasure and how you can really get behind what you are doing. There are three thing that I love to do. I love travel, fitness, and teaching. So I came up with a destination training business that incorporates all three. It satisfies all my needs and makes work my real passion. So check out this article and find out more.

Embrace All of Your Passions

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Passion

How to Create an Entrepreneurial Niche

Many of us have great ideas. But how do we translate those great ideas into something that people will pay money for? This is the constant challenge for people with big ideas. Maybe the market isn't ready for the ideas that you have. It is a very thin line between the next big thing and the wave of the future. So we need to make sure that we are either able to educate the market or create a new market for ourselves. This is called creating a niche. It is where you find that special segment of people that will buy and use your products or services. This is the way that you can change the world, without it your business will fail. So check out this article and get some ideas on how to do this.

How to Create an Entrepreneurial Niche

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

6 Ways to beat the afternoon slump

There is that time just after lunch between 2pm and 4pm that we tend to feel that afternoon slump. It is tough to stay awake and you feel legthargic. I used to feel that way all the time but since I have been making sure I get the proper nutrition I have plenty of energy to make it through the day. So in the morning I get my daily dose of #shakeology, which gives me all the nutrition that I need for the entire day. So unless I have inadaquate sleep the night before, I always feel great. If you expereince that afternoon slump you really need to check out how much sleep you are getting and what kind of nutrition you are taking it. It will completely change your life.

6 Ways to Beat the Afternoon Slump

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Energy #Beachbody #Shakeology

11 Workouts That Burn More Calories Than Jogging

It is no doubt that jogging or running is great exercise, but just doing that alone is not enough. How many people do we see in the gym everyday on the treadmill or elliptical and never achieve that change that they are looking for? So we need to mix up those workouts. It's not just about cardio, there needs to be an element of muscle building to effeciently burn fat. So check out this article and find some new ideas on how to mix it up. One of my favorite ways to mix it up is getting on Beachbody On Demand and picking through the variety of workouts that they have there. Ask me how to get Beachbody on Demand.

11 Workouts That Burn Moe Calories Than Jogging

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Mixitup

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What is the Secret to Breaking a Bad Habit?

We all have them, but what are you doing about them? This is a key to growing. If we cannot get past the bad habits that we have often we can never make it to that next level of success. We are only as good as the habits that we keep. So here is a great article to help you ditch those bad habits and replace them with some positive ones.

What is the Secret to Breaking a Bad Habit?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

Why Eating Breakfast is a Really Good Idea

Not only is breakfast the first meal of the day it is also one of the most important meals of the day. The sad thing is that it is also often the most overlooked meal of the day. There are so many people that just skip breakfast all together. Just think about it like this. Breakfast is the time of day where we have went the longest without a meal. So our bodies are literally ready to absorb all the nutritents that we can give it. So it is important to give our bodies the best nutrients that we can since our bodies are ready to soak it all up. So having a hearty breakfast that can carry us through the rest of the day is really important. This is why I have the most nutritional breakfast that I can. I personally have my #shakeology shake every morning in place of a traditional breakfast. This gives me the most nutritents for my buck every morning. There are days that I can literally feel my body absorbing the nutrients and it feels amazing. I have more energy and am full longer than I ever have been. If you want to try it out, or order some #shakeology send me a message and I will tell you how.

Why Eating Breakfast is a Really Good Idea

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

5 Ways to Build Awesome Relationships on Twitter

I do lots of social media and sometimes I feel pretty effective, however twitter has always been a mystery to me. I have not been able to get a great read on my progress on twitter even though I have lots of followers and post all the time. So here is a great tutorial for you and I to get some great use out of twitter. So check it out and build your business.

5 Ways to Build Awesome Relationships on Twitter

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

Today’s Lifehacker Workout: The Deck of Cards

If you haven't done this yet you should. It is a great way to mix up your workout, using simple exercises and providing variety in your workout. It is never the same workout twice. Check out how it is done and then get to work.

Today's Lifehacker Workout: The Deck of Cards

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Exercise #Beachbody #Shakeology

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

7 Lies That Will Keep You From Starting Your Business

We often buy into what the naysayers say about our chosen field of entrepreneurship. This can be one of the biggest stumbling blocks in our path to success. So many people, who have never made any real money or run their own business, have an opinion on what we are doing. The problem is that they have no frame of reference. They are talking from a place that they know nothing about. Only you know what will work and what won't. So check out these lies and don't listen to them, no matter where they come from.

7 Lies That Will Keep You From Starting Your Business

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

50 Best Running Books of all Time: Motivation, Training, Nutrition

Monday, June 22, 2015

7 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

If we are ever to find true happiness in life we have to meet some of the goals that we have. One of the things that really derails our lives is when we are unable to realize our dreams. So as we start meeting some of the small goals that we have it will build our confidence and increase the happiness that we expereince in life. So check out these tips and make those goals a reality.

7 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Goals #Beachbody #Shakeology

9 Gluten Free Energy Snack Bites for Runners

When I run I am always looking for better and better ways to fuel my body. Since I am vegan it is even more challenging for me to find things that fuel me, without animal products. So here is a great article that has some good gluten free snacks for your fueling pleasure. Check it out.

9 Gluten Free Energy Snack Bites for Runners

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Runners #Snacks #Nutrition #Beachbody #Shakeology

Resistance Band Workouts

Many of you know that I have rheumatoid arthritis and it makes it very challenging for me to do free weight exercises. So since I still try to be as competitive an athlete as I can be, resistance training is a great alternative. Not to mention I personally think it is a better way to train. There are many benefits to resistance training vs traditional free weights. You can build muscle with bands, contrary to popular thought, and you can even get a better workout. So check out this article and give it a try. I personally use #Bodylastics they are the best band system on the market.

Resistance Band Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Resistance #Fitness #Beachbody #Shakeology

8 Tips for Becoming an Amazing Communicator

If you want to run a successful business you have to be able to communicate with people. Whether it coimmunication with your employees or prospective clients you have to be able to get your message across to people. If you cannot you are already destined to fail. So here are some great ways to become a great communicator. Learn how to talk to people and spread the word about the exciting things that you are doing.

8 Tips for Becoming an Amazing Communicator

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Be Smarter About Fitness: 11 Silly Health Myths To Stop Falling For

There are so many conflicting ideas about fitness and health. However, I have found that there are some things that may work for your body and if they work for you, do that. I know I do a regular detox and am currently doing one now. Even though it is thought to be a myth it seems to make me feel better, so I continue to do it. Do what is best for your body, you know it better than anyone.

Be Smarter About Fitness: 10 Silly Health Myths to Stop Falling For

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #HealthMyths #Beachbody #Shakeology

How I Work Less and Accomplish More (by Managing My Energy)

We all have huge lists of things that we need to do on a daily basis. How do we accomplish all these things? This is the question many people really struggle to answer. We need to make sure that we have the energy to do all the things that we need to do. So check out this acticle and figure out how to manage your energy the best you can to complete the tasks you need to.

How I Work Less and Accomplish More (by Managing My Energy)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur #Beachbody #Shakeology

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Your Vegan Guide To Foods With Protein

There is often talk about how vegans get protein without eating meat. This is a common misconception that people have because they are uninformed. Or they are people that still have the bodybuilding mindset of 1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight. This is completely wrong for anyone that is not a bodybuilder. There are so many vegetables and nuts that have massive amounts of protein we just need to know which ones to eat. So here is your list that you can choose from.

Your Vegan Guide to Foods with Protein

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Vegan #Protein

How to Use Facebook For Selling Your Stuff

If you are looking to get rid of some stuff or want to start a online business Facebook is a good place to start. Here is a quick guide to help you get that started. I know I currently have an Xbox 360 for sale on FB myself. So check it out and get some cash for your stuff.

How to Use Fackbook for Selling Your Stuff

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

10 Ways to End Feeling “Nobody Understands Me”

One of the main reasons that people struggle with continued depression is that they get into a place where they believe that no one feels the same way that they do. You struggle with feeling alone and that no one can possibly understand how you feel. We get this idea that no one has ever experienced anything like this. The truth is that many other people have been there before and anything that we can go through in life there have been other people struggling with the same thing. Check out this article and find a way that you can beat this feeling.

10 Ways to End Feeling "Nobody Understands Me"

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Depresion

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The 4 Laws of Increasing Life: A Guide to Abundance and Flouishing

We all want to live a full and fullfilling life. This comboines so many things from our self esteem to our health to our fitness. We need all three to really have abundance in life. The first is nourishing to our mind and the second two are nourishing to our bodies. So here are the laws to follow, live the rest of your life the best you possibly can. When you do this not only do you live weel, but you also uplift all the people around you and make the world a better place.

The 4 Laws of Increasing Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Abundance

Nutrition Advice From the China Study

This one of the books that absolutely changed my mind on the way that we look at health and nutrition in our world today. The correlation between our diet and cancer is astounding. The fact that we can almost control our risk of serious disease just by eating more healthy was a no brainer for me. I want to live the most sustainable and healthy that I can for the rest of my life. I want to love, expereince, and share life with all the people around me for as long as I possibly can. Why would we ever want to live tired, irritated, with no energy, and sick if there is a way to change all that. So check out some of these nutrition tips from this groundbreaking study.

Nutrition Advice From the China Study

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health #ChinaStudy

The 5 Most Important Words for Succeeding in Fitness

The words that you speak to yourself are more important than anything else that can be said to you or about you. We often are our own harshest critic. However, if you can start saying the right things to motivate yourself you can find success in your fitness and health. Check out this article and find out some of the most powerful things that you can speak to yourself.

The 5 Most Important Words for Succeeding in Fitness

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Motivation #Success

21 Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs That Everyone Should Learn

It is all about your habits. Your habits form who you are. It is the things that you do everyday that will propel you to success in every area of life, whether its business or something else. You have to put in the effort and take action or you will go nowhere. So make your habits something healthy and that pushes you forward every single day.

21 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs That Everyone Should Learn

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

10 Essential Qualities Of A Great Friend

We all need friends. They support us when times get tough, they laugh with us, the push us to do the hard things, they let us cut loose when times are stressful, they are a ear to listen, and many other things. We need these people in our lives because they make us better people. We need to remember that we are the sum of the people who are closest to us. If the people that are close to you are negative and depressed, so will you. If the people around you are positive and upbeat, there is a greater chance that you will be as well. So check this out.

10 Essential Qualities of a Great Friend

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Friends

The Difference Between Cravings & Hunger (And Why It Matters)

We live in a culture that often thinks of its stomach first, rather than the consequences that it could bring. This is why we struggle with obesity and obesity related diseases. Instead of eating to live we live to eat. So we eat because food tastes good and because our body wants the sugar or fat or carbs rather than eating when we are hungry. The biggest problem is that as we eat these tasty, but nutritionally deficient foods, we are never able to fill up and we have to eat more and more before our hunger response is quenched. So check out this article and find out all the differences and make some changes to your diet.

The Difference Between Cravings and Hunger (And Why It Matters)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Hunger #Cravings

How Chocolate Can Help Your Workout

We all love chocolate. However, it is one of those things that we need in small amounts. There is a down side to chocolate, but some scientists are studying the benefits of chocolate for working out. You may find some surprising benefits that will help you push to that next level, so check it out.

How Chocolate Can Help Your Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout #Chocolate

7 Ways to Pick Someone's Brain Without Being a Pest

If you are truly going to be a successful entrepreneur you are going to need a mentor, or at least people that you can get advice from that are further down the road than you are. So how do we do that without driving those people crazy with all the questions that we have? This is what this article is all about. We need to be able to get the information and help that we seek from the people that have been there before. But often those people are pretty guarded about their lives and how they have done things. So check out these 7 ways to get the knowledge you seek.

7 Ways to Pick Someone's Brain Without Being a Pest

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Spartan Training w/ Wearbands

No Matter What... #UPYOURGAME go to and order your set today. Get 25% off, for a limited time, when you enter coupon code "scorpion" at checkout. #wearbands Daniel Schreiber

5 Truths World Travelers Know (But Never Talk About)

There are so many things that we can learn from a life of travel. It is a life full of memories and rewarding expereinces. We all need to take more of this into our own lives, so that we can have more fulfilling lives. It is not all about the money nor killing ourselves. Life is really about expereinces. So check out this article and find out.

5 Truths World Travelers Know (But Never Talk About)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Travel

Grains Don’t Want You To Eat Them

I just got done sprouting some amazing wheat berries. There is no way to get better power packed nutrition than sprouting your food. This is where all the readily available nutrition is at. It is when the seeds are at the peak of their virility and this can be transferred to you. So check it out and enjoy the extra energy they give you.

Grains Don't Want You To Eat Them

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Sprouts

The American Ninja Workout

Some of my fellow Spartan frineds have just taken the challenge and done a great job on the tv show. It is definately another kind of challenge and a sport all its own. Check out this article and find out some of the challenges that they have and how to complete these extreme obstacles. Are you up for the challenge?

The American Ninja Warrior Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #AmericanNinjaWarrior #GetSome

Desire, Taking Action and Getting Results

We all have desires. From the time we were kids we all had dreams. We wanted to be so many things, where did all those dreams and desires go? The world around us tends to crush those dreams. Where the translation changes is when we crossover to taking action towards those dreams. This is the step that most people never take. We often miss this step and therefore never make it to the getting results step. So start with the desire, take some action, and see the results that you get. I promise that they will be better than taking no action at all.

Desire, Taking Action and Getting Results

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, June 11, 2015

10 Steps to Living More Confidently

Confidence is an important element to our success and happiness. If we are always second guessing ourselves we never live to our full potential. So we need to take steps to show that confidence to other people. It is no secret that confident people get paid more, have better jobs, and often find great success in every endeavor that they have. Check out these steps and feel better about your life.

10 Steps to Living More Confidently

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Confidence

The Benefits of a Detox Program

I do my best to try and regularly detoxify my body. I often do a program twice a year. One in Jan and another in June. As a matter of fact, I started a 14 day detox this last Monday. This keeps my body working at an optimal level and keeps me fuctioning as well as possible. I'm not sure why we change the oil in our car every 3,000 miles, but don't realize that our bodies build up the same kind of toxins and need to be flushed from time to time. So check this article out and get your body ready to flush out all the bad stuff.

The Benefits of a Detox Program

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Detox #Cleanitout

How Do I Know When to Increase My Weights?

This is such a common question that I get in the gym all the time. So here is a great answer that I found. The most simple answer is when you are strong enough to do the next weight and keep perfect form, then you are ready to increase to the next level. You can also start to change things and start changing your base of support to increase the difficulty rather than changing the weight (one of my favorite things to do). However, I am not a fan of lifting heavy weight just to liftt it. I am always more intersted in functional training than lifting heavy. This comes from a background of wanting to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible. So always do what is best for your body?

How Do I KNow When to Increase My Weights?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #GetRipped

The Effective Emailer

We all hate doing email marketing, however it is a necessary evil. Especially for those of us that are marketing on a shoestring budget. Actual mail is expensive and often not well recieved. So when we market or contact people through email it takes careful planning and specification. Here is a great format for breaking through that barrier. Check it out and get your email seen.

The Effective Emailer

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

20 Thoughts That Will Lead You To Great Success

Our attitude and the way that we think will lead us into any area of life that we want to go. If we have a bad attitude and we expect good things to happen to us, we are folling ourselves. I know so many negative people who are surprised that difficulty constantly comes their way. I also know other people who find great success inspite of great difficulty. They choose to have a much different thought process in these times. So what will you choose? Check out this article and see the choices that you could be making.

20 Thoughts That Will Lead You to Great Success

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Success

How to Resolve Food Intolerances

When I was a child I really struggled with a dairy allergy. It used to break me out and make me itchy as soon as I ingested it. I struggled with milk and cheese, so for a while I limited it in my diet. Back then we didn't understand it nor were there very many diary alternatives, so I struggled with it most of my life. As my son has grown up he has the same allergy and struggles with stomach problems and itching. So we have him stay away from dairy and cow's milk. What do you struggle with as how can you tell? Check out this article and find out how.

How to Resolve Food Intolerences

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Allergies #FoodIntolerance

Zombies, Run! Turns Your Exercise Routine Into a Survival Game

I happened across this article and I had to post this. I love the whole zombie genre and mythology. I often wonder how I would handle an apocalyptic event like that. So if you need some more motivation to get out there and run here is some in the form of zombies...survive as long as you can.

Zombies, Run! Turns Your Exercise Routine into a Game of Survival

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Zombies #Run

10 Simple Qualities That Can Help You Achieve Professional Success and Satisfaction in Life

If you really want to find that success in your choosen profession there are many things that you need to do. Here is a list of 10 of the simplest things that you can do to achieve that success. Often it is the simple things that we often overlook that allow us to move to that next level of professional success. So check these out and see how you can make that "other level" in your business.

10 Simple Qualities That Can Help You Achieve Professional Success

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tips for Overcoming Shyness

I am not saying that you can't be successful and be shy, but it definately limits the reach that you can have. There are very few really successful people who have been hermits. Most of the successful people are outgoing and go after the things that they want. If we are going to mak the best impact that we can in the world that we live in, we need to get rid of the fear of talking or connecting with other people. Check out this article and see how to do just that.

Tips for Overcoming Shyness

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Shy

25 Great Quotes About Nutrition

Nutrition and diet are things that are so challengling, even though each one of us wants to get it under control. Often we need that extra motivation to keep going down that right path to true health and well being. Here are a bunch of quotes that will help motivate you to make good choices and think about the food that you are eating. Check it out.

25 Great Quotes About Nutrition

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #GetHealthy