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Friday, October 30, 2015

5 business lessons from Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban has been a leader of business for years. He literally has his hands in every industry and has influenced many more. His show the Shark Tank has shown us what investors look for in a great comapny. He has been a trend setter and an amazing entrepreneur. Check out this article and learn some grat lessons from the master.

5 Business Lessons from Mark Cuban

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur


For thousands of years the samurai were the premiere warriors in the world. They not only had fighting skills but they were brilliant tacticians. This is why we still use The Art of War by Sun Tzu as required reading for business people today. Those warriors had principles and a philosophy that they lived and died by. Here are some great quote from some of those samurai. Check it out and see how it applies to your life.

Heart of a Warrior: 15 Timeless Quotes of the Samurai

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Warrior #Samurai

13 Ways You Never Thought to Eat an Avocado

One of my favorite healthy fats to eat is the avocado. There are so many health benefits and it is a great way to get some plant based fat without all the saturation of eating meat. One of the main reasons that we need to have dietary fat is for healthy brain function, not to mention that (contrary to popular belief) it helps us lose weight. So if you are worried about finding creative ways to eat avocado here is a great variety of ways to use that magical veggie. Chec it out.

13 Ways You Never Thought to Eat an Avocado

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Food #Healthy

8 simple exercises to help you get fit

Sometimes it is just good to get back to the basics. So often we start doing some crazy intense program focusing on heart rate and ratios, when all we really need is to simplify things. So here is a great article to help you do just that. Check it out and get back to basics.

8 Simple Exercises to Help You Get Fit

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Exercise

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


What is it that you do to promote your health? Here are some great things that you can start to add to your daily routine, so you can live more healthy. It really starts as soon as we wake up. We can start the day off right and build our health from the very beginning of the day. So check out this article and get healthier.

7 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Heatlhy #Nutrition

P90X Versus Insanity

The choice really is between High Intensity or Muscle Cinfusion. Both are excellent programs and will get you in great shape. Insanity incorporates more bodyweight movements and jumping, while P90X incorporates weights and bandwork. I personally love Insanity Max 30. It is only 5 days a week for 30 mins a day. You go as intense as you can for as long as you can then finish the rest of the time at your own intensity. Then as the weeks go on you can see your growth. There is also P90X 3 that are 30 min programs. So shoot me a message and check out the full line of Beachbody workouts and products.

P90X Versus Insanity

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Exercise #Fitness

13 Tips on How to Deliver a Pitch Investors Simply Can't Turn Down

We all know from watching Shark Tank that you need to know your stuff if you are going to get investors. It is not just all about the products or the service. It also has to do with personality and having the right people in place. You have to be able to move people and get them excited about your product. So hear are some great ways that you can build that excitement and get your idea funded. Check it out.

13 Tips on How to Deliver a Pitch Investors Simply Can't Turn Down

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Are You A Victor or Victim? 12 Signs You Have The Victim Mentality

As a former abuse victim myself I now what it is like to feel like you are imprisoned with no hope of escape. I know what it feels like to be alone and afraid. However, being on the other side for several years I also know what it feels like to have freedom and am able to look back and get strength from those situations. We have to allow our abuse to make us stronger and not to be an open wound. I firmly believe that victimization is not our choice, but to continue the cycle is completely our choice. If you are stuck in a cycle of abuse you need to know and own the role that you play in that and let yourself out of the prison that you have created. It all starts with your attitude towards it. Is it a limitiong belief or a strengthening one. Check out this article and see where you are. You are unlimited and can have the best for your life.

Are You A Victor or Victim? 12 Signs You Have The Victim Mentality

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Breathrough #PersonalDevelopment #Victorious

Friday, October 23, 2015

15 Things Every Newbie Needs to Know About Starting a Business

There are so many things that we are never told when we decide to start a business. What is even worse is many of those things we wouldn't even listen to anyway. There are so many things that would help us avoid the pitfalls of mistakes that can happen in business if we would just take the time to listen to those who have gone before us. So check out this article and open your mind to the possibilities.

15 Things Every Newbie Needs to Know About Starting a Business

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10 Powerful Ways To Make People Like You

One of the things that you need to have in business is charisma. If people can't stand you or you are nasty to everyone, you are going to find that it is a struggle to move to the next place in your life. It is really not about getting others to like you by some tricks, it is about serving other people and helping to meet your needs rather than always focusing on yourself. People will always know when you are genuine or fake. So take the time to serve and see what happens.

10 Powerful Ways to Make People Like You

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #BeingLiked

What You Eat After Exercise Matters

When your body is in its highest state of burn, right after your workout, the fuel that you choose to eat after is extremely important in either keeping the burn going or stopping it immediately. So you really need to eat smart after a workout to get the most benefit from what you have done. So don't waste your whole workout by eating badly right after. We often only burn between 300-800 calories in any one workout. However we often injest up to 1200 calories after the workout to refuel. Then we wonder why we are not seeing the results that we want. If you think I got on that treadmill today I can eat that hamburger tonight, you are wrong. It will cost you more in the end than what it is worth. Check out this article for more in depth info to what you should be eating.

What You Eat After Exercise Matters

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Exercise


It may be a revealtion but when you are running you need to have claf muscles that are strong to support the motion of running. Going for a run will strengthen those muscles, but long distance running does overwork those muscles and fatigue them and negates that building. So you need to supplement that training and build those calves so you have a better base to work with. Check out this article and get strong for your next run.

How to Strengthen Your Calf Muscles

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Running #GetStrong

10 Tips for Getting Started as a Freelancer

One of the ways that you can use your talents and turn them into cash is by freelancing for other people thay may need your services. So many people need editors, graphic design artists, marketers the list is literally endless. The great thing is that with the ointernet you can do most of these things remotely from your own computer. It takes no set up just the time to complete the task. So use your skills to make some extra money and help other people. Check out this article to get started.

10 Tips for Getting Started as a Freelancer

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10 Ways Your Supermarket Hijacks Your Brain

We have all heard that you should shop on the exterior of the supermarket because that is where the freshest and healthiest foods are located. In the interior of the store is where all the processed and chemical foods are kept. That is really only the beginning. There is so much more. The stores are completely set up so that you are enticed to buy all the wrong things or buy what they want you to buy. From the displays to the marketing on the packages. It is all set up for you to buy the products that they want you to purchase. No matter what the cost or the health risk. So check out this article and find out all the dirty tricks they are playing on you.

10 Ways Your Supermarket Hijacks Your Brain

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #Supermarkets

Why Swimming Is So Good for You

This is the one sport that I really struggle with. However, I was challenged to do an Ironman in the next year so I decided to get a coach to help me learn to do more than just not drown in the water. The first day that I trained I didn't realize how difficult it is to move through the water. It works every muscle. It is very deceiving. So spend some time in the water if you want to get a great workout and build your endurance. Chec out this article for even more reasons to get in the pool.

Why Swimming is so Good For You

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Swimming

You Are What You Think

We will never rise above how we feel about ourselves. If you cannot believe that you can do it, no one else will either. So whatever you are projecting in your own moind will become your identity eventually. It doesn't matter how other people feel about you or what they think it is all about you. I now so many people who seem to be successful or have things together that are so depressed they find it hard to deal with life. Those people imprision themselves. They struggle to get up in the morning and push themselves to greater heights. I also know people who have nothing and project like they are the owners of the universe and they seem to continually find exactly what they need. It is all about how you feel about you that maes all the difference. Chec out this article and start supporting yourself.

You Are What You Think

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Keeping a Personal Development Journal

This is something that I have always really struggled with, so I have used some of my blogging and article writing to chronical my journey. We all need to find a way to write down and share the growth that we continue to have. The more that you can see it the more you will recognize how fortunate we are in our lives. When we realize that we are really blessed we continue to recieve the good things rather than dwell on the bad. One of the amazing things that you will find is that you have so much more to be thankful for than to be depressed about. So check out this article.

Keeping a Personal Development Journal

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Journaling #WriteItDown

9 Tips On How To Cut Water Weight

This is always a big topic for athletes. How do we cut weight effectively and still stay healthy? It is not easy and we want to mae sure that we are not doing it in ways that may harm our bodies. So here are some great ways to cut that water weight, look your best, and mae weight for your next competition. Check it out.

9 Tips On How to Cut Water Weight

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #WaterWeight #CuttingWeight

Schools Back In So Get The Family Thinking Fit

There is just a small percentage of kids that are involved in sports in school and many of the schools have severely reduced their fitness and gym programs. So if we really want to fight the childhood obesity epidemic not only do we as parents need to take an active role in the fitness of the whole family, but we must get educated ourselves. We need to know what is healthy and get our kids outside. It is so easy to just let them watch tv or play video games, but we know what is better for them. So check out this article and see ways that you can integrate this idea into your family.

Schools Back in So Get The Family Thinking Fit

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Family

How secretive should you be with your startup idea?

We are always worried about who may steal our idea, our product, or our service. Is this really a valid response? Should you keep it to yourself or should you tell people about it? I believe it can be a slippery place to be and really is a case by case issue. However, I do believe that you miss out on possible help and refinement if you remain so secretive about your business. Often you will not be able to make it to the next level without the opinions of others. This is why estabilshed companies run test groups and panels. They want the opinions of the consumer and this is a great way to get it. Check out this article to see what you should do.

How Secetive Should You Be With Your Startup Idea?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How To Become A Superhero In 4 Easy Steps

There is something about becoming a suoperhero that is all about attitude. We all have the ability to help other people. We are all special. We just need that extra confidence to truly push forward to be the amazing people that we are.

How to Become a Superhero in 4 Easy Steps

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Superhero

10 Practices for Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire

People tend to think other people become millionaires because someone gave it to them or because they are just lucky. The truth is that very seldom is it ever that way. Successful people become successful after years and years of preparation. It is that constant preparation that positions them to be in the place to take advantage of the opportunities when they come. So many of us can look back and see times in our lives where we missed out because we couldn't take advantage of the opportunity when it was available and kick ourselves now. The reality is that we were simply unprepared when the opprortunity comes, because opportunity is always available to us. Are you ready and prepared to do what you need to do to make the the most of the opportunities given to you? This is the real question. This is why it takes CANI (constant and neverending improvement) to really find success in life. This is the real key to open all those doors that may have been previously closed to you. Check out this article and start opening the doors.

10 Practices for Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

A healthy diet focuses on fruits and vegetables

24 Daily Habits That Will Boost Your Intelligence

Friday, October 2, 2015

3 Questions that Will Free Your Mind and Turn Your Life Around

Someone once said that successful people don't happen into success but they ask better questions of themselves. It is all about the questions that we ask that shape our growth. If we con continually as better questions we will continue to grow. We need to develop our minds to constantly find answers to the tough questions. These stretch our minds and allow us to get out of the box. This is when we find the most tremedous growth. Some of the best inventions of our modern age have come from people asking the question and finding the answer no matter what the cost. Who would have ever believed Edision or Tesla would have become so ingrained in our lives when they were still lighting their candles every night. It was because they asked themselves the right questions and pushed themselves to find answers to their problems. So check out this article and change your life.

3 Questions That Will Free Your MInd and Turn Your Life Around

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Questions #Growth

19 Ways to Give Up Sugar

Sugar is incredibly addictive and can completely derail our weight loss goals. Not only that it can create so many of the diseases that we struggle with in our culture today. I am currently working on giving up sugar. I had done well for 3 weeks and last night at the county fair the funnel cake got me. It is not easy but the good news is we get another chance each day. So even if you fall off the wagon get back up and take the reins.

19 Ways to Give Up Sugar

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Sugar #Addict

How To Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To

This is always the challenge is your exercise program too much too fast. If it is you will never make it to your goals. It needs to be challenging enough that you see change, but also easy enough that your body doesn't begin to brea down. You also need to mix in good motivation. Whether that means a personal trainer, a group fitness class, or just some frineds to worout with. We all need that extra push when the days get long and hard. So check this out and find out what is right for you. If you are in the Cincinnati area come and see me at our Crunch Fitness locations and I'll get you set up with some great group fitness training.

How to Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Motivation

The great unbundling of marketing is here

Marketing is such a difficult topic. It is ever changing. Not only do people's intrests and capabilities change the platforms and accesibility change. We have gone from direct mailing to internet marketing. From face to face marketing to a passing banner on a website. So how do we navigate this crazy varied landscape. Honestly, I don't know I have not been able to figure it out myself and continue to search for a good answer. I have been blessed to have several people in marketing that have choosen to help me. So check out this article and start figuring it out.

The Great Unbundling of Marketing is Here

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur