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Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 21: Never Stop

In life, we often lose sight of what is important and focus on what is convenient. Instead of eating healthy we eat fast food and TV dinners. Instead of working out we plop in front of the TV and never move. We must focus on what is truly important. Our health should be at the top of that list because without it nothing else matters. If we are not alive it is hard to enjoy anything else the world has to offer. Just ask a person diagnosed with terminal cancer what they really wish they had..... It wont be more money. We all need or bodies to be healthy and nourished. This is why it is so important to eat right, exercise, and keep a positive mental attitude. These are the things that really allow us to have a long, happy, fulfilling life.

How does this all relate to the cleanse? As the cleanse ends, we must remember that even though we don't have to take up the vegan lifestyle we need to continue to live healthy. Our body only runs well with good nutrition. So keep up the trend, stay healthy, exercise, and keep growing everyday. We can never stop if we really want to achieve in this life.

Go Train Hard

Day 20: One Day or Halfway

For those of you who are doing the 21 days congratulations you only have one day left. For those that are adventuring on to 40 days.... Welcome to the second half.

I hope that at whatever level you are taking it, you have found a new place of enlightenment. You have found new strength that you didn't know that you had and started your body clean and fresh this new year.

As we continue on we will be here for support, diet help, and fitness. Please reach out and let us know how you are doing and the miracles that are happening in your life. We want to be a part.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 19: Bringing Mind and Body Together

Today I went and did some hot yoga at Moksha Yoga Cincinnati. This is the second time that I have done hot yoga, it is amazing. It is def a time to release ask the cares of the day and focus on nothing but your breathing and sweat lol. I was a little nervous doing this while on the cleanse because of the lower calories but I didn't have any issues. I felt great physically the whole time. About 3/4 of the way through the 75 min class I started thinking its hot and hard to breathe, I need to get out of this room. But I loved ever sweat soaked minute of it.

How many of you have noticed a change in your mental status? Has your outlook improved? Do you find yourself thinking about things more positively? Are you dreaming again? Let us know we want to hear your story.

Go Train Hard

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 18: The Sponge

I have been feeling great the last couple of days and have really increases my training back to what it was before I started the cleanse. My body has fully adjusted to have no meat and is really processing foods as it should. I have energy that lasts all day and I feel amazing. I am really looking forward to the next 22 days and watching what doors will be opened in that time. I am believing that some miraculous things are going to happen in these next several weeks.

I mentioned earlier in the cleanse that we needed to become more like little children. I was watching my six year old son playing on the computer last night sand found myself amazed at the fact that he is growing by leaps and bounds. Just a few months ago he would not if even understood the concepts and buttons to press to control the game. Now he is playing like a champ and selecting his own games and loving playing them. It made me think about the fact that children are like sponges, they suck up ask the energy and knowledge around them and are continually growing. What happens to us as adults? We lose that drive and desire to learn, to grow. So many of us get stuck and dry up like crusty old sponges. If we want to become more successful we must get to a place where we start growing and learning again. The trick is to get past our own pride and stubbornness. So learn something new today, pick up a new hobby, read a new book, just learn and grow any way you can.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 17: Leave Your Baggage At the Door

My day has been very productive. I am working on putting a program together for the youth that I work with dealing with goal setting and success in life. This is a direct result of the time that I have been spending during this cleanse to enrich myself and work toward helping others. Like I have mentioned before this cleanse is not just about changing the foods we east but it should be a time to start over, to renew and refresh or lives. Often we just need to press the reset button in our lives and begin again. The great thing is that we have tomorrow to do just that.

We all carry baggage with us that boggs us down and holds us back. We struggle with or past, our current situation, the mistakes that we have made, etc. We can course to allow those things to haunt us and keep us from receiving the abundance in life that we deserve out we can choose to leave our baggage at the door and step into tomorrow fresh, without fear or hinderance. This is probably one of the most difficult things to do but it us absolutely necessary if we are to live our lives in freedom. We have to let go of the things that hold us back? Ask yourself, what is holding me back? What am I afraid of? Who do I need to forgive? Make your choice today to live each day as a new opportunity to make something great, see the difference it will make in your life.

Go train hard.

Day 16: The Freedom of Forgiveness

Sunday is my one day of the week off. I absolutely take the day off, I just relax all day long. Today I took time to read, play video games, and watch movies. We all need time to rest. It is a great stress reliever to just have a day filled with nothing. We struggle through our days running from one place to another, arguing with one person out another, and filling our days with busyness of all kinds.

One of the greatest stresses that we face is our own personal relationships. We hold resentment for other people because of perceived wrongs that they have done to us. These wrongs may be actual or perceived, it doesn't matter it effects our attitudes and lives the same. We have to remember that when we hold anger and resentment towards others the only person that it hurts is you. The other person is not effected at all. In most instances they don't even care. Its just like drivers who struggle with road rage and are screaming at other people on the road. The other person can't even hear you so the only people really effected are you and anyone else in the car with you, and believe me the people in three car with you don't want to hear it.

The best way to break free from the stress of resentment is to forgive those people you are holding it for. We tend to make this harder than it needs to be. When we forgive someone the only person the it effects is us. It is more for our piece of mind rather than theirs. It us all about letting go of the anger and giving ourselves the time to heal. So who do you need to forgive today? Let it go and feel the freedom of forgiveness.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 15: As Little Children

If you followed the meal plan with the 21 Day Kickstart, you had an amazing spicy Thai soup. It was absolutely delicious. I have really been amazed at how good the vegan meals have been. There really has not been anything that I have not liked. I think it is amazing how much our taste change when we take out all the processed food and start eating fresh foods. We can actually taste the spices and individual flavors. All the preservatives and chemicals in our foods deaden our taste buds and inhibit their flavors.

As I was reading, Jon Gordon's book Energy Addict, I read his portion about having the energy of a child. I also remembered how the bible tells us that we need to become like little children. Children are so innocent, so trusting, and so energetic. We need to model that and hold on to that as long as we can. One thing that we find is that children are much happier than adults. Gordon points out that children laugh over 400 times a day, where adults only laugh about 25 times a day. So if you want to be happier and more energetic..... Be like a child, laugh and enjoy life, have fun and love everyone you can. If you can do that you will live a much more successful and fulfilled life.

Day 14: One Week Left

Today was an amazing day..... Got lots accomplished and felt great on the cleanse. For those of you only doing the original 21 day cleanse you only have one week to go. Congrats you have made huge steps in your physical health and wellbeing. Keep it up only 7 more days. For those of us that are continuing on for 40 days, we are almost halfway to the goal. I hope this first half has been a huge wakeup call and you have seen great transformation in your life. I know that it will grow exponentially during this last half. Keep it up and feel better than you have ever felt.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 13: Encountering Others

I have always tried to do my best to learn and grow from all those around me. I have found that I can learn tremendous things from people I would never imagine if I just take the time to slow down and listen. This is one of the reasons taking time to take this cleansing journey with you is so important to me. I not only get to learn more about myself personally, but I get to grow closer and experience life along with you. We can learn from one another and help each other grow into better people.

I have had such a great day and have been blessed with many incredible ideas that I will be sharing in the near future. How have you been doing with your mental clarity? The food on the plan has also continued to be excellent, there has been no dish that I have not liked. I have continued to have lots of energy even though I am continuing to work out 6 days a week. How is your energy?

Here is a bit of wisdom I found in The Aladdin Factor.
"Every person you meet and every experience you encounter is a potential Genie in your life. All you have to do is be open.
-open your mind to see the opportunity
-open your heart to hear what you want
-open your mouth to ask for it
-open your arms to embrace the gifts you will receive"

Now go train

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 12: The Hugging Factor

I have been feeling much better today. My nose has still been runny but the fever is gone. One of the great things about the cleanse is that when your body begins to run properly it will also fight infection and sickness better. The body is an amazing machine when it is running well. This is one of the ways to give your body a tune up.

With that said, I am seriously considering extending my cleanse to 40 days. Those of you that are willing to step a little further are more than welcome to join me. We will still meet for lunch or dinner on 1/28 for those that are ending the cleanse at 21 days. For us that are continuing on, it will be a celebration of continued success and a time of encouragement min cleanse. We can have fun and get the support that we all need.

I was reading a book called The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and it mentioned that to survive we need 4 hugs a day. To maintain we need 6 hugs a day. But to grow we need at least 12 hugs a day. Some of you may not be huggers, but it is undeniable the way that hugs make us feel. They help us feel more secure, loved, and grow us closer to those in which we share them with. So get your allotment of hugs today and give some out. They may just help you achieve the next level of success.

Train hard

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 11.... Over the Hump

Even though I have still been running a fever and not feeling the best today, the cleanse has been going well. The food has continued to be amazing and full of flavor. I was able to stay home from work and rest today. I hope that I will feel better tomorrow.

How are all of you doing? Have you adjusted to the cleanse? Do you have more energy? Are you struggling less with the cravings? Where would you like to get together for dinner to break the cleanse? Do you want to extend it to 40 days? Let us know your feelings?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day ten.... Almost halfway there

Today has been a rough day.... I have struggled this weekend, not with the cleanse itself but in over eating the vegan foods that I have been eating. I have also been coming down with a cold and am feeling a little under the weather.

One thing that I am not sure people have understood, the cleanse is not really about losing weight. You may lose some weight during this 21 days, but it is more about sacrifice and putting your body in a place where it cleans out all the toxins and is able to work more efficiently. In time this will help your body to process the foods that you eat correctly and help you to lose weight, however in 21 days you are really just getting your body to rid itself of the garbage that you have been filling it with. The good thing is that this will help you to feel better, think clearer, and feel more fulfilled in your life.

Keep at it and make it down the path to a healthier you.

Day 9 of fast....

I have come to the place where the fast seems natural now. I am starting to question if I am going to attempt fasting for 40 days instead of 21. I have lost 7 pounds of what is probably mostly water weight and I am feeling great! I do need to eat more often than normal but that is normal because we are eating less calories in each meal. I have not broken my commitment to myself that I set to stay vegan for the who fast, which is better than I did last year. Each year we do the fast it seems to get less difficult. I still struggle to drink as much water as I should be drinking, but I still drink as much as I can every day, which helps the cravings between meals.

More importantly than all of that, I feel great! I am thinking clearer and feeling better than I have for a while.

Keep going, if you have a hump and it stops you from feeling like you are succeeding at the fast, push through it and remember that the fast is a challenge, no one is perfect, everyone slips or has a bad day.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day eight..... Start of week two

How are you adjusting to the cleanse? I am feeling great. No problems with hunger, headaches, or dizziness. I feel like I have more energy all day long and have a more positive attitude. I hope that you are staying to feel the same way.

One important thing to note, your attitude determines everything. If you don't have a real focus for doing this cleanse you will always struggle with the question of why am I doing this? You will also really have a lot of trouble not wanting all the things that you have given up. If you remain positive and know that you are doing this for a purpose (spiritual, weight loss, greater dreaming, goal setting, etc.) you will find much greater success and direction in doing it. I have found that I think clearer and have more focus during the cleanse. I also feel much closer to God. I hope that you will be able to find your purpose as you go through this time. Now go and train hard.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week one in the books....

This week has been pretty easy for me to adjust to as far as the food portion is concerned. My body has adjusted really well and I only had one really tough day. However, the one thing that I forgot was how difficult it its to handle the mood swings that it causes from time to time. Sometimes you make feel a bit edgy or irritable. It is normal, just try to be understanding of other people who are on the journey with you. They are going through it too. It can also be a very emotional time for those that ate emotional people, just be prepared. However, the benefits far out weigh the challenges. Two more weeks to go and the hardest is over. Keep up the good work and keep letting us know how you are doing..... It is always encouraging to know that you are not the only person struggling.

Day six, got my fix....

Woke up a little sluggish this morning, not sure why may be the drastic change in the weather. One of the reasons why the winter season is higher for depression than any other time of the year. Between the cold and gloomy skies many people attach a emotional response to the holidays. We can change much of that by looking forward to a positive future and keeping a positive attitude towards life itself. No only will this attract more good into your life you will be all around more healthy, happy, and productive.

As far as the cleanse is concerned I felt better and better as the day went on, trained for 3 hours, and burned 1033 calories. I have continued to make sure that I scale back my intensity to adjust for the new cleanse and continue to feel better as I train. I have taken this time to work on technique and make myself that much better and more focused on my training. I have also had more success in being clear minded and making positive decisions for my life.

We have almost made it through week one keep going only two more weeks. We are seriously considering extending our personal cleanse to 40 days, but this is just a personal goal. We are also thinking about having a small get together with everyone doing this cleanse to break the cleanse together more details coming soon. Any location suggestions would be appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Keep it up we are closet to finishing than we were a week ago.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day five, still alive....

For me this week has went really smoothly..... However, I know for several of you it has been pretty difficult. Remember that we will make it through this together. The willpower that you will gain through this time may be the first time that you have ever seen success in this area of your life. Keep it up. It may be a constant struggle or you may keep failing..... Remember that this is not a matter of succeeding or failing it is all about staring fresh. The one thing all of us can do is start over tomorrow. This includes everything in life: career, health, relationships, etc. It is never over till it is over. Keep pushing forward and finish strong. The end is much more important than the beginning.

Let me know how you are doing?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day four down....

Hope you all are doing was another good day. My energy levels were high but I did find that I tied out during training easier and my muscles are having a harder time recovering from my workouts. I have made the decision to back off the intensity during the cleanse and focus on technique. This will ensure that I don't injure myself while my body is adjusting to the change in energy source. However, by the end of next week I should be fully adjusted and be able to up my workouts again.

As far as feeling hungry, I have not struggled with that at all. For those of you that are, remember that you can eat more vegetables because your body burns them more efficiently than animal byproducts. Not to mention that they are much lower in calories and fats to begin with.

Hope that everyone is finding success and growing as a person as you stretch your comfort zone. Keep working it..... It will all payoff.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day Three in the books....

Today was dramatically different than yesterday. I felt good all day. I didn't struggle with any headaches or dizziness and I seemed to be very productive today. One of the things that I have noticed is that during the four years that I have done this is that I seem to become a "dream" or "idea factory". I find that I have greater clarity and direction during these times and even accomplish more. This may sound sappy but I become more emotional and thankful for the blessings that I have received over my lifetime. This could be why I continue to pursue this quest. I even was able to bring up some new ideas at work today that may turn intoa great new group for the youth that I serve. I an really excited to be able to share more about my own personal growth with them.

I hope that you will find many of the same benefits that I have and we will be able to grow together. I an do glad that I am able to share this time with so many of you. I have talked to several people who are participating as well and they have been relating their results. Remember to post them here so all of us can be encouraged and challenged by or combined struggles and successes.

Keep the course and achieve the results that you desire.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day two....

Today was a little rough....the food was great but I was struggling with lightheadedness and dizziness most of the day. For all of you that are worried, this is normal. Your body has to adjust to the change in how and what it is processing. However, after the first week your body should be pretty well adjusted. So hold on tight and get ready for breakthroughs.

One of the things I would seriously recommend during this time is to start thinking about your dreams and desires. What are you looking to accomplish in the next year? What dreams do you feel like you have lost? What passions are not burning as brightly as before? Use this time to recharge your batteries, restore those dreams, and reawaken those passions. There is something magical about a time where you are sacrificing that will bring about a renaissance in your life.

Keep the course, test it out, and see what happens in your life...... Its only 21 days. As always let us know how you are doing, we want to know.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Vegan Cleanse Day One.....

How its everyone doing on the cleanse? I have followed the menu plan from and have loved all the recipes so far..... The carrot and red pepper soup was amazing. I still have not had dinner yet, so looking forward to eating that in about an hour. So far the struggle has not been bad. The only time I had any issues was after my workout today I was a little light headed. I did run out and pick up some pea protein and flaxseed oil to help supplement, rather than my traditional whey and fish oil..... Trying to follow the vegan ideals as much as possible.

Let me know how you are doing, how you liked the food, any suggestions, and how hard it has been? Can't wait to hear from you....

Keep pushing forward, the first week is the most difficult....


Friday, January 6, 2012

Time to start the fast!

Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or several days. Other fasts may be only partially restrictive, limiting particular foods or substance. Fasting practices may preclude sexual intercourse and other activities as well as food.

Many Christians believe that fasting can strengthen your faith and draw you closer to God, helping you to break down comfortable barriers that may cloud spiritual conquest. Catholics fast for Lent every year. Buddhist monks and nuns following the Vinaya rules commonly do not eat each day after the noon meal. They do not consider this a fast but rather a disciplined regimen aiding in meditation and good health. Fasting is the fourth of the Five Pillars of Islam and involves fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, which is probably the most notable time for fasting among Muslims. Fasting is a very integral part of the Hindu religion. Individuals observe different kinds of fasts based on personal beliefs and local customs,  limiting oneself to one meal during the day and/or abstaining from eating certain foods or eating only certain food types. Even if the fasting Hindu is non-vegetarian, they are not supposed to eat or even touch any animal products (i.e., meat, eggs) on a day of fasting.

Although fasting has long been used for religious and spiritual contemplation, and a show of faith and self control, fasting is being rediscovered in modern culture as a great way to maintain a healthy body. When we fast we rid our body and our mind of toxins, stress and strengthen our physical and mental resolve.  Periodically ridding your body of toxins help bring balance back to our body, mind and soul. Even if you fast only something small like processed foods or going out to eat it could really change the way you feel and help you rediscover your strength.

This year we are undertaking a whole body cleanse. By removing all animal products, bi-products, and processed foods (anything with preservatives, and/or unnatural dyes and additives) we are hoping to attain a healthier body and bring us closer to our faith. last year I added in an herbal cleanse as well which you can purchase and any natural food market or vitamin shop.(Do make sure though that the product you buy is vegan.) Amazingly I was alleviated of a health problem that I have that involves an imbalance of hormones and problems with circulation for nearly six months without the aid of synthetic medications. I have known regular yearly or bi-yearly fasts to help or totally alleviate many health conditions. Of course it is always advised that you do these fasts under the supervision of your physician if you have any health condition that may be effected by serious changes in diet and activity.

We have done this fast for several years now and every year I feel that I have found a new strength in myself and drawn closer to what I hope and dream to accomplish in my life. I have been excited for months now that this fast was getting close and even though it is a very big challenge for me every year to stay on this fast for the whole 21 days I have never given up early. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 21 DAYS! It may seem like a long time but it flies by so quick. I will say that the first few days are the hardest. I always end up getting really down on myself for a few days because I struggle so much with changing my diet, but after the change is done, which usually takes me 3 or 4 days, I don't even look back.

Although fasting alone is not particularly good way to help you lose weight, it can be a good way to jump start your new eating habits if you intend on moving into a more healthy lifestyle. Think, if you go on a vegan diet for 21 days and look at eating a normal healthy diet at the end of the fast, by the end you will be happy to replace those black beans with a 4-5 oz. piece of lean grilled chicken breast instead of what you would have eaten before you accomplished a 21 day fast. You look at food in a whole new way after rediscovering your relationship with it.  When you take away all of the modern "replacements" for what we really should be eating and go back to the basics of the human diet before we stopped being hunter-gathering natural beings you start looking at that Mcy D's Double Quarter Pounder, fries and large soda like its poison not a treat. You get reminded of how important it is to feed ourselves real fresh fruits and veggies and how much better you feel when you don't eat much else for a few weeks.

I by no means would change to a vegan diet all of the time. I do not believe it is normal for humans who are born omnivores to never eat meat, even our hunter-gathering ancestors ate meat when they got the chance, but they ate smart and healthy. They ate what came to them by nature. There were skinny times where no one ate much, usually in the winter when meat was hard to catch and hunt and vegetation was gone. These were their times of fasting, then in the summer they had plenty and ate well. This time of year is a very traditional fasting time for us and I always use that as a note of inspiration.

We plan to blog as much as we can through this time of fasting and want all of you that are following our fast to post here on the blog your support and talk to us about how you feel about our day to day struggles. If you have been inspired by our fast and want to join we will be here for you to support you and answer any questions you have. We have a wealth of recipes and great ideas to help you challenge yourself in this time.

Be inspired and keep dreaming.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

21 Day Vegan Kickstart

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I like to start the year with a cleanse. I do it for not only a physical purpose, but also a spiritual purpose. So I combine my cleanse with prayer. I believe that it is a time to renew the body and the spirit. This also enables me to start off the year dreaming and find awe in the universe. I believe during times of fasting and prayer, we are really able to reach out and touch God. Enough of the spiritual side of things.

I promised a meal plan and encouragement for this journey and adventure called fasting. I would suggest checking out the Daniel Fast, which I have done the last three years straight. You can check that out here: Another great sight that you can use that has full meal plans and grocery lists is:  this is the plan that I am going to try and follow this year. The website is super user friendly and will give you all that you need to keep on the cleanse. By the way, if you go and sign up today the meal planning starts tomorrow.

If you decide to commit to this fast along with us here at Scorpion Style Personal Training please let us know, so we can work on encouraging one another. I am not going to lie, it is a challenge, it is difficult, but it is worth it. A wonderful way to start the year and can set a pattern for a healthier lifestyle for the entire year. Come and join in on the journey and see the changes that will be made in you.

Happy New Year.....

Hope you had a great New Years Eve, take today off to recover from the partying because tomorrow is the first real training day of the new year (at least for me). Make this new year the best ever, start positive with a fresh slate and commit this year to making your dreams come true. Whether it is losing 20 lbs, getting a better job, starting your own business, or buying a new car..... Take those small steps necessary to achieve those goals. From all of us here at Scorpion Style Personal Training, we love you, and look forward to serving you in this new year. Let's help each other to realize the reality of or dreams. NOW GO TRAIN HARD (tomorrow lol)