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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 15: As Little Children

If you followed the meal plan with the 21 Day Kickstart, you had an amazing spicy Thai soup. It was absolutely delicious. I have really been amazed at how good the vegan meals have been. There really has not been anything that I have not liked. I think it is amazing how much our taste change when we take out all the processed food and start eating fresh foods. We can actually taste the spices and individual flavors. All the preservatives and chemicals in our foods deaden our taste buds and inhibit their flavors.

As I was reading, Jon Gordon's book Energy Addict, I read his portion about having the energy of a child. I also remembered how the bible tells us that we need to become like little children. Children are so innocent, so trusting, and so energetic. We need to model that and hold on to that as long as we can. One thing that we find is that children are much happier than adults. Gordon points out that children laugh over 400 times a day, where adults only laugh about 25 times a day. So if you want to be happier and more energetic..... Be like a child, laugh and enjoy life, have fun and love everyone you can. If you can do that you will live a much more successful and fulfilled life.

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