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Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 21: Never Stop

In life, we often lose sight of what is important and focus on what is convenient. Instead of eating healthy we eat fast food and TV dinners. Instead of working out we plop in front of the TV and never move. We must focus on what is truly important. Our health should be at the top of that list because without it nothing else matters. If we are not alive it is hard to enjoy anything else the world has to offer. Just ask a person diagnosed with terminal cancer what they really wish they had..... It wont be more money. We all need or bodies to be healthy and nourished. This is why it is so important to eat right, exercise, and keep a positive mental attitude. These are the things that really allow us to have a long, happy, fulfilling life.

How does this all relate to the cleanse? As the cleanse ends, we must remember that even though we don't have to take up the vegan lifestyle we need to continue to live healthy. Our body only runs well with good nutrition. So keep up the trend, stay healthy, exercise, and keep growing everyday. We can never stop if we really want to achieve in this life.

Go Train Hard

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