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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

9 Important Truths You Should Always Keep In Mind

We often forget the essentials in life. It is those basic truths that help to steer us like a rudder through life's struggles. If we can keep some of these things in mind we will be well on our way to a happier and more successful life. Check it out and find your truth.

9 Important Truths You Should Always Keep In Mind

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopement #Truth  (no link...go to

The 17 Best & Worst Condiments!

Often it isn't just the food that you are eating, it's what you are putting on and in your food. This is the reason why Starbucks coffee is so bad for us. It's not just the coffee it is all the additives that they put in the coffee. The sugar and flavoring st hat make it taste so good are also what is killing us. It is the same in our food. We often wonder why we are eating less but still gaining weight. If you haven't controlled your condiments that could be part of the problem. Check out this article and figure out what is good and what is bad about your diet.

The 17 Best and Worst Condiments!

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Condiments (no link...go to

15 Crazy Fitness Contraptions From The Past 100 Years

For as long as there has been recorded history people have been looking for ways to make things easier or more efficient. This is no different in the fitness world. We have some crazy inventions that often didn't work at all but have all pressed us on to make our workouts better and better. So check out some of these unbelievable ideas. Maybe you have used some of these or they bring back some fond memories, either way check them out.

15 Crazy Fitness Contraptions From the Past 100 Years

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Equipment #CrazyContraptions (no link...go to

12 People Who Took An Indirect Path to Success

There are as many ways to success as there are people on the earth. We all have our own unique path to fill our unique role in the world. The only real commonality is that it takes us getting over obstacles and building grit and determination to make it to the very top. It is a very low percentage that will have it given to them and an even smaller number that will not have some major struggle in their lives that propel them to be the best they can be. For success to happen it takes those moments of learning and often those moments of loss to prepare us for what is to come. Check out some of these entrepreneurs that have done just that.

12 People Who Took an Indirect Path to Success

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Monday, May 30, 2016

10 Things to Remember About Memorial Day

So often we forget what the holidays actually mean. We get so caught up in getting together with family and new excuses to drink that we forget the real meanings behind some of the holidays that we hold so dear. Here is a great reminder about the real meaning of this day. Take a few mins to check out out and allow it to sink in. Hope you had an awesome Memorial Day.

10 Things to Remember About Memorial Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #MemorialDay #Remember (no link...go to

Friday, May 27, 2016

6 Steps To Turn Strangers Into Connections

I have always been really great at this one thing. I am a networking master. I can meet and make connections with just about anyone. It's really funny because I am terrible at selling. The two seem very similar but I really struggle with selling but flourish at networking. I believe the reason is because I have a much different focus. When I want to meet someone or network with them I always genuinely ask how can I help you? I honestly do this because I want to be a part of what they are doing because I find it exciting or I have bought into it. This puts me in a unique position where I am helping but not expecting anything in return. This is where magic happens. When you can be that transparent and desire to help others with no gain for yourself, then people will gravitate towards that authenticity and inevitably that karma will turn in your favor. It seems to work for me and I have been able to network with some of the leaders in my industry. Check out this article and see how you can enlarge your territory.

6 Steps to Turn Strangers Into Connections

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Networking #ReachingOut (no link...go to

5 Healthy Plant-Based Foods to Eat Before a Workout

I am always looking for ways to refine my nutrition. As a high level athlete I know that it is primarily nutrition that helps you perform at a higher level. It is truly what seperates the top level athletes. If your nutrition is not on point your body cannot sustain the workload for extended periods of time. So here is a great article to help you find those plant-based foods that can fuel your next workout. Since I am vegan this is always great for me to find, so I can try out something new and freshen up the choices that I have. Check it out for yourself.

5 Healthy Plant-Based Foods to Eat Before a Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #PlantBased (no link...go to

Periodic Table of Kettlebell Exercises

The Kettlebell is an amazing tool to build muscle and increase your functional mobility, but other than a Kettlebell swing what else do you know how to do with these unique weights? In this article I found a great resource that will show you a multitude of exercises that can get you well on your way to a higher level of fitness. Check it out and go pump that iron.

Periodic Table of Kettlebell Exercises

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Kettlebell (no link...go to


I just happened to have a conversation with a manager about this very subject. Employers do look at your social media to find out who you are. It is a great picture into the character of the potential employee. If you have pics of you drinking and doing drugs on your FB page you are likely going to be passed over for someone who is more professional. There are some things that you should just keep private. I know a few years ago I changed my FB page to primarily about business and personal development because that is what I am focused on and what I want to share with the audience that I have. I love to go out and have fun and often do some crazy things but they don't need to go on my professional profile. You need to choose what you want to project to others. This is a big part of success in life. So check out this article and get yourself together.

Things No Self-respecting Adult Should Be Doing on FB

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Thursday, May 26, 2016

15 Ways to Be Irresistibly Attractive

So whether your goal is to be attractive to the opposite sex or be attractive to employers or potential investors this is a great article for you. These principles will help you have the attitude and transparency that people are naturally drawn to. This is really the secret to being a person that people gravitate towards. You have to be your authentic self and live by some great morals. People will always respect that and want to emulate those qualities. This will give you the edge on other people. We often wonder why the gorgeous girl is with THAT guy. It is always because that guy is meeting her needs. Whether it is by being the kind of funny that she appreciates or that we loves her inspite of all her flaws. He is meeting those needs and that is why they are together. It is not always about looks. So check out this article and find what you are looking for.

15 Ways to Be Irresistabliy Attractive

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Attractive (no link...go to

The Top Benefits of Exercise Balls

If you are looking for a way to change up your workout and add something to it for low cost and using what is already around, look no further. Stability balls can be used for a multitude of exercises. They can be used for everything from stability work, core work, or upper body and lower body. You can get as dynamic as you like or even do muscle building movements. So check out this article and amp up your workout routine with this simple tool.

The Top Benefits of Exercise Balls

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #StabilityBalls (no link...go to

How to Start a Home Based Business with Low Budget

Many of us have been looking to start our own business so we can get away from working for someone else's dreams. The best way to do that is to start your own home based business. Many of them are super low cost and can be started for less that $500, sometimes for as little as $50. So here is an article that will give you some ideas to start that business on a budget. This is how I had to start Warrior Vacations. It has become the best time investment I have made.

How to Start a Home Based Business with Low Budget

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose – 7 Questions to Ask

If you have no purpose, you have no direction. If you have no direction, you cannot get started on the path. If you don't know the path, you can never make it to the destination. If we truly want to live lives full of passion and worth, we MUST discover what our purpose is. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have everything figured out tomorrow. It just means that you have an idea of where you want to go and be able to se some realistic goals for yourself. One of the things that I have found in my 15 year quest for success is that my purpose is always being refined. As I grow and am shaped I find that my purpose also gets shaped and refined. It is an ever fluid destination. I continue to work towards one goal but the path that I take may change from time to time. The best thing that I can do is to keep passionate and work towards it then allow the universe to open the necessary doors and be available to step through those doors when the time comes. So start asking questions and figure out your direction. It is that true north that will guide you the rest of your life into either greatness or obscurity.

How to Discover Your Life's Purpose - 7 Questions to Ask

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Purpose #LifeGoals (no link...go to

What the *bleep* does Gluten-Free mean?

Gluten-Free has been a buzz word for the last couple years. It has been good for some people who have had legitamte gluten allergies or gluten sensitivities and been a mess for people that just thought it was a new fad diet and could help them lose weight. We need to decide what works best for our bodies, but we have to be really careful jumping on any of the bandwagons of diet and health. Often these ideas are untested or have few studies to support them. The real truth is that we are all different. We are a chemistry set and what may work for me will not work for you and vice versa. Take time to see how your body reacts to the things that you are trying and then stick with something that works for you. For me it is veganism, for you it may be something else. I just hope that everyone will find their own personal good health whatever that may be.

What the "bleep" does Gluten-Free mean?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #GlutenFree (no link...go to

Just How Short Can Your Workout Be?

When we are talking about working out it is all about intensity. You can do 45 mins of moderate workout and get the same caloric burn in 10 mins of high intense work. If you truly want to shorten your workout time you need to look at high intense, short bursts of workout. This is not only the best way to burn calories but also a great way to condition your body. Most injuries are from overuse. This happens in long training sessions that break your body down. The risk of overuse injuries is dramatically decreased in high intensity workouts because your body doesn't take the same repetitive pounding. So decide how intense you want to be and get to work. Remeber that eventhough you are doing a high intensity class you can lower your intensity and get less results too. It is all up to you.

Just How Short Can Your Workout Be?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Workout #Intensity (no link...go to

70 Brilliant Ways to Make Extra Money on the Side

There are so many ways that you make extra money on the side. As a matter of fact it is abosolutely essential if you want to build wealth. You are going to need multiple stream of income. Long gone are the days that you can become rich (or even live a comfortable life) by working solely for one employer. This is often even true if you are an entrepreneur working for yourself. We all must be willing to branch out and find ways to fill the gaps. One of the ways that I make extra income is by doing personal training through an app called In Home Sports. I can literally train anyone in the world in real time from a computer or smart phone. It is a great app and I get paid instantly. So if you need some training check out the app and request an appointment with me. There are as many ways to make extra money as there are people so check out some of these suggestions and start carving out your own niche in the market.

70 Brilliant Ways to Make Extra Money on the Side

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Monday, May 23, 2016

21 Awesome Places to Learn Critical Skills That Will Change Your Life

I mentioned the idea of CANI (Constant and Never-ending Improvement) in a blog post yesterday.  This is a continuation of that. Here is an article on where to get these skills that you are going to learn so you can continue improving. It is truly amazing how easy it is to learn thing these days. The question is do you have the motivation/drive to learn them? Make the time and see how much your life can be changed. You don't need a piece of paper to say that you are educated. Use your time to educate yourself and become an expert in your field. Check out this article and get ready to change your life.

21 Awesome Places to Learn Critical Skills That Will Change Your Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Growth #Learning (no link...go to

New Ideas for HealthySnacks

If you are trying to get healthy, lose weight, or change up your diet it al comes down to how you snack. It is so difficult to keep your diet in check with all the bad junk food around. You MUST find a way to change up the snacks that you eat. You will never find success if you are sneaking in a bag of chips a day. So here is a great article that will give you some ideas for snacks that are much healthier than some processed stuff that you would find on the grocery store shelves.

New Ideas for Healthy Snacks

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #Snacks (no link...go to

What are The Best Nutrition, Health and Fitness Apps For 2016?

We live in an age that is filled with new technology. Some of this technology is bad some is great. We need to find what will help us in our lives and use that technology to make our lives better. Mt Fitness Pal has been on top of the health and fitness apps for the last few years, but there are several new apps that are coming up to challenge or fill gaps in that technology. Check the out and see the many ways that you can track your progress, find motivation, or track your meals. I know I am currently using spark to track my meals. Check out this list.

What are the Best Nutrition, Health, and Fitness Apps for 2016?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Technology #Apps (no link...go to

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

One of the things that you must do to really achieve success is to buy into this idea of CANI. CANI stands for Constant and Never-ending Improvement. We cannot stay the same if we ever hope to be as successful as we can be. This is a great article that will test you and begin to shape you. So get ready to make the necessary changes to become better than you have ever been and watch the doors begin to open.

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Thursday, May 19, 2016

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget

There are times when smart people get so focused on what they are doing that they miss the simple truths in life. We push forward so hard and often miss the forest for the trees. It is always good to have someone that can pull us back down from the clouds and help us see the reality of the situation. I have always been a large idea person and struggle with the normal day to day things that need to be done. So here is a list that may be able to show you the things that you have been overlooking, so check it out.

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Truth (no link...go to

Add 2 Tbsp. of This Coconut Oil Mixture to Your Morning Coffee to Burn a TON of Calories

Since last year and struggling with my nutrition at the Wintergreen 12hr Hurricane Heat I have been studying and trying to figure out my diet to better prepare myself for endurance. So I jumped right into the Keto/Paleo/Vegan ideas. I found that I needed to make much of it up by myself because there are so few people actually doing this as a vegan. It has been a challenge but I have found ways to become as healthy as possible and kill it in my endurance challenges. So in my last two events I have done great nutritionally and not struggled at all. I literally start off everyday with my own vegan version of bulletproof coffee. I use 1 Tbsp of coconut oil/coconut butter/coconut powder, 2 Tbsp of Almond Milk and 10oz of coffee. It has worked great to kickstart my metabolism and get me into fat burning mode. I then eat 60% good quality fats, 15-20% complex carbs, and 20-35% protein. This seems like the best mix for me. This recipe is not vegan, with the addition of honey, but it can be a great alternative for those wanting to try something new and work your way into the bulletproof coffee lifestyle. Check it out and see what you think.

Add 2 Tbsp of This Coconut Oil Mixture to Your Morning Coffee to Burn a TON of Calories

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Coffee #ElixirofLife (no link...go to


We all know that running can be extremely hard on your knees and ankles. It is so easy to roll your ankle or have the constant pounding stress out your it band. I know both seem to happen to me. I have also just recently expereinced shin splints for the first time ever and they are terrible. I couldn't even dorsiflex my foot. I am still trying to heal up from that injury and get back to running and weighted movements. It is always better to prevent injury than it is to recover from injury. So my friend David Weck and the team at WeckMethod have some great tips for you to keep you healthy for your running season.

3 Smart Ways to Prevent Running Injuries

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Running #Injuries (no link...go to

25 Reasons You Are Not as Successful as You Should Be

If you are really on the path to success you will be constantly refining who you are. This means constant evaluation and work to change and become better. This will continue to elevate us to the next level. We never fully arrive and their is always work to be done. Mark Divine talks about the 5 plateaus of consciousness and that we are constantly moving back and forth between the 5. If this is true we must focus on the 5th plateau and strive for it and then enjoy the moments of enlightenment that we find there. So here is a list that will help you to find some of those things that may be holding you back. This list help you identify where you need some work, so check it out and be honest with yourself.

25 Reasons You Are Not as Successful as You Should Be

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Monday, May 16, 2016

25 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago

The old saying is: with age comes wisdom. This is absolutely true. As we get older we always wish we would have known what we know now earlier. The truth is everyone around us was screaming it at us but we refused to listen. I remember when I was a teenager I thought I knew everything and then I found out I was completely wrong. I should have listened and it would have saved me years and years of struggle and heartache. So it is my one that this article will reach you young and you will take it to heart and put it into practice, so you can avoid some of the pitfalls I have made and grow even faster and better than I have. Check it out and become the best that you can be.

25 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Wisdom (no link...go to

Myth Busting – Carbs are Fine as Long as you Eat Them at the Right Time

There is so much debate over if, when, and why we need carbs. The answer is yes we need some carbs but what kind of carbs do we need? There is a huge debate on this right now and this article will help you find some clarity on this issue. If the goal is being as healthy as possible we need to take control of our diet and get it right. So dive into this article and figure out what works for your body and eat well.

Myth Busting - Carbs are Fine as Long as You Eat Them at the Right Time

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Carbs #HealthyEating (no link...go to

45 Types of Fit People – What World Class Athletes Look Like

For every different sport their is a different focus therefore the athletes look physically different. I think it is amazing that athletes come in all different shapes and sizes. The question really becomes what do you think is the perfect body? We all need something to aspire for, so check out these pics and see what you identify with.

45 Types of Fit People - What World Class Athletes Look Like

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Body #Athletes (no link...go to

How To Start A Business In Just One Cup Of Coffee

Too often we overthink things instead of just allowing them to grow organically. We think that we need to have a multimillion dollar corporation to really make it big. The truth is that some of the most happy and successful people are local business owners that just live their passions and do it to the best of their abilities. They become their local heroes and continue to give back and support their communities through their efforts. You don't have to be the next Apple to be successful. So find out what works for you and take massive action to see results. Check out this article and start here.

How to Start a Business In Just One Cup of Coffee

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Friday, May 13, 2016

Ten of the Most Inspirational Books You Will Ever Read . . .

Inspiration is something that we need to refill constantly. It is that inspiration that drives our passion. So I am constantly on the search for new things that will help inspire me to greater and greater heights. I love to read and it is pronbaly the easiest medium for me to gain that inspiration. Other people find inspiration in other places. So check out this article that lists some of the best inspirational books. See how many you have already read and then go check out the others. Fans the flames of your passion and desire.

Ten of the Most Inspirational Books You Will Ever Read

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Reaing #Inspiration #Passion (no link...go to

Do You Live to Work or Work to Live?

We are constantly doing one or the other. We all have to work, we all need to make money. However, it is the perspective that we come from that will dictate if we live our lives fulfilling or in misery. We all know people that only go to work to make money and then complain about it all the time. We also know other people that love their job an make it look so easy no matter how challenging the work may be. They constantly come in refreshed and ready to go and often have little stress. The opposite is true of people that work to live. They are often stressed out and struggle with other emotional and physical issues. So decide which you would rather do ad figure out how you can get there.

Do You Live to Work or Work to Live?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneurship (no link...go to

Why You Should Be Eating the Avocado Pit

I love avocado. I try to eat a half an avocado a day. But if your like me you throw away the pit as soon as you split your avocado. I never even knew that you could eat the pit. However, I am interested in trying anything that may improve my performance and health. I am also really interested in using the entire avocado. So check out this article and see the amazing things you can do with the pit and try it out. Let me know if you have ever done this before and the recipes that you have used.

Why You Should Be Eating the Avocado Pit

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Food #Healthy #Avocado (no link...go to

Here’s Why You Need A Strong Core

How many people do you know that have lower back issues? This is one of the biggest tells of core weakness. Having a strong core doesn't necessarily mean that you have 8 pack abs. It means that your core is functional and can support all the natural movements and load bearing that you may need. I know as a fitness trainer I see people all the time that cannot even get into a plank position without there butt in the air or their hips drooping. This is a clear indication of core weakness. We need a strong core for everything in life because all movement starts in the core. So check out this article and find all the reasons you need to build that core.

Here's Why You Need a Strong Core

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #CoreStrong (no link...go to

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Law of Attraction & Positive Thinking

The law of attraction is definatley something that I have been using with great effectiveness in the last several years. This coupled with changing your thinking and becoming more positive are a powerful step in the right direction to start living your dreams. There is an important action step that also needs to happen. You must take massive action if you are going to see the results from your aligning with the universe. You cannot just sit there and expect life to happen to you. You must take the time to place yourself in the right place to see the results. So check out this article and live in your dreams.

The Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #LOA #Attraction (no link...go to

How To Completely Detox From Sugar In 10 Days

I have posted a ton of articles explaining the dangers and the rampant addiction to sugar. It is everywhere and in everything. It is the most addictive substance on the planet and all of us struggle with this addiction. It is so bad for us, but we continue to eat it and wonder why we suffer from disease like diabetes in epidemic numbers. So if you have already been convinced that you need to limit your sugar intake here is a great plan for you. It will not be easy but you can do anything for 10 days, right? Check out this no punches pulled plan to do just that and start to take control of your health.

How to Completely Detox from Sugar in 10 Days

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Sugar #Addiction (no link...go to

9 Signs of Progress That Aren’t a Number on the Scale

So often we get focused on how much we weigh to be the benchmark of our fitness. The truth is that this idea is completely wrong. Health is so much more than that. We need to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit to have true health. This means that there are many more benchmarks to being a healthy person. If you are just focusing on fitness there is much more than the scale. You need to take into account of how you feel and how you move. This is real progress. I know so many people that are skinny but can't do anything remotely athletic. This is just as unhealthy as being overweight is. So check out this article and find out the truth about the progress that you are having.

9 Signs of Progress That Aren't a Number on the Scale

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Progress (no link...go to

Quotations from Famous Entrepreneurs on Entrepreneurship

We all need a little inspiration from time to time. There is no better place to found it that from people that have been there before us and have come out on the other side widely successful. They have expereinced all the things that we have and can see the pitfalls in front of us. So check out this article that will give us some perspective on all our entrepreneurial endeavors.

Quotations from Famous Entrepreneurs on Entrepreneurship

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Social Skydiving: The Art of Talking to Strangers

This is a great exercise to reach out to others, not just in relationships but also in business and in all of life. We have to learn how to reach out to the people around us that we don't know if we are ever to  make it to the next level. This will help us have confidence in every area of our lives and put us in the best position to find that window of opportunity and be in the right place at the right time. So check out this article and get out there and experiment.

Social Skydiving: The Art of Talking to Strangers

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Communication #Flirting (no link...go to


We have all seen this plank challenges. But is it really helping your core to hold a plank for 3, 4 or 10 mins? There are definately some muscular endurance benefits, but is it making your core stronger? That is the goal of a plank. So if you are not strengthening your core what is the point of holding that plank so long? Is it just a test or a competition? This is exactly what this article supposes. There great thing is that they give you some great plank variations that will absolutely shred you core. Check it out and even if you don't agree with this article get some great new material to check out the next time you hit the gym.

The Planks You Should Be Doing (But Probably Aren't)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Planks (no link...go to

It’s The Small Daily Things That Make The BIG Difference

This is a fight that I struggle through with my own children. We seem to not realize that the little things that we do matter. If you come home and leave your stuff all over the floor often turns into not respecting the property around you. This becomes a big deal as you get into work and business and have to take pride in what you do, If you have not pride in your own stuff you will have no respect for anyone else's property. So it is the small things that we do that really shape the values that we hold. These help us to have a standard in our lives and are often a big factor in the success that we see in our own life. So what is it that you need to change so that you can see big changes in your life. Check out this article and find out.

It's The Small Daily Things That Make The BIG Difference

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The 11 Recipes That Make Me Excited About Going Vegan

If you are considering changing your diet or even entering more plant based nutrition into your diet here are some great recipes to try. I know that was one of my big factors in becoming vegan. If it doesn't taste good I'm not going to eat it. I know several years ago I had some friends that were vegan and the food then was terrible, so I never did embrace it. But food has come a long way since then and the recipes are so delicious that you need to check them out. So try these out and see what you think.

The 11 Recipes That Make Me Excited About Going Vegan

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Vegan #Food (no link...go to

Injuries: To Train or Not To Train

It happens to all of us. That moment when you feel the pull or the tear. When you realize that maybe you pushed too far. I know firsthand what this is like, since I am currently suffering from some potentially challenging injuries myself. Many of you know that I competed and finished the NJ Ultra Beast two weeks ago, around 32 miles, 68 obstacles, and 21,365 ft of total elevation change in 13 hours 44 mins and 2 secs. It was the most challenging event that I have done to date. I finished hurting but feeling like superman. This last weekend I took on the challenge of the Ohio Beast (around 14 miles) and Hurricane Heat (4-6 hours of military style team building). I was able to run the first 2 miles of the Ohio Beast but then had to walk/limp the rest of it. I made it within a mile of the finish and then hurt my knee slipping in the mud on the sandbag carry. My legs were already giving me problems with shin splints and IT Band tightness, now I couldn't even put weight on my right leg. I finished the beast in 7 hours and before the start of the hurricane heat, but was unable to compete.

It has now been two days since the my injuries and my knee feels much better. I'm pretty sure that I have not torn anything. However, my shins are still swollen and I can not point my toes. So there is some concern that I have severe shin splints or possible stress fractures in my shins. Since the only pain I have is when I point my toes and the anterior tibia muscle is flexed I'm hoping it is just shin splints. I currently have a race in 4 weeks and Agoge 60 (60hr endurance training event) in 5 weeks. What do I do? Some people have told me that I need to take a bunch of time off and rest and heal. However I know that if I want to be competitive I need to continue to train. So what do I do?

Here is my answer: FFIO (F***ing Figure It Out). I have to be smart about training and I must continue to train. I know that I cannot point my toes but I know that I can squat. I cannot use the rowing machine, but I have no pain when I use the stepper. So you overcome and adapt. I cannot run for the foreseeable future, but I can continue to train. There is nothing wrong with my upper body or my upper legs. I will continue to stretch, ice, soak, and massage until my legs get better. I will also continue to develop the rest of my body without causing pain to the affected area. This is what seperates athletes from elite athletes. So often people think that just because they feel pain or one part of their body is injured that they should just stop working out. This is the last thing that you need to do. When you stop everything you end up not only weakening the affected area you also weaken the rest of your body. You need to strengthen the areas around the problem area, so while it heals your body is protecting itself. This means you need to back off serious training on that area but can work stability muscles to support that area or work other parts of your body that need work.

Here was today's modified Sealfit workout:
Warm up: 
15 mins on the Precor Adaptive Movement Trainer (AMT)
5x10 pullups, 5x15 pushups, 5x20 situps
Attempted 25lb Turkish Get Ups (no go lol)
5 dips

2x5 Weighted Dips, 1 Max Set BW Dips

50 squats, .75 mile AMT
50 pushups, .75 mile AMT
25 squats, 25 pushups

Some of you may just think that I am crazy and that I am working through the pain. This is not at all what I'm doing. I am being smart about training and training around my injuries to make myself a stronger athlete and better athlete. Know your body and keep it moving.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Training #Injuries (no link...go to

29 Creative Business Cards That Will Open Your Mind

Business cards are a great way to express yourself and get your business in front of other people. Most people will always accept a business card even when they don't want a flyer. The more unique and creative you can be with this business card the more you will get noticed. The days that the glossy paper and thick card stock are over. It just isn't enough to wow people anymore. It also depends on the type of business you are and what you want to promote. If you are a law firm and want people to know how professional you are you should probably follow the traditional rules. But if you are a fun business that wants to express that be as unique as your mind can be and show people what that can look like. Check out this article for some great ideas that can potentially put your business on the map.

29 Creative Business Cards That Will Open Your Mind

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to Use Your Subconscious to Change Your Life

It is our subconscious that really controls the direction of our lives. This is that voice or that idea that we don't realize is even there that governs how we feel about ourselves. The question becomes how do we tap into that subconscious so we can make the necessary changes that will help us to think better, make better decisions, and move forward in life. That is what this article is all about. So check it out and start hacking your own brain for a better life.

How to Use Your Subconscious to Change Your Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Subconscious (no link...go to


If we are going to have the best health we know that we need to eat more veggies. However, if we are going to do that we can't just cook all the nutrition out of the veggies and drown them in all kinds of bad things. We need to find the best way to retain the needed nutritients and make them taste good without sacrificing all the health benefits. So check out this article and find it the best way to eat your veggies.

The Healthiest Way to Cook Vegetables Is...

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutritoion #Healthy #Veggies (no link...go to

How hard to push when starting exercise

This is always a challenge. So often we get started and push so hard that we make the workout more miserable than fun and quit soon after. This is why in all of my classes I push people hard but I always allow them to modify exercises to the scale of their ability. You need to make sure that it is challenging but fun. So start off slow but don't just coast because that gets boring too. Check out this great article that will give you some tips on what to do.

How Hard to Push When Starting Exercise

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #GettingStarted #Exercise (no link...go to

5 People You Should Regularly Talk Shop With for a Better Career

Often in business we think we are all alone when in reality we are in a huge community of people. Not only are we in that community we cannot survive without one another. We need other people to push us, challenge us, and give us a helping hand from time to time. If you want to be the best you can be you must be willing to be shaped and strengthened by the people that you surround yourself with. This article is all about that. Check it out and see the people you need to be connecting with.

5 People You Should Regularly Talk Shop With for a Better Career

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