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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Success in Exercise and Life

How often have you heard this story? A person gets a membership to a gym and goes for a month and then ends up paying for a membership that they never use. Or you buy some new fad exercise program to do at home and after a few weeks it never gets played again. Even better is when you buy that next great new piece of home exercise equipment and it becomes a big clothes rack, but it never gets used as an actual piece of exercise equipment. How many of you know someone like that? How many of you are that person?

This is why it is so important to have help. We are social people and always live better in community. Not only are we happier, we are healthier, more successful, and more fulfilled in every area of our lives. When ever you are lonely you tend to be distant, depressed, and miserable. Is it any mystery, when we get depressed we want to be left alone and sulk in our own misery. This is because we were created for community and it changes our entire demeanor and attitude, when we have positive community in our life.

This all bleeds into exercise and fitness. This is why it is so much easier to go to a gym and workout when we have a friend that is doing it with us. However, to be effective we need someone who is knowledgeable in fitness if we want to see measurable results. You can go run on a treadmill or elliptical everyday at lunch for 30 mins and still not have the success that you are looking for. After a while the enthusiasm will drop off and we will end up finding excuses to not train. This is where a personal trainer comes in. A person with expertise that can not only motivate you, but also switch up the training methods to shape and sculpt your body to the desired result.

However, this all starts with you. The first thing that you need for success in any area of life is DECISION. You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it. Whatever your goal is, you must decide that you are going to achieve it. Whether it is losing 50lbs and running a marathon or getting a new job that pays you $100,000 a year. It all starts with decision.

The second thing you need to do is take ACTION. This may mean that you need to go back to school, get a personal trainer, or talk to your boss about a raise. Whatever the goal is, you need to take some action steps to move closer to that goal. This is going to take sacrifice and possibly some difficulty for a time, but the payoffs will be huge.

After you take action, the next step is to make that action MEASURABLE. A person once said that things that are measured improve. This is absolutely true. We must measure our success if we truly want to see the achievement of our goals.  This way we can celebrate the milestones of life and grow the passion that drives us to achieving the goals that we desire for ourselves.

The last step that we need to take is to CONTINUE dreaming. We must constantly review and renew our dreams. Make them bigger and broader than you can ever imagine. Then and only then will you find true fulfillment in life.

So if you want to lose 50lbs you must:
1. Make a DECISION
2. Take ACTION
3. MEASURE the results
4. CONTINUE dreaming

If you can do all of that, while remaining positive, and getting into positive community in your life. You will find success, happiness, and more abundance than you can even imagine in every area of life.