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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Top 12 Benefits for Starting a Gratitude Journal

The reason why most of us are unhappy is because we miss the little things in life that we can be grateful for. This is where a gratitude journal really helps us. If we can write down all the things that we are grateful for at the end of each day then we can really see what our life is made of. Where your focus goes your energy flows. So if we begin to focus on being grateful we will find that we have so much more to be happy about in our lives rather than focusing on the negeative. So think about starting a gratitude journal.

Top 12 Benefits for Starting a Gratitude Journal

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Gratitude #Happiness

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

While we were at UPW Chicago Tony Robbins talked about the benefits of lemon water. It is a great way to go and super healthy. If you are still looking for all the benefits check out this article. If you are already feeling those benefits let us know right here on this blog. How has it helped you? Have you been able to replace your coffee? Let me know.

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #Lemon #Water

A-Tabata-A-Day! 4-Minute Fat-Blasting Workouts for Every Day of the Week

If you want to add something to your existing workout to change it up a bit Tabata is a great way to do just that. It is a super intense, quick way to get in a great fat burning and muscle building workout that you can fit into just about any busy schedule. So check it out and get on the's just 4 mins.


#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Workout #Exercise #Tabata

How to pitch your big idea at work (and actually get taken seriously)

If you are working for someone else and you are not adding value to your position, you should never wonder why you are not moving up in the company. The only way to move forward is to put your ideas to action. Whether this means you use those ideas in your own business or you are using them to save your employer money or make productivity better. This is what takes a excellant employee to an OUTSTANDING employee. So get ready to become OUTSTANDING.

How to Pitch Your Big Idea at Work (and actually get taken seriously)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, August 24, 2015

8 Tools To Create Abundance In Your Life

If we really want to live in abundance, it is really just a change in mindset. You MUST have the necessary tools and have the right perspective to truly understand what real abundance is. Often we find that we already have many of the things that we need and there are only a few missing pieces. So check out this article and take some time to evaluate where you and then live in the abundance that you have and reach out and grab some more.

8 Tools to Create Abundance in Your Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopmet #LiveBetter #Abundance

28 Ways to Cut Calories Effortlessly

We all want to find those easier solutions to cutting weight and making our diet just a little better. It takes lots of little steps because if we just crash diet it will only last so long. No one can maintain that kind of pace and restrict themselves without going back and being even worse than before. We see examples of that over and over and time and time again. So here are some great simple ways that you can integrate into your diet to make big lasting changes in the future.

28 Ways to Cut Calories Effortlessly

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health

Are You Suffering From Exercise Burnout? Take These Two Steps for a 'Fitness Refresh'

It is so easy to get bored or just wear yourself out doing exercise. We have to continue to find ways and reasons to motivate ourselves to accomplish that next task. Just remember that this happens to the best of us. So check out this article and find out how to get over that hump and back on the path to victory.

Are You Suffering from Exercise Burnout?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Burnout

5 Steps for teaching your kid entrepreneurship

5 Steps for Teaching Your Kid Entrepreneurship

I have always be so fortunate to grow up with a dad that was already an entrepreenur. He never owned a large company or a ran a corporation, but he was always an entrepreneur. My dad owned a corner store and later became a bathroom attendant. He taught me so much about business and how to always be the best in all that you can do. All the intial lessons I learned about business I learned from my dad. He only had a 9th grade education but he is a genious in math and common sense. The one thing that we must know is that our society is only equipped to educate our children to become employees, not to become innovators. We must foster that idea. We must support our children and show them how to live out their dreams. We must allow them to make the mistakes and grow and learn to be the best they can and never be afraid of all that they can be. Check out this article and help your kids be the best.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

4 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

If we really want to see results in our lives we need to take action. This action needs to be measured actions because if we cannot track it then we can never know how far we have come. So here are some questions you can ask yourself everyday that will gauge how far you are moving towards your goals.

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Questions

Vegetables are complete proteins

I am sure that I am going to get some great messages from my animal protein friends for posting this article. However, I have been a professional athlete since 2001 and I have eaten a regular diet and for the last 6 years I have been vegan. I have more muscle mass now than I have ever had before. So the idea that plant protein is no good and cannot build muscle is a comeplete fallicy. For so long we have believed, many people still believe, that plants are not complete and wont give you the nutrients that you need. Check out this new research and some studies that show the complete opposite. When it comes down to it I just want people to be as healthy as possible. Whether you eat meat or plants, just be healthy and disease free.

Vegetables Are Complete Proteins

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Vegetables #Protein


I don't exclusively use bodyweight but I do focus on bodyweight movements for my own training. There are two main reasons I do this: 1. It's convenient. I can do these exercises anywhere, with no equipment and still get a great ass-kicking workout. 2. It's functional. I am all about functionality, I want every movement that I do to really help me live out my life and make me a better mover. Here is an article about someone who only uses bodyweight, see what they have to say about it.

The Ultimate Bodyweight Guide to Getting Lean and Ripped

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Bodyweight

20 Tough Lessons Your 20s Will Teach You

Our 20's are that time of life where we are finishing up shaping our ideas about the world. This is where we solifidy the ideas that will carry us through the rest of our lives. Even though we should constantly be growing and changing most of us hang on to the old paradigms that we form in this decade of our lives. Tony Robbins lets us know that since even our bodies changes every 6 months and every cell is new, why would we ever let old ideas rule our lives. So take some time to see those lessons you learned and use them to your advantage rather than hold you back and keep you stuck.

20 Tough Lessons Your 20's Will Teach You

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, August 17, 2015

27 Effective ways to make life simpler

Have you ever know anyone that just always makes things as complicated as possible. They live lives filled with drama and then complain and point the finger at everyone else other than themselves. We it is not only those people that need to simplify their lives. We could all use some simplification. It also lowers the stress levels and allows us to live better, healthier lives. Check out this article and start taking action.

27 Effective Ways to Make Life Simpler

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #SimpleLife

Food Matters: A Testament to the Power of Nutrition

If you ever wanted to know where I stand on nutrition issues or my philosopy on nutrition this is a great article to start with. I completely agree with the author and I love the documentary. Food Matters is something so important because it effects our way of life at its core. The scary part is many of us don't even realize how much it effects our quality of life because it is such a gradual process. But before you know it you are drowning and clinging to life. I never want to get to the end of my life and wish I did things differently. So check this out and hit me up with any questions you might have.

Food Matters: A Testament to the Power of Nutrition

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Food #Truth

10 Best And Worst Cardio Machines

To start off this article letme just say that I completely detest cardio machines. Not only are they boring, but they lead us into a false sense of security. We think all we need to do is jump on the treadmill and spend an hour or so running and we will lose weight, build endurance, and be more fit. The truth is that this simply isn't enough. This is why people spend everyday on the treadmill and never see any real change. There has to be more than that. We have to continually challenge our bodies to have real change and to continue to keep growing. So take this article for what it is, a rating of cardio machines and then go an kill a great functional workout in a real environment.

10 Best and Worst Cardio Machines

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Cardio

5 Most Amazing Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

It has often been said that readers are leaders, and it is true that all of the most successful people schedule personal development time in as a MUST in their lives. If you are not growing you are dying. So we need to make the choice to be lifelong learners. I picked this article because there are actually three books on this list that I have not read. Just know that before the week is out I will find these books and have them ready to be read. There is just something transformational about learning and expereincing by following the example of others. We live in a time where that is easier and easier to do. The easiest way is to read about their story. So check out this list and get to growing.

5 Most Amazing Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Discover 6 Secret Success Factors For Leading the Field

If you want to get to the top of the class or be a leader in your field there are some things that you need to do. We know that where ever focus goes energy flows, so if you make sure you focus on the things that you want that is the beginning. So check this article out and get to the top of your life.

Discover 6 Secret Factors for Leading the Field

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Success #Factors

5 Best Nuts For Your Health

Tony talked about eating every 3 hours and that nuts were the best quick snack food. Just a handful every few hours will satisfy that need to binge eat at meal times. So check out this article to find out just which nuts are the best for you and will fill you up without enlarging your waistline.

5 Best Nuts For Your Health

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #Nuts

7 Reasons to Never Miss a Monday Workout

Even if Monday is not the beginning of your week it seems to have become a benchmark for starting off the week. It also becomes increasingly hard to get out there and do the things that you know you need to do. So if you skip your duties on Mon it makes it much easier to skip those things the rest of the week, So here are a bunch of reasons to keep up with that Mon workout.

7 Reasons to Never Miss a Monday Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Mondays

10 Companies Where You'll Be Your Healthiest and Happiest

There are those of us that are not called to be entrepreneurs and we shouldn't be. However, if you are fulfilled by working for someone else make sure that you are happy and that they put your health first. There are way too many companies out there that forget that family and health must come before any job. So here is a list of companies that will support your quest to remain healthy and happy. We all know that a happy and healthy employee is always more productive and will do anything for you.

10 Comapnies Where You'll Be Your Healthiest and Happiest

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, August 10, 2015

9 Small But Significant Ways to Grow Every Day

There is a universal truth, nothing stands still. There isn't a second that goes by that we are not a second older. So we are either growing or we are falling behind. Whether it is business, fitness, health, personal growth we need to continue growing constantly if we ever want to get anywhere. There is never a time where we arrive. This is one of the secrets that all successful people have figured out. Success never stops, it doesn't sleep, and it doesn't care how it happens. So if we are to find it we must constantly be growing and preparing. We need to grow each and everyday. The sadest thing that I see is family and friends that are still working the same dead end jobs, living in the same place, doing the same things year after year. Their dreams crushed and they have just settle for existing in life. I refuse to be one of those people. I want more, I desire more, I have passion for more, and I will take action for more. Check out this article and find out ways you can keep growing.

9 Small But Significant Ways to Grow Every Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #2mm #PersonalDevelopment #Growth

10 Meat-Free Protein Sources That Are Totally Underrated

We have this mistaken idea that the only way that we can get our protein is from meat sources. Which is an amazing amount of marketing, because many of the largest animals in the world only eat vegetables. We think that the best way is to eat tons of meat, when in reality it is very hard for our bodies to break down and convert the meat that we eat. This is not to say that I believe that everyone should be vegan or vegetarian because I don't believe that. However, I do believe that the more plant based that we can be the better our health will be. So check out these ways to get your plant based protein.

10 Meat Free Protein Sources That Are Totally Underrated

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #MeatFree #Protein

Top 10 Ways To Burn More Calories

If you want to lose weight and tone up there is really only one way to do it in two parts. You must take control of your diet and you must exercise. Rather than taking all kinds of diet aids, which are terrible for your body, you can do some simple things with your nutrition to speed up your metabolism and help your body to burn those calories. So check out these ways that can help you do just that and stay healthy. If you need some more help, send me a message. One of the reasons why we struggle so much with our diet is because we are nutritionally deficient. Most of the food that we eat have little to no nutritional value. Even if we eat clean and healthy it is often not enough. This is why we struggle with cravings and binge eat. The way to combat that is to get the proper nutrition on a consistent basis. This is not a weight loss solution, even though that is a byproduct, it is a life solution. This is the way we can live optimally. For $4 a day you can replace a meal and get all the nutritients you need, kill those cravings, have more energy, get sick less, and live optimally. Send me a message for more info.

Top 10 Ways to Burn More Calories

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #WeightLoss #TheBodyYouWant

Why YOU Will Never Be Successful, in 10 Reasons.

I hope this title grabs you and makes you angry. It was designed that way to remind you of the state that you need to be in to find success in your business. We have to remember that if we have an attitude of defeat or are not constantly pushing forward just 2mm we will never find that true success that we seek. So this should make you mad that I am saying that YOU will never be successful. The truth is that many of us won't because we will not take the necessary action that it takes to make it there. A deeper truth is that we can all be successful if we take those same steps. So feel that anger rise up inside of you and feel your true self that is confident, doesn't back down, and has no fear and go out and kill it today.

Why YOU Will Never Be Successful, in 10 Reasons

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Saturday, August 8, 2015

22 Ways to be Happy and Healthy

If you are ready to get out of that rut and live a happier healthier life here are a few simple steps that you can take to move toward that goal. The trick to keep this going is to consistently praise yourself for all the good work that you are doing. This will keep your physiology up and keep your focus on your goals. Remember YOU FREAKING ROCK!!!

22 Ways to be Happy and Healthy

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Happy #Healthy

Recipe: Golden Roasted Beet Salad with Dill

I just happened to pick up some golden beets this week and was looking for something to use them for. I happened to stumble across this recipe and thought that I would share it with you. Such a great recipe for those of us that are enjoying some vegan/vegetarian time. I am currently heating up my oven to put the beets in. So try it out and see what you think.

Golden Roasted Beet Salad with Dill

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Recipe #Delicious

The 15 Best Exercises for Your Chest

If you are looking to grow in any area of your body, you have got to mix it up. This means working it in different planes of motion and with different equipment. No one exercise is going to keep giving you the gains that you seek. So check out these 15 exercises to make your chest grow.

The 15 Best Exercises for Your Chest

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Chest

Once an Unhappy 9-to-5er, This Entrepreneur Found a Happy and Lucrative Solution

We all want to get out of the rat race. We want to find a better way. To find a way to do that we first have to find what we love. Then we need to make what we love make money for us. Finally we need to make the transition to allowing that system to become automated. If we never get out of working in the business and start working on the business, we have just replaced the 9-to-5 job with another life sucking responsibility. This never means things become easy, but it allows us the freedom to really live life. This should be the goal for all of us. This is what I am working on myself. Then I can spend my life giving back. I don't need to be a millionaire, sure it would be nice, but my real goal is to give back and enrich the world that I am part of. Check out what this guy did to make his dreams come true.

Once an Unhappy 9-to 5er, This Entrepreneur Found a Happy and Lucrative Solution

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

7 Vital Building Blocks of Confidence

One of the things that we all need if we are to be truly successful in life is confidence. We need to have confidence in all that we do. If we can talk to people and really put ourselves out there we will find success in whatever we need. Check out this article to find how you can build that confidence.

7 Vital Building Blocks of Confidence

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Confidence

Healthy organic foods on a budget

This can often seem like an oxymoron. But its really not. You can actually get great food that is organic and super healthy. You just need to know where to look. Just a quick tip: it's not at the grocery store. You need to get out there are meet the farmers and the people that are actually growing the food that you like. This is the best way to get a great price and continue supporting the sustainability of our farmers. So check out this article and get good food cheap.

Healthy Organic Foods on a Budget

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #Cheap

6 Excuses Your Fitness Instructor Is Really Tired Of Hearing

I am a fitness instructor and it is amazing the excuses I hear for not making it to class or being unwilling to even try a class. I completely love all the people that walk through the doors and take a class, no matter how many times they need to stop or modify. The real struggle is just getting there. I know so many people who come to the gym and get on the treadmill day after day and get little to no results. They wonder why and often give up after a few months. You have to mix it up and that is what group fitness provides. No to mention that you will always work harder when you have other people pushing you to do so. Check out this article and see if you are making these excuses.

6 Excuses Your Fitness Instructor is Really Tired of Hearing

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Excuses

7 Habits of Highly-Effective Entrepreneurs

If you are ready to become as successful as possible as an entrepreneur, here are the habits that you need to have. In the same way that Stephen Covey changed the personal development world with the 7 Habits of HIghly Effective People. Here is an article that is directed toward us entrepreneurs. Check it out.

7 Habits of Highly-Effective Entrepreneurs

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Exactly how Flax Seed Enhances Your Health and wellness!

This is where I get all my omegas from. If you are unable or unwilling to eat fish or consume fish oil this is the way to go. I love it. However it has many more health benefits. To see them all check out this article.

Exactly How Flaxseed Enhances Your Health and Wellness

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Flaxseed #Healthy

The 7-Minute Squat Routine

If you are ready for that better butt, more shapely calves, or more toned legs squats are the way to go. There are so many different variations and they all work your legs. So try them out and see which ones you can do to burn out those legs and get the results that you love. Then check out this article for a quick 7 min routine that will blast your legs.

The 7-Minut Squat Routine

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Squats

17 Warren Buffett Quotes That Will Inspire You to Remarkable Success and Happiness

Warren Buffet is the most succesful investor of all time. He has amassed a fortune on the stock market and has done business deals the world over. In his tremedously successful career we can learn a thing or two from him. So check out some of these quotes and see if they don't inspire you on to greater things.

17 Warren Buffet Quotes That Will Inspire You to Remarkable Success

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, August 3, 2015

5 Ways to Stay Positive Every Day

We all know that it takes more than just posivity to make change in our lives. We also need to take MASSIVE action and replace those behaviors with positive ones to have victory. However, everything starts with finding that positive attitude and looking at things in different light. So check out this article and add some methods to your toolbox and start being happier today.

5 Ways to Stay Positive Every Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Positivity

What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise

We always need to pay attention to proper nutrition, especially when we are working out. This could really mean the change in whether your body is burning the right things. This will enable you to meet the specific goals that you have for fitness. So check out this article and find out what kind of fuel you really need for your next workout.

What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy

The New Ab Workout That's Replacing Crunches

I have never tried this method myself, but I know the power of proper breathing and the effect that it has on the abdominal wall since I am a yoga teacher. I am curious if any of you, who are reading this, have tried this new technique and what do you think about it. I love to try all kinds of things and as long as they don't cause injury I am completely down to test them out. So check it out and let me know what you think.

The New Ab Workout That's Replacing Crunches

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Wellness #Breathing #Abs

How to Launch a Business Without Spending a Dime

Lots of times we think this is impossible. We have been told all our lives that to make money you have to spend money. While that is true from time to time, as you start your business very few of us really have the money to spend. So we need to find alternative ways to promote, build, and market our businesses. I know I am on a shoestring budget myself and have been spending the last few years trying to advertise and spread the word with little to no marketing budget. However, I also know that it is possible to launch a business without spending anything. Currently we are still trying to build Warrior Vacations from a hobby to a full fledged business. The way that I obtained the ability to do what I do in Costa Rica came with very little monetary expenditure. It was really all through networking and being a person of integrity. I was able to speak with people take a trip, make the right contacts, and develop a business where I can do what I love and share with the clients I have. So check out this article and find out how you can get started. If you want to know more about my own story, just shoot me a message.

How to Launch a Business Without Spending a Dime

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur