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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

30 Of The Hardest (But Most Necessary) Things That Must Be Done To Achieve Success

The truth about success is that it takes hard work. It not only takes work in business, but it also takes hard work on dealing with yourself. This could be the hardest work of all. We all have a need to deal with our own issues because we all have them. No matter how great we think we are doing we can all use help from some outside eyes that can give us a unbiased view of who and what we are. These people can take the form of friends, counselors, therapists, or mentors. We all need people that can help direct us and that can tell us when we are screwing up. Here is a great list that will help you to do the hard things that you will need to do if you really want to find success in life. Be prepared to do the hard work.

30 of the Hardest (But Most Necessary) Things That Must Be Done to Achieve Success

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Growth #Success (no link...go to

MCT Oil: The Results

Sorry it has taken me so long to finally post this blog post. My IPad has been down for a while and somehow had gotten locked out so I have been waiting for Apple to get back with me to unlock it. I have finally done that so here goes.

I took 2 weeks to try each of the three brands of MCT Oil pictured for a total of 6 weeks. All three products were quality products and kept me on track as I have continued to prepare for my endurance event in China in two weeks. I am going to go through each product as I took them and give you a quick rundown of what I thought about them.

Left Coast MCT Oil
-worked fast and I could feel the sustained energy that it gave me
-blended completely
-no crash
-no oily aftertaste or residue
-the energy was clean with no jitters or heart racing
-some mild stomach discomfort
-great packaging and labeling
-32oz for great price on Amazon for $21.97
Link to buy:

KetoMCT Oil
-not only worked fast it was seemless. I went from needing energy to having it with no charge up.
-very nutty almost hazelnut smell when blended
-blended completely
-zero crash
-no oily aftertaste or residue
-no jitters, no heart racing
-little to no stomach discomfort
-packaging was a small pill bottle. This made it really difficult to use and I ended up spilling some of the first bottle.
-32oz for $39.99 from their website at

Wild MCT Oil
-worked fast and I could feel the sustained energy
-blending seperated a little in coffee
-no crash
-there was an oily aftertaste from time to time and some residue
-no jitters, no heart racing
-some stomach discomfort
-great packaging and labeling
-when put in the refrigerator the oil solidified just like coconut oil
-website has lots of other great products as well
-16oz for $19.95 from their website

All three could be good options for you. In order of how I liked each of the products KetoMCT Oil performed the best, Left Coast MCT Oil was a close second, and Wild MCT Oil came in third. However, because of the price and value I would go with Left Coast MCT Oil as my regular brand. It was effective and did everything MCT oil should do with little stomach discomfort all at a great price. Although you couldn't go wrong with any of the three.

I hope this helps out and give you some extra insight into the three brands.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nurition #FatAdapted #MCTOil #LeftCoastMCTOil #KetoMCTOil #WildMCTOil (no link...go to

Finding your WHY! Motivation and will power will follow along!

To do anything and do it well you need to find your reason for doing it. As soon as your WHY becomes bigger than your excuses you will get anything done. When it comes to fitness it is often that the ease or comfort of eating bad and not working out are better than being healthier and the uncomfortability of the workout itself. So we continue to put it off and keep gaining weight. When we can decide that we want to get in shape because you want to be around as long as you can for your kids or something similar. The uncomfortability becomes a small price to pay for feeling better and enjoying life with your family. The question is what is your WHY?

Finding Your WHY! Motivation and Will Power Will Follow Along!

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Motivation (no link...go to

How to Unleash Your Human Potential

This is one of the things that we must find if we are going to live lives that are worthy of who we are. Some might tell you that there is some magic way to do this, but the truth is that you must find the way that works for you. We all have different trigger and those things will need to be used if we are ever going to unlock the potential that we have. The only constant is the fact that we all have an unlimited supply of potential. The only questions are: Are you going to tap into that potential? Are you going to grow that potential to be something that will sustain your driving passion for the rest of your life? So check out this article and find out some ways to begin tapping into what you have always had.

How to Unleash Your Human Potential

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Friday, September 9, 2016

Brutal Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

We live in an age where people have been lying to us in the name of better self esteem. I am aware that we need to keep our self esteem high but we should never do that at the expense of truth. This is why we continue to see the suicide rates of teens go up and up. We have not let them understand the hard truths of life and when they are faced with them they are not properly equipped and cannot handle it. We must face the truth and grow from it. We need to know where we stand and how we can make things better. There is no use hiding it and glossing over it because eventually it will shine through. This is also the mark of a true friend. When they stop blowing smoke up your ass and give you the truth. So take some time to do some real evaluation and growing.

Brutal Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Truth #Growth (no link...go to

50 Steps to Become Healthier Today

We all need to make some serious decisions. I see so many people living with less than they deserve. It is so often just because of the choices that we choose to make. Our quality of life is dictated by those choices. The truth is that until we are in a box in the ground those choices and subsequent consequences can be changed. It makes me so sad when I hear my 69 year old father say that it doesn't matter because his time is over. He is just accepting his diabetes and instead of making the necessary changes to thrive and live a healthy last portion of his life he is just existing. He makes small steps but it takes major change when you have neglected and abused your body so bad that there is serious disease set in. We have the option everyday to be a little better than the day before. To make better choices and stay healthier, live longer, and have a better quality of life. Check out this list and start making better choices today.

50 Steps to Become Healthier Today

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Health #Nutrition #Thrive (no link...go to

Monday, August 29, 2016

Testing 3 Top MCT Oil Brands

If you are looking for more energy, burning more fat, and better brain clarity I'm sure you have heard of the bulletproof movement. I have been using this idea to get better results in my endurance training and competing. I need my body to constantly be using fast as fuel, so to supercharge that process i start my morning off with bulletproof coffee, vegan style.

I take 10oz of coffee, 1 T of MCT Oil,and 2 T of almond milk. It is incredible, i get pure energy, focus, and no crash. It keeps my engine burning fat and prepares me for endurance.

So i contacted 3 of the top MCT Oil companies. #LeftCoastMCToil, #KetoMCTOil, and #WildMCTOil they all sent me samples to try and compare. I've already been using #LeftCoastMCToil and been having great success. Over the next two weeks I'll be using the #KetoMCTOil and #WildMCTOil and giving you reviews.

This week #KetoMCTOil is up.

Check out this article on MCT Oil to learn more:

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

42 Practical Ways To Improve Yourself

One of our deepest needs is growth. Every person has it. When this need is not fed it often shows up as depression. When we are not growing we are floundering. It is through this growth and development that we find the viatality of life. This comes in many different forms. We can read, we can expereince, or we can allow the difficulties of life to shape us and change us. The truth is regardless of how we get it we all need it. Our minds are constantly striving for it. So here is a great article that will give you some ideas how to foster that.

42 Practical Ways to Imporve Yourself

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Growth #Change (no link...go to

5 Whole Foods Vegan Athletes Should Eat Every Day

Not too long ago most people thought that you couldn't be a top level athlete and not eat meat. Now we find that many of the top tier athletes have been and are vegan. In fact many athletes are turning towards veganism because it inhales their performance as an athlete. The only reason that I became vegan was because of my health. However, it has completely transformed my athleticism and now I am one of the top endurance athletes. I keep refining the foods that I am eating and finding better and better ways to keep my body functioning at a high level. My recovery and training are better and most importantly I feel better. So if you are an athlete (or anyone else) here are some great things you should be eating to fuel your body right. Check it out.

5 Whole Foods Vegan Athletes Should Eat Every Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #Vegan #Athletes (no link...go to

5 Reasons To Do Burpees Every Day

If you come to my classes or train with me it is no secret that I love Burpees. I think they are the best exercises that you can do. They can be combined with virtually any other exercise to completely change the difficulty. There are lots of people that will completely disagree with me. However, it is often the hard things and challenging things that make us better and help us to grow. This is the number one reason I love to do Burpees, I want to be challenged. I want to be pushed to my limit. This is why I do endurance events that often include 300 to 500 burpees. They often start with 100-300 as a warm up. If you still aren't convinced how good the exercise is check out this article that will give you some more reasons to get your Burpees in every day.

5 Reasons to do Burpees Every Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercises #Burpees #Beautiful (no link...go to

Yes, You Can Find Your Passion Without Quitting Your Day Job

We have this idea that to truly find yourself you need to give up everything, live on a mountain, and only live in your passions. The truth is that you can find your passion anywhere in life. This last weekend I spent 12hrs doing incredibly hard things to find out who I am under it all. The picture below is from that event. There are expereinces that we can have that will shape our lives forever. These are the experiences that show us our true selves and shape us into the legacy that we will leave behind. We don't have to give up everything that we have and live in some foreign country feeding the poor, even though some of us are called to do that. We just need to push our limits and challenge ourselves. We must get out of our comfort zones and find out what we are truly made of. In just a month  and half I am working on going to China to complete another 60hr event. It will test all that I am. My physical, mental, and spiritual self will be tested beyond measure and I will come out the other side transformed. I am currently trying to take 15-20 people with me to expereince some of this transformation. If you would like to help please send me a message and I'll get you some information. Check out this article and find out how you can begin challenging yourself and finding that growth in your life.

Yes, You Can Find Your Passion Without Quitting Your Day Job

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Monday, August 15, 2016

101 Thought-Provoking Questions That Will Help You Break The Ice

We really grow in relationship with others when we can get over the getting to know you questions. This is true in either personal or business relationships. This is how you find out if you are compatible with other people. If you are going to work with them you need to know that. So asking questions that spark discussion and show their deeper selves is so important. If you value human life and your potential partner just wants to step over everyone to get what they want, the relationship may be short lived. So check out these questions that could help you dig a little deeper.

101 Thought-Provoking Questions That Will Help You Break the Ice

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Growth #Enrichment (no link...go to

10 Foods To Avoid That Help Cancer Grow

The silent killer that has affected all of us is cancer. All of us have had family members and people close to us that have been lost to this terrible disease in the multitude of forms that it can take. The scary thing is most of us have no idea what causes it. For years we believed that it was only genetic. Now we know that it is ultimately a lifestyle disease. We can raise the risk of developing this disease by the foods that we eat and the chemicals that we come in contact with. This is one of the many reasons that we need to know exactly what we are eating and what we are putting on our bodies. We could never avoid it all but we need to be as diligent as possible so we can remain as healthy as we can be. Check out this article focused on food.

10 Foods To Avoid That Help Cancer Grow

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #CancerFree (no link...go to

25 Crazy Clever Hacks That Actually Make Running Awesome

Terminology continues to change and what we once called tips and tricks has been replaced by hacking and bio hacks. So here are a bunch of hacks that will improve your running game. They will not only help you stay away from injure but make running more fun and interesting. I am the first person to tell you that I struggle with running because I get bored so easily. However as an endurance athlete it is absolutely necessary. So check out these hacks and get to running.

25 Crazy Clever Hacks That Actually Make Running Awesome

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Running #BioHack (no link...go to

Top Ten Myths of Entrepreneurship

There are so many people out there looking to be entrepreneurs but there is so much misinformation out there. We struggle to even understand what entrepreneurship is. Are all business owners entrepreneurs? Or only those who continue to grow and change their focus? Is it those with a singular focus or those that are looking to change the world? Here is a very simple article that may put some of those myths to rest.

Top Ten Myths of Entrepreneurship

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Friday, August 12, 2016

15 Sentences that can change your life

Words have the power to heal or destroy. They are the most powerful thing in the universe, stronger than steel and sharper than any sword. They can literally sway nations and rally people together. We need to take note of the words that we speak and also what we choose to let inspire or depress us. Here is a great article that will give you some words of inspiration. Check it out.

15 Sentences that Can Change Your Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Words #LifeChange (no link...go to

If You Booze You Lose; Why Drinking and Exercise Do Not Mix!

So I know that there are some serious athletes that would completely disagree with this article. However, this is something that I have believed for years. I know how my body works and I know that after a serious night of drinking it takes my conditioning almost 2 weeks to recover and get back to normal. As an endurance athlete this is completely detrimental to my training so I drink very little. The risks are definately not worth the reward for me. Everyone needs to make their own decision but here is the research behind it so you can make an informed decision.

If You Booze You Lose; Why Drinking and Exercise Do Not Mix!

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #Drinking (no link...go to

12 Surprising Tricks To Make Your Workouts More Effective

To make your workouts great it takes more than just going to the gym and beating yourself down day after day. You definately need a good beat down from time to time, but you also need to do a combination of things. You need exercise, stretching, rest, and nutrition. These all have to work together to truly get the fitness that you need to live an energy filled, low stress, and fulfilled life. So here are some tips to make that process even easier. Check it out.

12 Surprising Tricks to Make Your Workouts More Effective

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercises #Workout (no link...go to

How to Leave a Lasting Impression on People

I never realized the impact I have on people until years later when I have people come up and say they remember me from some event or talk that I did. It is truly amazing that you never realize the impression that you leave on other people. Often this impression can be either positive or negative. I have had both. I went to New Orleans and met a girl down there and two years later when I returned she still remembered me. We still message each other from time to time on FB. It is amazing the lasting impression you can leave. The goal is to make this impression as positive as possible. This can lead to all kinds of great things, from business deals to a complete life change. You just never know. This is the essence of networking. So check out this article and find out how you can really grab someone's attention.

How to Leave a Lasting Impression on People

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Friday, August 5, 2016

9 Great Ways to Make Yourself Absolutely Miserable

The truth is most of us are miserable because of our own designs. Whether you agree or not it is always our choice to feel how we want to feel. We can literally change it in an instant. We are always in control of our destiny and you choose how to view your reality. This is the greatest things about being alive, we have the freedom of choice. You can decide to view your life as misery or you can wake up every day and be excited for the challenges and mystery of the day. Just this shift in mindset will completely change your attitude and the way that you deal with the people and situations around you. So check out this article and see if you do any of these.

9 Great Ways to Make Yourself Absolutely Miserable

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Growth #Misery (no link...go to

Increased plant protein in diet reduces risk of death, study says

It is evident in culture that the further and further we get from a healthy diet and the closer we get to the  "American" diet the more disease, health related illnesses, and obesity occur. If you haven't noticed that just take a look around at your surroundings. All the recent studies point to the return to a plant based diet to solving and even reversing these issues. The problem is that we are stubborn people who would rather have momentary pleasure to a life full of health and wellness. It really is a shame. Here is one of those studies that may help you to make an informed decision on how to control your eating.

Increased Plant Protein in Diet Reduces Risk of Death, Study Says

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #PlantBased (no link...go to

Target Heart Rate Zone

Most people have a Fitbit or some kind of activity tracker and while steps are good to track knowing your heart rate and the zones that you need to be working in are far more important. To really reach your athletic potential you need to know the specific heart rate you should be working in and how that will build your endurance level for your chosen fitness activity. My fitness level as a endurance athlete that caries heavy, awkward objects is much different from a sprinter running 5k race. So here is a great article that will outline your heart rate and where you need to be. Check it out and be the best that you can be.

Target Heart Rate Zone

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #HeartRate (no link...go to

Beat Procrastination Like a Pro in 4 Easy Steps

We all struggle with this from time to time, some of us more than others. But it is the single greatest roadblock to progress. There are things that none of us really like to do, but it is those things that really matter when we are trying to enlarge our business or take it to the next level. You must find a way to grit your teeth and push through the difficult stuff to find success on the other side. So check out this article on beating that procrastination.

Beat Procrastination Like a Pro in 4 Easy Steps

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to Build Self-Discipline

There is a growing trend in our culture that fails to understand how to stay focused on a goal and achieve it. We live in a society where people are lead by whims. They struggle with dieting, weight, depression (which is not necessarily a discipline issue because you need extreme discipline to choose to stay miserable), drugs, etc. Many of these things are a lack of self control. So people go through life using crutches to support themselves rather than digging in and pushing through the pain and struggle and growing from the expereince. It is only when we realize that problems are not here to avoid, but to learn from that we gain a perspective that will transform our lives. So if you are looking to build that discipline check out this article.

How to Build Self-Discipline

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Discipline #Grit (no link...go to

7 benefits of eating cauliflower for health

I have always enjoyed cauliflower, even when I was a kid when my mother used to slather it with butter and cheese. Now that I have completely changed my diet and eat as healthy as possible, I have found that cauliflower has again become a staple of my diet. It is low in carbs and high in nutrition, so it fits well with my fat adaptive diet. I have also found a ton of ways to utilize it. From creating delicious mashed cauliflower to using raw cauliflower in my salad I almost always have an extra head in my pantry. So check out this article.

7 Benefits of Eatoing Cauliflower for Health

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #Cauliflower (no link...go to

How Much You Need to Exercise to Make Up For Sitting All Day

We have all seen the effects of living a sedintary life. The examples are all around us. The plague of obesity, the rise in deconditioned related diseases, the difficulty that our elderly have, etc. These are all things that pile up in our lives because of our choices. Those choices include our exercise and diet related choices. These are the sneaky killers that take years and years to catch up with us. This is the big problem of living in a society that is so focused on instant results. We often don't connect the dots between the lack of activity today to the hip replacement later in life. We need to understand that everything in our lives is correlated. We must take action if we are to live the best, happiest, healthiest life possible. So check out this article and take care of part of this right now.

How Much You Need to Exercise to Make Up For Sitting All Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Exercise #Fitness #Sedintary (no link...go to

This 25-year-old Makes $500,000 a Year Tweeting Random Facts

The world that we live in is continuing to change. The rules are not the same as they were for our forefathers. The job that you currently have probably won't be the job that you retire from and that job is not going to actually take care of you for the rest of your life. So you need to find your niche. What works for you and how can you translate that into monetary gain, is the real questions that you need to ask. Here is a story of someone doing just that and making a killing doing it. Check it out and figure out what you can do to make your bank.

This 25-year-old Makes $500,000 a Year Tweeting Random Facts

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Thursday, July 28, 2016

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose

There are times in our lives that we need to be challenged. I would say that we need to be challenged much more that we need to be comfortable. It is in those moments of uncomfortability that we truly grow and change. In the moments of comfort we rarely feel the need to press forward and make things great. We feel like they already are, so we coast. The truth is unless we are moving forward we are being left behind. These questions in this article, if taken seriously, will challenge you and push you to make some decisions in your life. I would love it if you would write these questions down and take time to answer them, Then post a reply to this article. It could be the start of a whole new journey in your life.

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Purpose #Searching (no link...go to

Science: Eat All the Fat You Want

I often post articles about this because I think nutrition is so important. This is a great article that shows the science behind this idea of being fat adaptive. There is so much disinformation out there that we need a source of good information. I also know that everyone is different. We all need to find what works for the chemistry set that is our body. So read this and start finding out what works best for you.

Science: Eat All the Fat You Want

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Healthy #Fat (no link...go to

CrossFit Workouts at Home: You can do these 24 workouts anywhere!

I'm not a huge fan of CrossFit myself, mainly because there are so many bad CrossFit instructors that cause people serious injury because they are irresponsible with people's training. In favor of adding things together to not create functionality but to create this image of badassery. This is a mistake and cause people to have serious injury. With that being said, there is no doubt that CrossFit, when done right, is a great training method, gets some of the fittest athletes, and is a great community of people. There are times when we can't get to a gym and need to get that work done at home. This is a great article that will show you how to modify your workout to maximize your results with no equipment. So check it out. If you should need some great equipment you should check out they have the best gear at great prices.

CrossFit Workouts at Home: You can do these 24 workouts anywhere

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Crossfit #InHumanGear (no link...go to

 Changing How You Ask This Question Will Transform the Way You Network

One of my biggest strengths has always been networking. I have found that most of my business connections have come from this and have propelled me into many of the endeavors that I currently have the honor of participating in. To really network effectively you need to stop thinking about what you are going to get out of meeting someone else and start thinking about how you can serve other people. You will find that when you are genuine and seeking to help others you will get much further that always looking for your own self interests. That is why this article can be so helpful. Instead of asking simple questions, digging in deeper and asking more broad questions will help to find the heart of what people do. If you can find their passions then you can help them achieve their dream. Then the doors of true networking will be unlocked. So check out this article and step up your game.

Changing How You Ask This Question Will Transform the Way You Network

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tony Robbins & The Law of Attraction "Life Will Pay Whatever Price You Ask"

It's no secret that I am a huge Tony Robbins fan. Just an amazing person. If you haven't went to Netflix and watched "I'm Not Your Guru" you need to get off my blog and go and watch it right now. Now that you are done watching that take some time to let it sink in and choose to make some self evaluation and write it down. Who are you? Why do you do what you do? What are you seeking in life? You can never get to your destination if you have no idea where you are going. After finding some concrete answers to those questions. Check out this link to a video that Tony has, it will help you make it to that next level.

Tony Robbins "The Law of Attraction" Life Will Pay Whatever Price You Ask

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #TonyRobbins #ImNotYourGuru (no link...go to

Heavily Refined Carbs: As Bad for Your Health as Cigarettes

As we have gotten away from whole foods and looked to more and more processed foods that seem to be more plentiful and cheaper we have found that while we are more fed we are sicker and sicker. Disease becomes more wide spread and serious illnesses have skyrocketed. Yet we live in a place with more medicine and better health care than ever. The choice all comes down to our diet. I was reminded yesterday that we need to be care on where we get our whole foods because the soil is not as rich as it used to be and factory farming gives us less than optimal foods. My suggestion is to either grow it yourself or find someone in your community that is doing that currently. Go to farmers markets and get food straight from the farmers. This is the best way to stay as health as possible for as long as possible. This article will open your eyes to some of the real problems with the current American diet.

Heavily Refined Carbs: As Bad for Your Health as Cigarettes

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nurition #Health #Carbs (no link...go to

6 Stretches You Must Do If You're Stuck Sitting All Day

This is so important. Many of us don't have the option to not be sitting all day at work. If that is what you do you need to make sure that you have some form of stretching program available. I personally use yoga as my stretching program, specifically yin yoga. If we don't take the time to stretch effectively we will continue to tighten up, lose range of motion, and struggle with deconditioning of muscles and bone density. To truly be fit and healthy you need to take some time to exercise, stretch, and take care of your nutrition on a regular basis. Check out this article and get some great stretches to get you started.

6 Stretches You Must Do If You're Stuck Sitting All Day

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Stretching  (no link...go to

15 Ways Parents Can Promote Entrepreneurship

Everything starts when we are children. It is those formative years that will shape the rest of our lives and help us to learn the skills necessary to make the rest of life amazing. I learned business early. My father was an entrepreneur and owned his own corner store when I was a child. His aspirations never went above owning what he had, but I learned how tough business could be, how to buy and sell products, making sure business was profitable, and how to get out when things start to decline. It was an invaluable education that I was able to supplement and grow as I got older. Many of us had to learn the hard way and had to scratch and claw for the things we have. Often this is the only way to understand the value of growth and education. If you want to give your kids an leg up and give them a platform to grow from don't give them everything, but make them work for it. Allow them to fall, get bruised up, build some callouses, and come out better on the other side. Check out this article to find some starting points for teaching.

15 Ways Parents Can Promote Entrepreneurship

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Thursday, July 21, 2016

All About Your Metabolic Energy Systems

We often struggle with finding out the best way to train to meet our goals. We have this idea that spending hours on the treadmill are the only cardio that we need. I see those people in the gym all the time. The do little else, see little change in their athleticism or weight and get discouraged because they don't see the results that they want. You need to know which energy system you are working to get the most benefit, especially if you are playing a specific sport. If you are not playing a sport you still need to know this stuff so you can vary your workout routines to get the maximum benefit from your time spent in the gym. It can be a little technical but this article does a pretty good job of breaking it down. Check it out.

All About Your Metabolic Energy Systems

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Energy (no link...go to

10 Behaviors of Genuine People

If you want to be successful in business you either need to have a product that everyone needs and will revolutionize their lives or you need to be someone people can relate to. People will only follow people that they believe are genuine people. This is the one thing that makes charismatic people attractive to others. They stay as genuine as possible and allow people to see who they truly are. I have always made sure that I am the same to everyone. This way no one can ever say that I favor one person over another or that I give people special allowances. How do you stay genuine with other people? That's what this article is all about. The first thing you need to be is transparent allowing people to see both your strengths as well as your faults. Be honest with others. Check out this article and find out more.

10 Behaviors of Genuine People

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Saturday, July 16, 2016

16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School

I believe that traditional education has failed us in so many ways. Our schools teach very little that actually educates our children and continues to set them up for failure in a society built around a piece of paper that isn't worth anything. We are set up to believe that if we get our degree in whatever specialized field that we choose that we are equipped to be in that field. Now I am not suggesting that doctors should self study. However there are lots of fields that need more practical study time than being in a school setting. We often find those people who spend all their time in academia are terrible employees. Here is a great list of things that we need to be learning and often aren't. Check it out and see if you agree.

16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PersonalDevelopment #Education #Knowledge (no link...go to

The Fatty Food That's Great for Your Health (And Other Fun Fat Facts)

It is a huge misconception that eating fat is the reason why you are fat. More accurately eating sugar that turns to fat and eating the wrong kinds of fats are what make you fat. We actually need fat to burn fat. I have been doing this to push my endurance to the next level and it has helped me to achieve all my goal up unto this point in the season. So if your plan is to have more energy, lose weight, and compete at a higher level you need to check out these facts about fat. See what works for you but get your nutrition in order. This is what will help you perform as well as keep you alive and healthy as long as possible.

The Fatty Food That's Great for Your Health (And Other Fun Facts)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Fats #FatAdaptive (no link...go to

This Man Stretched 10 Minutes a Day for a Month. Here’s What Happened

I am the group fitness coordinator for Crunch Fitness and I watch as guys come in day after day lifting weights and very seldom do they ever stretch. I teach yoga and very rarely do I ever have a guy come into my classes. I know from expereince if you are not stretching, male or female, then you will never each your full athletic potential. If you are expereincing pain or constant injury it is because you are not stretching enough. You need to find a good stretching program whether it is yoga or another routine you need to do it. Check out this article and find out why.

This Man Stretched 10 Mins a Day for a Month. Here's What Happened.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Stretching #Exercise (no link...go to

10 Reasons You're Not a Millionaire -- Yet

Contrary to popular thought there is plenty of money out there to be made. Some of the industries that were once booming have started to bust, but the new industries are now taking off. The question is are you ready to get yourself to a place where you are marketable in this new world or are you going to be left behind to continue to struggle trying to do things the same way they were done 20 years ago? I promise you it's not because of lack of opportunity. It is lack of motivation that keeps you away from the goals that you have in life. We create opportunity or we find it, it never just finds us. So check out this article and get yourself prepared to have more in life.

10 Reasons You're Not a Millionaire -- Yet

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

75 Reminders for Tough Times

We have all faced some difficult times in our lives. It is our response to those difficulties that shapes us as people. Those expereinces either make us stronger or weaker. If we could only chronical those expereinces so we can learn from them and grow then we can be the ever evolving people that we are meant to be. There is something that we can learn from every experience in life. This is the exact reason I continually, willingly put myself into difficult situations. I want to grow and I want to know that I can succeed in any environment that I am placed in. Fir me this is what endurance is all about. If you are currently going through tough times there are some things that we easily forget. Check out this list of reminders that can help you navigate those stormy waters.

75 Reminders for Tough Times

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #PesonalDevelopment #Difficulty #Trials (no link...go to

11 Graphs That Show Everything That is Wrong With The Modern Diet

I always love looking at the evidence that shows how bad we eat on a daily basis. The scary thing is that not only do most people not care, they continue to be incapable of understanding the correlation between diet and health. They seem to think the 2 cheeseburgers a day for 20 years has nothing to do with their weight or heart disease. It is amazing to me that we know that if we put the wrong stuff in our car it will not run, but we put the worst stuff in our bodies and expect them to continue to perform. The real problem is that we have become so addicted to the way food makes us feel that it is next to impossible to change that for many people. Hence, why people tell me daily that they could never live without cheese. Honestly, if the world was ending and your food supply was limited you would eat whatever you could get your hands on (including me). Since the world is not at that place and we live in the most opulent society imaginable, we should eat well and take care of ourselves. The sad fact is that if you look around our society doesn't reflect that. So check out this information, make a decision and get as healthy as possible, it is never too late to live your best life.

11 Graphs That Show Everything That is Wrong With the Modern Diet

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Nutrition #Health #Evidence (no link...go to

List With Us! The Best Motivational Songs for Running and Exercise

I always see my friends a sing for new music to fuel their workouts with. I happened to stumble across this article yesterday about some people trying to put together a collection of song lists that people love to workout with. So check this out and support it by adding your playlists to share with those people around you. This could be a great endless supply of new music to listen to when you exercise. Check it out.

List With Us! The Best Motivational Songs for Running and Exercise

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Fitness #Exercise #Music (no link...go to

The 5 Biggest Myths About Entrepreneurship

There are lots of misconceptions about entrepreneurship and they often either keep people from becoming an entrepreneur or make them think that they are one when they are not. Yes you can have a business that is a hobby and not be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are a truly unique brand of people. They have a drive that is second to none and this is what carries them through all the difficulty of business. The first myth is that entrepreneurship is is not. It takes an immense amount of hard work, but it is that entrepreneurial passion that will help you to push through. This passion needs to become the driving force of your life, if not you will fall to the wayside. One of the other things that I always notice about true entrepreneurs is that they are not tied to their initial idea. They know where they need to go, but are willing to make the necessary changes to achieve that vision. In short, they can see long term. They don't care whether they have to bike, run, or swim to their goal they are going to find a way to make it happen. If you want to know more about these myths and a few more check out this article.

The 5 Biggest Myths About Entrepreneurship

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to