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Friday, October 31, 2014

What Qualities to Look for in all Yoga Teachers – 5 Important Ones

While often selecting a good teacher is a matter of personal taste, there are some things that need to be non-negotiable. There are some things that really hinder teachers from relating to a wide variety of students. Here is a great guide to help you find someone of quality to learn from and to share your practice with. Check it out.

What Qualities to Look for in All Yoga Teachers - 5 Important Ones

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Teacher

Hippie girl’s packing guide: 10 of my essentials

Just an FYI: I love hippie girls. I love their free spirit and sense of adventure. If you are a hippie chick, check out these packing tips and get ready for your next adventure out in the world. Then get ready to explore Costa Rica with me. Go to to get started.

Hippie Girl's Packing Guide: 10 of my essentials

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

10 Healthy Eating Rules from Our Nutritionist

It is always great to have some parameters on our nutrition. I am always learning and expereinmenting with what works better for me and my own body. So follow these rules and adapt to what you need for your body to stay healthy. This is real nutrition and it will save your life.

10 Healthy Eating Rules from Our Nutritionist

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Healthy #Rules

Funny Things You See At The Gym

The gym is a amazing place to train and find your transformation. However, it is also one of the funniest places to people watch. Some of the things people do are absolutely amazing. After the Spartan race last weekend, I saw a guy lightup a cigarette and drink an energy drink that he saved at the finish line. So what funny things have you seen at the gym or athletic event? List below.

Funny Things You See At The Gym

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Funny


Are you stuck working for the man? Are you tired of being a slave to the estabilishment? There are some really good reasons why you should make the necessary changes to make your dreams come true. Check out this article and live the life you deserve.

Why You Should Have Quit Your Job...Yesterday

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, October 30, 2014

5 Yoga Myths Even Devoted Yogis Still Believe

I am a yoga teacher and I love yoga. The biggest problem I have is other yoga teachers. I am pretty non-traditional, but I have a really hard time with some of the elietest ideas within the American yoga community. So here is a great article about some of those myths that yoga teachers believe that often shape their mindset on yoga. Check it out and see if you need to change your focus.

5 Yoga Myths Even Devoted Yogis Still Believe

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Myths

23 Signs You Were Born To Travel

If you love travel I am sure you already know, but these lists are always fun. I absolutely love traveling. No matter where I am going, for any reason, I take it on like an adventure. I am always finding new expereinces and seeking out a new adventure. It is what makes life interesting and worth living. I love exploring the countryside and finding new things that peak my interest. See if travel is something you were born with in this article.

23 Signs You Were Born to Travel

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Why You're the Expert on Your Health

Here is a great video that will show you why you are the ultimate expert on your own health. There are so many ideas on diets and nutrition out there, but honestly you are the only one that knows what works for you. We all have different body chemistry and we react differently. So we have to expereinment and see what works for us. Find out how your body works and then make your body work for you. Check out this video.

Why You're the Expert on Your Health

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

How to Burn MORE Fat in LESS Time – The Secret to HIIT

This is a goal for almost everyone that I know that is working out. So what is the science behind it and does it actually work. Like I have said, time and time again, it is all about intensity. If you can up the intensity you can cut down on the time and get your engine burning more effienciently. So check out this article and learn the best way to do it.

How to Burn MORE Fat in LESS Time - The Secret to HIIT

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #HIIT

Solve A Problem For People And You’ll Get Rich

This is a recipe for success that has stood the test of time. If you want people to buy your product, it has to solve a need that they have. Businesses that fail are businesses that don't fill a need that people have. The great thing is that often if it is a need that you have there are other people out there that have the same need. So are you going to be the next Steve Jobs or just corner the market that you are in. Either way, fill a need people have and they will love you for it.

Solve a Problem for People and You'll Get Rich

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

11 Most Important Things to Know How to Say in Any Foreign Language

When you go to a forgein country there are a few things that you must know how to say if you are going to be able to make it through the country. Here is a great list of things to learn before you take your next trip, so you can communicate effectively and get what you need. Check it out and know how to get to the bathroom.

11 Most Important Things to Know How to Say in Any Forign Language

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Do You Travel Healthy?

This is a difficult thing to do, when you are traveling how do you get the proper nutrition? It is difficult and too easy to make bad choices and eat at every fast food restaurant along the way. So here are some great ideas on how to get that nutrition and save your waistline for your trip.

Do You Travel Healthy?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Snacks #OntheGo

[Workout Plans] The 10 Minute Power Wake Up Workout Circuit

Many people feel like when they workout in the morning they seem to have energy all day long (I am not one of those people). However, if this works for you here is a great short workout to supercharge your day. Check it out and get energized.

[Workout Plans] The 10 Minute Power Wake Up Workout Circuit

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #WakeUp

How To Make Money Online Doing What You Love

We all want to spend our time doing what we love. The internet has given us a unique opportunity to explore that idea, like never before. We can share, make a website, and corner the market on anything that we are passionate about because there is a market online for it, no matter how small that market might be. So find what you are passionate about it and make it a profitable business.

How to Make Money Online Doing What You Love

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

6 Myths You Believe About Yoga

There is lots of great information out there about yoga. However, there is also lots of things that are floating around out there that are not accurate. These are often those things that turn people away from yoga when they expereince them. One of the top myths that I find is that people believe that they need to be flexible to do yoga. Yoga is for any skill level and is not really about flexibility. We have to realize that yoga does not have to look a certain way. We just need to practice to the best of our ability to recieve the many benefits of yoga. It is a crime when people are exposed to a very restrictive idea of yoga and it always limits the results that they will find. Check out this article and find the truth.

6 Myths You Believe About Yoga

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Myths

19 Lesser-Known Travel Destinations To Visit Before You Die

I am always looking for a new adventure. So finding those new exotic gems is a must. Here are some little known places that you can visit to get away from some of the larger more touristy places and make some great memories during your net trip. Check them out and get your travel booked.

19 Lesser Known Travel Destinations to Visit Before You Die

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation


We are always recommending foods and giving people ideas for new things to try. However, how many of us are eating those same foods that we recommend. I don't typically eat almond butter, but I always use almond milk. I constantly use spinach and all kinds of fresh vegetables. I love tofu, tempeh, and a plethora of beans. One of the advantages of being vegan is that it forces me to eat many of these healthy foods. So check out the ones on this list and try them out.

The Healthy Diet Foods that Health Experts Really Eat

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #HealthyFoods

How to Get Ripped. Forever.

Very few of us are ever going to be bodybuilders. It is serious, hard work and it takes lots of dedication to focus on your own body. However, their are ways to be ripped without all that focus and staying in the gym for hours and hours a day. Here is a great article to help you find a way to make those changes in your body, so you can look your best and be your healthiest. Check out this article.

How to Get Ripped. Forever

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fintess #Ripped

1,000 Sales in My First Year of Business on Etsy: Low Cost Marketing Strategies

This is something that I am always looking for. New ideas on how to market my business at a low cost. As I have a small to non-existant marketing budget it is important to really get the word out there somehow. It is always nice to see how other people have been successful in their own businesses. So if you have been successful in promoting your business, list some of your successes here and share how you did it with the rest of us and lets help promote one another.

1000 Sales in My First Year of Business on Esty: Low Cost Marketing

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Top 10 Suggestions For Making The Most of This Life

It makes me sad when I see people that are just existing in life. They walk through life in a fog, with no aspirations or hope of ever finding anything better. They live very unfulfilled lives and never reach for their dreams. Often when I go back home and I see friends that have been in the same jobs for years, dealing with the same situations they have since they were teens, I struggle with how they lost the hope that they had. I have always been in favor of making the most out of anything that I have. I never wanted to be satisfied with my life I always want to aspire to greater heights and find new experiences. This is what makes life intersting and gives me those great stories to tell my grandchildren as they are growing up. So here are some ways that you can start making the most of your life. Check them out and share what you are doing to inspire the rest of us to live full and wonderful lives.

Top 10 Suggestions For Making The Most of This Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Lifetime

Five Apps the Airlines Don't Want You to Use

In recent years the cost of travel has risen and falling so many times it is impossible to count. We have the idea of discount carriers and then other airlines that make you pay for everything. It is truly a crazy industry. There are very few standards between carriers and the quality of service is always subject to the day or even hour. So my best suggestion is to use options that help you find the best price for the fastest travel that you can make, so you don't have to worry about the rest. So here are some great apps that can help you make your life easier. Check them out and see what you think. Then go to and get ready for the trip of a lifetime on the beach with me in Costa Rica.

Five Apps the Airlines Don't Want You to Use

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

Food labeling: what you should know about GMOs and MSG

There is lots of talk in the media about Gentically Modified Foods these days. Many of us just pass it by and jjst chalk it up to conspiracy theory. But there is some real validity to the claims that people are making about our food supply. It is the one thing that can either make us very sick or make us healthy and we need to protect it. So becoming more educated about what you are putting in your body is very important. So here is an article that will show you what these things mean and how they can effect you in the years to come. Ther are lots of theories out there about why this is happening but I would rather focus on the facts about this rather than the why. Check it out and let me know what you think about the whole subject.

Food Labeling: What You Should Know About GMOs and MSG

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #FoodLabels

Designing a Workout for Your Dream Body

Bodybuilding is really nothing more than muscle sculpting. It doesn't have to be bigger muscles it can also be about creating the body that you have always dreamed of. I know when I was 260 lbs I never thought that I would ever make it back into  size 32 pant or wear anything but an xl shirt. But after controlling my diet and focusing my workouts I not only got down to a 32 I also dropped to 170 lbs. You have to be intentional in what you want to do with your body and you must have a goal in mind. Maybe you want to fit into that dress again or you want to look good in your bathing suit. You have to have that mental picture of what you want and start focusing your efforts towards that. It does mean that you will have to get off the couch and stop eating all those chips, but you will have something even better....self-confidence and that will change your life completely. Check out this article and get on the road to a better you.

Designing a Workout for Your Dream Body

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #ByDesign

Why Small Businesses Fail (and how yours can succeed)

What is your business? Is it really a business? What makes a business a business? This is really the essence of this article. There are many people that have businesses that aren't really businesses they are just hobbies that may make them a little money. So make a determination and see if your business is really a business or just a glorified hobby. This is also the way that you can turn that hobby into a full flegeded business and make some serious money. Check it out.

Why Small Businesses Fail (and how yours can succeed)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, October 20, 2014

Yoga for Running Recovery

This is an article that I need to use this week. I have a Spartan Beast this weekend and I am definitely going to be in need of some running recovery. This will complete my trifecta for the year. I have found that yoga is good for just about everything in life. However, yoga, specifically yin yoga, is my favorite stretching routine for after running. We all need that opposing stretch and this is the way to get it. Check out the article and get on your mat. Don't let running break down your muscles without using the regenerative properties of yoga to keep you healthy and fit.

Yoga for Running Recovery

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Running

Travellers' Guide to Tap Water: Infographic

When you travel you need to know where it is okay to drink the water. If not, you may be spending most of your time in the bathroom or in the hospital. Make sure you know where to drink the water and when to buy bottled. I know it is not recommended that you drink the water in Costa Rica but I never had any problems when I was down there, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. Check out this guide.

Traveller's Guide to Tap Water

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacations #Water

Processed Meats Too Dangerous for Human Consumption

If you ever thought our American diet was not so healthy, here is more proof that it is not even edible. Not only is it devoid of any real nutrition there are studies that show that it is not even good enough for humans to eat. The scary things is that we are still buying these foods by the truckload and wondering why disease is on the rise. We wonder why we are fat, sick, and medicated but refuse to look at what we put in our mouths as the cause. Then we say we could never stop eating those foods. So in essence we are choosing a less than optimal life for ourselves. Check out this article and see if it doesn't change your mind.

Processed Meats Too Dangerous for Human Consumption

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #ProcessedMeat

5 Major Muscle-Toning Workout Mistakes

When working out, we often make mistakes and we wonder why we don't get the results that we seek. Here is a guide to fix some of those mistakes and your fitness where it needs to be. Check it out and get on the right path.

5 Major Muscle-Toning Workout Mistakes

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Mistakes

Debunking the Workaholic Myth: Why You Need to Stop Working So Hard

This is a skill that I hope to learn one day. I am pretty busy all the time. However, I love what I do so it hardly seems like work. I just need to find a way to balance the people that I care about and reserve enough time to be with them. If we seek to have a healthy baance of family and work this may be the way to do it. Check it out and let me know how you do it.

Debunking the Workaholic Myth: Why You Need to Stop Working So Hard

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Friday, October 17, 2014

40 Tourist Scams to Avoid This Summer

When you go on vacation there are always the tourist traps. You have to be careful to not waste your money on things that you really don't need. I remember as a kid I used to have to have everything and I have noticed in the last several years that all those t-shirts that I had to have are not nearly as important to me. I now buy art everywhere I go. So check out these scams and keep your money in your pocket.

40 Tourist Scams to Avoid This Summer

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

8 Diet Tips for a Better Body

If you are trying to lose some weight there are many componants that must be considered. It is not just about eating less or watching your calories. Your body is a checmistry set and you need to know what works for your body and what doesn't work. You need to find out what nutritents you are missing and how to get the proper nutrition for your body. You have to find a way to speed up your metabolism, so that your engine is burning optimally. This is different for each person and you need to try different methods. Then your body will adjust and you will need to change what you are doing to continue to enjoy the weight loss. Check out this article and get the tips you need. If you need any further advice don't hesitate to ask.

8 Diet Tips for a Better Body

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Diet