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Friday, May 30, 2014

Getting Healthy: A Spiritual Pursuit

Before I started being more health conscious I never realized how it would impact my spiritual life and how it would change the way that I relate to the world. It is amazing how eating better, knowing where your food comes from, and nourishing your body will help connect you to the rest of the world. It connects you with nature and the terrible things that we do to our environment, it connects us to the animals we use and abuse for our personal consumption, and it connects us to the people around us that we affect by our choices. We can remain ignorant, sick, and miserable but why live that way when we have the option to live healthy, strong, and full lives all while taking care of everyone and everything around us. It is a beautiful way to live and if you are honest about it, it will change how you view everything.

Getting Healthy: A Spiritual Pursuit

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Health

Eat, Drink, Sleep, Do: Costa Rica Style

As I read this article and looked at the picture I remembered my trips to Costa Rica and how much of an adventure it was. I also remembered how much I love that little country in Central America and how much I look forward to spending the rest of my life living and working there. It is almost something that can't be explained, you have to experience it for yourself. The beauty and diversity are unmatched in anything I have ever experienced. I cannot wait to take my dad there and have him experience the beauty and show him why I am doing what I am doing. So if you love to travel and want to experience Costa Rica, check out and come take a trip with us. It will be a life altering experience.

Eat, Drink, Sleep, Do: Costa Rica Style

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Bring Food Education Back

I am so glad to see that there is a growing trend in our country to be educated about food and what we eat. With the rise of the internet and Netflix we have ample avenues to promote and view education about the food that we have. I am also excited to see the number of school programs that are being started to show our children where food comes from and why it is better than some of the mass produced fruits and veggies out there. This trend needs to grow into a revolution, so that we can really combat the obesity and diet related diseases that plague our country. So share your nutrition stories, help others find what you have found, and give them real information that can save their life. Check out this infographic for all the stats.

Bring Food Education Back

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Education

The Better Sex Workout

This one is for the ladies, as you work on getting your body toned for the summer why not work on all those muscles that help you have great sex. We all know that sex is the best fun that you can have, so make it as pleasurable for both you and your partner by working on all those muscles that are used during sex. So check out this article and strengthen up, as good as you are going to look in that bikini you're going to need it ;)

The Better Sex Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #BetterSex

15 Reasons to Keep Your Company Small

After you get your business started and the ball is rolling as the momentum builds there is always the question grow or keep the company small. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The most obvious would be, is you business even able to sustain real growth? There are businesses that are meant to be regional or local and the explosion of a global business may change the philosophy of the business so much it may never recover. If you want to be a restaurant that serves local foods from local farmers you may find it a huge challenge to adapt your model to a fast food restaurant model. So just know what is best for your is not always about making money. In truth, if it is all about the money it's probably not something that is going to be successful over the long term. Check out this article for more insight.

15 Reasons to Keep Your Company Small

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, May 29, 2014

More athletes getting their ‘Om’ on with Yoga

One of the great things I am trying to get some of the athletes that I work with is how beneficial yoga can be to their overall sports performance. I believe that this is so important for athletes to have longevity in their chosen sport and to keep healthy lives. I am currently working on a ebook that is going to cover this all in great detail w/ pictures and explanations of poses for specific sports. This will be a great addition to any athlete that is looking to maximize their potential on and off the field. Here is a great article to get started with, as I continue writing.

More Athletes Getting Their "Om" on with Yoga

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Athletes


Zanio Family, Victory Comics, and Warrior Vacations Partner Up

Here is a great opportunity to get your Warrior Vacation for free. We have partnered with the World Famous martial arts family, the Zanio Family and Victory Comics to provide a contest to go on a Warrior Vacation. Anyone that purchases the comic book will receive a entry into the contest. At the end of the contest a name will be drawn and we will begin the travel arrangements. So check it out and send your support.

Zanio Family Comic Book and Warrior Vacations Contest

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #VictoryComics #ZanioFamily

3 Delightful Ways to Ditch Dairy

When I was a kid I suffered from a dairy allergy for several years I had to limit the amount of cheese and milk I would drink. I broke out in hives and would scratch my legs so much they would bleed. Oddly enough, none of this really dissuaded me from drinking milk and eating dairy products for years. The doctor's told me that I may grow out of it and that dairy was important for my development. I did grow older and the hives stopped, but I continued to have stomach problems all my life. I never realized that it was the dairy that continued to cause my stomach issues. When I became vegan almost 5 years ago, my stomach issues and eczema disappeared completely. I finally realized that it was the dairy that caused all of that. I then read many study where I found that you can get calcium from many other sources rather than dairy milk and that dairy milk promotes osteoporosis rather than preventing it. Not to mention that dairy milk is made for calves, so they grow big and strong as cows, not for humans. So here are some great ways to check out your alternatives rather than drinking dairy milk.

3 Delightful Ways to Ditch Dairy

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nurtition #NoDairy


We all find ways to make excuses for the reasons why we don't work out as much as we should. There's not enough time, I am too busy, I can't get sweaty, the list is endless. The fact is if you really want to get in shape or lose the weight you will find a way to do it. We always find the way to become available to the things that are important to us. So you have a choice continue to make excuses or get yourself in gear the choice is really up to you. Check out this article for more ideas.

How to Kill 3 Common Excuses That Keep You From Exercising

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout


No Solopreneur Ever Went Wrong...

Getting out on your own and being in business for yourself is tough. It is often not a glamorous job and it is often not the million dollar ideas that we think it can be. However, it is always the right thing to do. The following article focuses on things that solopreneurs can do that are never wrong. I take it a step further and believe that it is never wrong to make the decision to become a solopreneur. Let me qualify that by saying even if the business is a bad idea or it makes life difficult for a little while, the experience of trying and stepping out into a larger world is integral for any person that is looking to enjoy the freedom that your own business can bring. With that in mind it is also important to find out that you don't have what it takes to be a solopreneur, so you don't spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been. So step out and enjoy what the universe brings, you are a big part of it and you would be amazed how things change when you follow your dreams. Check it out.

No Solopreneur Ever Went Wrong...

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

12 Ways To Amplify Positivity

This is something that we could all use more of, in fact you can really never get enough positivity. Every where we look (if we are not being intentional) we find negativity. So to combat all the negativity and suffering around us we must remain intentional about bringing positivity into our lives. This will help us to feel better, be healthier, and even get more in our lives. Let's face it who wants to be around someone who is always a drag. Positivity can do some amazing things, not only can it cause us to have more abundance it can also literally change our health. When we take the stress out of our lives our health can improve dramatically. So check out these 12 ways you can improve your positivity and get happy :)

12 Ways to Amplify Positivity

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Positivity


This is another of the amazing places that I have been. You can do so many things while you are here. You can spend the day in the mountains that surround Manuel Antonio, or you can relax on the beach all day, or you can take a tour of the rainforest that surrounds it all. There is so much diversity and beauty here. From the wildlife, to the Ticos, and all the tourists that visit this town yearly. You can travel from shop to shop and get in all your souvenirs for your trip. Such a beautiful place and so much to do that is only 25 mins away from our property at Warrior Vacations. Our mid-week excursion will be taking some time to spend exploring the rainforest at Manuel Antonio National Park. So check out this guide on the area and find something exciting, then go to www.WarriorVacations and set up your date to come down.

Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Vacation

What Do 300 Calorie Meals Look Like?

We often wonder, I switched to eating healthier, why am I still gaining weight? The problem is that we forgot to control the amount of calories we are taking in. If we continue to eat more calories than we are expending we will always gain weight. So we really need to see what a meal looks like that is at a healthy calorie range. It is too easy to pile it on the plate and think that I'll just work it off tomorrow. Believe me over Memorial Day weekend I put on 3 lbs just going to cookouts and parties and not watching my calories. So now I am back at it and frustrated that I allowed myself to give in. So check out what a 300 calorie plate looks like and see how close you are that ideal, then adjust.

What Do 300 Calorie Meals Look Like?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #PortionControl

15 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

In the last week I talked a lot about boosting your metabolism in regards to diet and exercise. Well I wanted to find something that could give you a better guide on how to do that outside of just exercise and eating more often throughout the day. Those are both great options to kick start your metabolism, however, they are not the only thing you can do. So choose a bunch of  different things and see what works for you. Get that engine burning efficiently and lose that unwanted weight. Check out this article for 15 more ways to get all that done.

15 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Besides Exercise

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Metabolism

Ready to Declare Your Independence? A Seven-Point Checklist

This is one of the scariest transitions of life to go through...the moment when you get out from the security of a steady paycheck and start depending on yourself in your own business. You then struggle with the fact that it is now on your shoulders, if the business fails so do you. It is a great responsibility and often we carry families and children into that. It can also be a very rewarding and liberating experience, however you have to plan appropriately for this. It can be terrifying if you have no choice and are forced to step out in faith (loss of traditional job, lay-offs, etc). This is actually where I am right now, the positive thing is that I have been fortunate to have been building my business for the last 5 years. This puts me in a great position (although still not optimal) because I have so much of the leg work out of the way. The only part that I am missing is the financial part of the plan and we are constantly working to improve that. So if you are thinking about making the leap check out this checklist and try and get as many of your ducks in a row as possible to assure your best chance of success. I wish you all the best as we travel this road together.

Ready to Declare Your Independence? A Seven-Point Checklist

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The STAR WARS Galaxy Yoga Guide - Yoda Yoga

I saw this today and for those of you that know me, you know I am a huge Star Wars freak (501st member ID-3323). So here is a great article for some Yoda Yoga, learn from a master that has been training Jedi for over 900 years. Enjoy :)

The STAR WARS Galaxy Yoga Guide - Yoda Yoga

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #StarWars

Tough Travel Accessories Worth the Investment

If you are going to travel you are going to need some accessories. There are a few accessories that you never want to skimp on. There are times that you just need to have something that is going to last, time and time again. Here is a great list to find some of those things, so your travel is the best experience that it can be. Check it out.

Tough Travel Accessories Worth the Investment

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Accessories

Dr. Dean Ornish: Your genes are not your fate (2008)

Here is a great video from one of the leading doctors in America today. One of the biggest misconceptions that we have believed is that all our diseases are handed down from our family through our genes. We have found that even though we may be predisposed towards something we can literally turn off those genes and enjoy a long, happy, healthy, and disease free life. This video is Dr. Ornish talking about just that. This is one of the most groundbreaking studies in medicine today. This means that we don't have to stay on medications for the rest of our life and that we are in control of our health. You don't have to end up with cancer or diabetes. So check it out and take control of your life.

Dr. Dean Ornish: Your Genes Are Not Your Fate

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

Train Like a Fighter — Workout #1: Cardio, Plyometrics, and Agility Training

If you want to get in shape like some of the best athletes in the world, here is a great guide for you. You can also check out where we do a program called MMA Fighter Fit. It incorporates all of the MMA conditioning drills that will help you get a great body, while teaching you the fundamentals of training like a fighter, all without getting hit. I have been fighting and competing all my life, I know how important training is and even though my active fighting career is over, I still train like a madman. I love it and will never stop until my body will not allow me to continue. So get in the best shape of your life.

Train Like a Fighter - Workout #1: Cardio, Plyometrics, and Agility Training

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Training #FighterWorkout

Why You Should Act Like an Entrepreneur, Even If You're Not

There are lots of great qualities of an entrepreneur that will make you a better employee wherever you work. Passion and dedication are two such qualities. If you take your job and make it your own you will always excel at it and you will be happier and make more money. Often this will elevate the crushing feelings of hating your job. However, if you are truly meant to be an entrepreneur this could also be the catalyst for you to transition into something of your own. So be careful but enjoy everything you do. Check out this article to learn more.

Why You Should Act Like an Entrepreneur, Even If You're Not

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur


Monday, May 26, 2014

The Chakras - a Basic Overview

I posted an article a few days ago about recognizing when your chakras were blocked and I had a few people ask what chakras even are. So I figured I would post this follow up article to give you the information that you desire. This is a basic understanding of the chakras system. You will find that it is the energy centers of your body and they can do so much for you if you can work in conjunction with them. Check out this article and understand yourself better.

The Chakras - a Basic Overview

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Chakras #Yoga

Telling the story of conservation: Costa Rica

The picture below is one of the pictures that I took from the top of Mt. Chirripo. The highest peak in all of Latin America at just under 13,000 feet. It had some spectacular views and amazing scenery. The wildlife was teaming with life and abundant. This is a testament to the love of nature and the determination to take care of their environment. The Costa Rican people are devoted to take care of the beautiful country that they have been left by their ancestors. What a beautiful people and country. Check out this article that will tell you the whole story.

Telling the Story of Conservation: Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Relaxation #Vacation #Travel

Truth Behind This Toxic Sweetener In Your Soft Drinks

Here is a little bit of truth for you to swallow on this beautiful memorial day. Just be careful what you drink at your cookout today.

Truth Behind This Toxic Sweetener in Your Soft Drinks

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Sweetener

How to Not Suck at Working Out

Do you struggle with getting your fitness on? Is it hard to get motivated, or do you struggle wit the knowledge on how to get a great workout? This is the article for you. Check it out and get yourself in the gym.

How Not to Suck at Working Out

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout

Want to Succeed at a Startup? Focus on These 5 Qualities.

The number one thing that you need is passion. Without that obvious passion for your business you might as well not even start. You are doomed to failure without passion because when it gets tough you will never be able to sustain the pressure. This article gives you  other qualities that you need check them out.

Want to Succeed at a Startup? Focus on These 5 Qualities

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Sunday, May 25, 2014

5 Secrets to Relaxing in Paradise

We all need to take some time for ourselves. We live fast paced lives and often are overlooked and worked to hard. We need that time for ourselves to rest, relax, and recharge. I know I need to find that space for myself. If we don't do that we find depressions and anxiety are not far behind. So make sure you are taking some time for yourself, without the kids, so you can live a happy healthy life. This is exactly the plan we have at Warrior Vacations. We incorporate the training in a setting where you can find that serenity that you are looking for and need. Check us out at and also check out this article to make the most of your stay in paradise.

5 Secrets to Relaxing in Paradise

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Relaxation #Vacation #Travel

10 Reasons Why We Should All Be Eating More Hummus

There is one really big obvious reason you should be eating hummus....its FREAKING DELICIOUS. There are also many other reasons that you should be doing it, so check out this article. However, for at least one of my friends I am aware that you cannot have any legumes, in any form, so please stay away and we can find you something else to eat. Check this article out and EAT HUMMUS.

10 Reasons Why We Should All Be Eating More Hummus

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy

3 Workouts to Burn Fat Fast

I was reading this week that it is not how long you workout or even the intensity in which you work out. It is all about how much those workouts are charging up your metabolism. We only burn 500-600 calories an hour in a good workout (if you are doing mine up to 1000) and we can ingest that many calories in 5 mins. What really matters is the caloric rate we are burning throughout the day. So if we are eating 2000 calories and we are burning 3500 calories a day we will lose weight. If we do the inverse we will gain weight it is as simple as that. So I am not saying not to workout, but to remember that you don't need to work yourself into injury to lose weight. Get your 30 mins to an hour in at a good intensity and get that engine moving, so you are burning all day long. So check out this article and get moving.

3 Workouts to Burn Fat Fast

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #FatBurn

Unlock the Secrets of LinkedIn

When I first put up my profile on LinkedIn I really had no idea the impact it would have on me and my business. For several years I thought it was useless and I avoided using it. However, I then opened up Warrior Vacations and took a class on social media. They told me the benefits of using LinkedIn and some basic ways to use it. I then got on there and my business has taken off since then. I have been able to meet and connect with some of the biggest names in my industry. I have been able to network and find the right connections for myself and get some of the best advice I could ask for. It is truly a great place to grow and learn. I went from having 130 contacts to close to 2000. I am now a LinkedIn All-Star and I continue to meet people and network with all those I can. Lets help make all our businesses succeed. Check out this great article to start.

Unlock the Secrets of Linkedin

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Out Of Balance

There are many signs that your chakras are out of balance. If we are to really awaken and enjoy the fullness of our energetic connection to the universe we need to keep our chakras in balance. Often our chakras get blocked by all kinds of things in our lives. This can be the cause of many diseases, disorders, and imbalances in our bodies. So here is a great article to find out what those warning signs are and how you can clear those chakras, so your energy can flow freely. Check it out.

Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Out of Balance

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Chakras

Top 20 Amazing Things to do in Costa Rica

I have now been to Costa Rica numerous times and it gets more and more amazing every time I go. There are so many things to do and see. The people are amazing and so genuine. I always meet someone that is so interested in everything that I am doing. It still has such a small town feel and all the people know one another and spend time together. At any time you can do eco-adventures with zip lining, rafting, hiking, canyoning, SUP, etc. It is truly an astounding place. There are volcanoes, hot springs, and mountains to climb. There is the rainforest and beaches to explore. I could never do it justice with words or pictures, you have to experience it for yourself. So check out this article and find some of the top things to do and then check out the adventure we already have set up for you at and set your dates up on our website. I look forward to seeing you on the beach soon.

Top 20 Amazing Things to do in Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Vacation #Travel

Bed-ridden by a rare illness, this 22-year-old cured herself with healthy eating - and now her recipe app is number one on iTunes

This is an amazing story of just what can happen when someone changes the way they think about the world and choose their own health. We can all have this happen to us if we decide to change the way that we view the food that we eat. We don't all have to become vegan, but we need to do something. We have been tricked into convenience eating and it is killing us. Obesity is an epidemic and we can control it. It takes willpower and desire. Do you have what it takes to change your life?

This 22-year-old Cured Herself with Healthy Eating

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Health #Amazing

The Full-Body Caveman Workout

Get back to basics with this great full body workout...back to the days when humans were ten times stronger. Check it out.

The Full-Body Caveman Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #OldSchool

Paying Monthly Bills Before the Company Has Earned a Dime

This is one of the struggles with opening a new business. Many of us do not have solid financial backing, so we are either left with working full time and working on a part time business or struggling to make everything happen from nothing. It is definitely not an easy road and there are no simple answers. This article may give you some hints on how to deal with it. However, I am also in the same place with my business. We are doing the best that we can making our promotions work and getting everything paid, but we need help to get off the ground as well. So if you have any tips share it with the community. I need those suggestions as much as everyone else.

Paying Monthly Bills Before the Company Has Earned a Dime

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sex and Yoga - Tantric Yoga Making Love Work

These two kinda go together like peas and carrots. In Yoga our goal is to open up and reconnect with the energy force around us and in Sex we are trying to connect with the partner we look to share ourselves with. So ultimately placing a very spiritual connection to our sex lives can be important. Obviously, this denotes trust and a great relationship. However it can also bring our relationship to the next level. Tantric Yoga or Sex is more about the connection to your partners energy and enjoying the pleasure that comes from that mingling of energy than the physical release of sex. It may end in that but it is that energetic connection that holds us all together and continues to grow the love that we have for one another. Check out this article for more great information on this subject.

Sex and Yoga - Tantric Yoga Making Love Work

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Tantra

Warrior Vacations Fitness Bootcamp Promo

We have finally gotten some commercials done for Warrior Vacations. So now you can see some of the experience we will be providing in our classes on the beach in Playa Palo Seco. There will be much more going on than just these classes, the amount of things to do is limitless. From surfing, rafting, zip lining, rainforest tours, etc. So if you are ready to get on the beach and get your sweat on and have a great vacation, this video is for you. Check it out and leave your feedback below.

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Bootcamp #Fitness #Retreat

18 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar that Will Surprise You

There are many organic products that can be used for multiple purposes. Apple Cider Vinegar is no exception. It can be used for so much more than just food. So here is an article that will give you some of those uses. So be more organic and use what is natural. Check it out.

18 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar that Will Surprise You

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

10 Minute Wake Up Workout

If you wake up in the morning and need to kick start your day, this one is for you. We have all heard about the benefits of working out in the morning: increased metabolism, more energy throughout the day, etc. To get those benefits you don't need to workout for hours in the morning, but you can workout for 10 mins and get some benefit. So check out this article and get to work in the am.

10 Minute Wake Up Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Morning

72 Personal Accountability Tips for Solopreneurs

One of the toughest things to adjust to as an entrepreneur or solopreneur is the fact that no one is watching over your shoulder and forcing you to get the necessary business done. Many of us are not very good at being accountable for our actions and tend to procrastinate. So what can we do to stay motivated, even when life gets in the way. We have to remember that our businesses are our businesses and no one can make them grow but us and no one can bring on their demise but us. So check out this article to get some strategies to keep you on the right track.

72 Personal Accountability Tips for Solopreneurs

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Craze Captures Hearts In Costa Rica

There are some great things to do in Costa Rica and some of those adventures are great surf and yoga retreats. At Warrior Vacations we focus on martial arts, fitness, and yoga but we also have some great surf instructors that you can work with to get a great surfing experience. It is truly a beautiful country and your experience is only limited to your imagination. Check out this article to learn more then go to to schedule a trip with us. Get your date on the calendar, no money down.

Craze Captures Hearts In Costa Rica

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #SurfRetreat #YogaRetreat

The No High-Fructose Corn Syrup List

In the last ten years High Fructose Corn Syrup has been touted as the next best thing and the worst evil that has ever befallen our food system. I happen to think it is somewhere in the middle. I believe that anything in excess can be bad for you, even good things. However, the real problem is that it is in almost everything. It can be a challenge to get away from it. So here is a list of foods that HFCS is not in, check it out and make your health as good as you can.

The No High-Fructose Corn Syrup List

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #CornSyrup

A Barry’s Bootcamp-Inspired Hotel Gym Workout

Many of us travel and it is quite a challenge to get a good workout in a hotel fitness studio. Most of the fitness rooms have a small set of weights, a stability ball, an elliptical machine, and a treadmill. However, you can get in a great body weight workout anywhere. Personally, I carry my bodylastics bands everywhere I go and use them in my room along with I love it. However, this article will give you some great ideas to keep burning that fat even when you are away from home. Check it out.

A Barry's Bootcamp-Inspired Hotel Gym Workout

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Travel

Why aren’t there more young entrepreneurs?

There are plenty of young people that have great ideas, but it is the pervious generation that has failed in empowering our children to aspire for more. We do have more classes about entrepreneurship and it seems to be a hot button in the last few years. The problem is that we have little practical application. Here in the States people have been comfortable living off their jobs and have little time or energy left to create. When we live in a culture that has to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet it leave little time to produce new business. So by default our children are not equipped to see the entrepreneurial spirit at work and lose that drive to create a better life. There will always be people who are inclined to that regardless and the challenging circumstances will allow them to flourish but that it few and far between. What we must do is educate and lift those people up. We must encourage them to grow their ideas and help them make it a reality. Check out this article for more info on the subject.

Why Aren't There More Young Entrepreneurs?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Don’t Date A Yoga Girl

Just check out this article, you know you want to, you might just learn something valuable.

Don't Date a Yoga Girl

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Dating

50 Things I Learned Volunteering Abroad

There are many great ways to satisfy your desire for world travel, but none quite as satisfying as volunteering and helping people all over the world. Not only is it enriching to your life, it is also rewarding knowing that you have touch other people's lives. Here is a great article about the lessons learned from those travels. Check it out.

50 Things I Learned Volunteering Abroad

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Travel #Volunteer

How to Drink More Water and Actually Enjoy It

The biggest complaint that I get from people when I tell them they need to drink more water, is that it has no taste. There are a few problems here. One, is an issue of curbing your desire and an addiction to sugar. We often drink sugary substances (soda) because we are so hooked on the rush that we get from that sugar that it overrides everything else. The same issue happens with caffeine (coffee or energy drinks) because often they are loaded with sugar. The other is bad tasting, unfiltered water. We do have a water supply that can be full of minerals and chemicals and that can be almost as bad as ingesting all that sugar. There are many solutions to that but I have found that the best one is to drink an Alkaline water. This is water that is electrically charged to change the ph balance, so not only is it filtered it also absorbs better and helps you fight disease. The best brand, that I have found, is Kangen Water...check them out at If you need a little more than that and need to add some flavor to your water, go the natural route and check out this article for more info.

How to Drink More Water and Actually Enjoy It

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Healthy #Hydration

4 Simple Rules to Lose Weight

Many of us struggle with losing weight, but really there is no mystery to losing weight. It all comes down to curbing our unhealthy need for food and making healthier choices. You don't need to starve yourself, go on some crazy diet, or take some pills. What you need to do is burn more calories than you ingest. In this day and age it is super easy to watch your caloric intake. My Fitness Pal for Iphone and Android has everything you need to log all your meals and your workouts. I am currently working on getting off the 20 lbs since I retired from fighting and have been using my FitBit, which also logs your food, and am 9 lbs away from my goal of 185 lbs in less than two weeks. You inherently eat better when you are watching everything that you put in your body. The trick is that you have to be honest with yourself. Losing weight is not hard, curbing our desires is the hard part. Check out this article for even more tips.

4 Simple Rules to Lose Weight

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #WeightLoss

2 Simple Tips for Networking With Influencers

In networking there are really two types of people that you will be talking to...people who can get things done, and people that can't. We often get the people that smile, get excited, and tell us that they will be there all the way. However, these are often the same people who disappear as soon as your business gets going. The people that you really need to reach are the people who can get things done. The influencers that can change your entire business with a few phone calls. Even though at times this seems like it's not possible, but these people are out there. You just need to know how to reach them and keep them on your side. So here is a great tool that will help you develop those skills. Check it out.

2 Simple Tips for Networking With Influencers

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Go Global: 15 Natural Remedies From Around the World

Here in the states we believe that we need pills to cure all our infirmities. However, people from all over the world have been doing it for as long as time has been going and often many of their remedies are better than the popular ones we now know. The main reason being is that natural remedies have little to no side effects. Where all of our current medications have a laundry list of side effects and can help in one area and destroy us in other areas. So check these out and see how they work for you.

Go Global: 15 Natural Remedies From Around the World

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Natural #Health

27 Ideas For The Summer

Summer is finally upon us after the long deep freeze of the winter. So what are we going to do with all that beautiful sunshine? Here are a bunch of ideas that you can do this summer, so that you can really enjoy the time together with family and kids. So get out there and soak up that sun and reconnect after all that hibernation of winter. Enjoy your summer.

27 Ideas for the Summer

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Summertime #Fun

The Health Benefits of Whisky

I am really just posing this ambiguous study for all of my friends that still drink out there. I believe this is a pretty good example of how you can take almost anything and gear that report towards making something look healthy. Not that there is anything wrong with a few drinks from time to time, but the risks and side effects far out weigh the benefits and this is something that is sorely lacking in this report. Of course I could write a report listing the case for heroin being a great weigh loss catalyst, if I didn't list any of the side effects. This is the problem with many of the drugs and supplements that we take. Just be careful with what you put into your body, know what it is and the long term effects on your health. Also remember that anything in excess will eventually become harmful to you.

The Health Benefits of Whisky

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Health #Alcohol

4 Reasons Why A 30-Minute Exercise Makes You Happier

There are so many reasons exercise can raise your disposition and make you a happier person. The one that really stands out to me and the one that I use the most is that anytime you are healthier and physically feel better you will be happier and love life. If you are sick and fell rundown all the time it's pretty hard to feel happy. All you want to do is wallow in your own misery. Not to mention exercise is one of the pieces of preventative medicine program. Many of the ailments that we face are due to lack of activity, so combat that and get your body moving.

4 Reasons Why a 30-Minute Exercise Makes You Happier

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Happy