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Friday, May 29, 2015

How to tell if your personal trainer is a waste of money

I am a personal trainer and group fitness instructor and I have always disliked most personal trainers for some of these reasons. Even the ones that spend the money to get these expensive (worthless) certifications, they really know little to nothing or even care about the health and well being of their clients. I have always believed that personal training is a holistic expereince, because weight loss is not only about the numbers. It is the culmination of the physical, mind, and spirit. We need all of these things to become truly healthy. This is why i post so many differing blog posts to help people get a complete picture of what health should be. So check out this article and choose the right person for you.

How to Tell If Your Personal Trainer is a Waste of Money

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #PersonalTrainer

7 Dark Truths About Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is often much more difficult than we ever realize. It is not the sunny wonderful world that we always envision. It can be but it takes time and serious hard work to get there. There are no get rich quick schemes in this life. So if you really want to be an entrepreneur get ready for the hard work. And know what those pitfalls may be. Also know that it is the difficultly that makes the reward even sweeter.

7 Dark Truths About Entrepreneurship

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

If You Want to Succeed, Here Are 5 Things You Need to Do Differently

If we are not seeing the success that we desire in our lives, we have a great tool at our will. We can change the way that we are doing things and find a different way to meet out goals. This is something we need to be constantly aware of and practicing. If we seem to get stuck on our path towards success, we need to find a detour around our original idea. This really could be the difference between success and failure. So check out this article and find your true success.

If You Want to Succeed, Here Are 5 Things You Need to Do Differently

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Success

7 signs your house could be adding to your waistline

It is the things that we surround ourselves with that continue to influence us. If we have cupcakes and unhealthy food at home, what do we really expect to eat? We will continue to do the things that are easiest. So if you stop at Wendy's everyday after work, maybe its time to find a different route home, so you don't pass that Wendy's. So take a look around and start to weed some things out, so you can live a happier healthier life.

7 Signs Your House Could Be Adding to Your Waistline

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #AtHome

Excuses for Unhealthy Living (and Why They Are Crap)

We are a people that can make excuses for anything and we often do. If it is sticking to a diet, working out, following through on a business idea, quitting our addictions, etc. we make up all kinds of excuses for why we can continue to do the destructive behaviors we want to do. Those of us that seem to make little excuses still make excuses when it comes to our health, which should be our first priority. However, because it is something that doesn't effect us immediately we push it off to the side then wonder why we end up with cancer, diabetes, or heart failure later in life. Check out this article and find responses to all those excuses that you have heard people make.

Excuses for Unhealthy Living (and Why They Are Crap)

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Excuses

8 Ways to Come Up With a Business Idea

Business always starts with that spark of innovation. We have to have an idea or a goal to work towards or business becomes a chore and we never will follow through with the ideas that we have. This is one of the main reasons that I have been able to sustain the last several years. I constantly go back to my original intentions and remember why I am working towards my business plans. I realize why I love what I do and make sure I keep myself refreshed. So here are some great ways to come up with a killer business idea, so you have something to be passionate about.

8 Ways to Come Up With a Business Idea

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, May 25, 2015

10 Tips to Improve Your Memory and Concentration

Have you ever met someone who never forgets anything? I know I have always been amazed at people who can always remeber names. That is one of the fiorst things that impressed me about coach Kevin Kearns, after two years he still remembered my name. I remember everything but often struggle with names. Here are some great ways to improve that memory that can be so important in business and life.

10 Tips to Improve Your Memory and Concentration

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Memory

Top 30 Plant-Based Sources of Iron

We all need iron to remain healthy, but some of us need it more than others. Women always need more because of their monthly cycle. I also need more because I am vegan and don't always get the easiest absorbable form of iron. So here is a great article that will tell you not only how much iron you need, but also where to get it in the best form possible.

Top 30 Plant-Based Sources of Iron

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Iron

The #1 Fitness Trend Of 2015

People have been doing this kind of training for generations, it is truly nothing new. However, it remains one of the best cardiovascular workouts ever. I have finally had to return to it myself because I am preparing for a 12hr Hurricane Heat in Aug. In this race I need to have a rucksack and atleast 30lbs with me, so for training I am going to be carrying a 40lb rucksack, just about everywhere I go. It will become like a second skin, so when I get to the course it is normal for me to carry this extra weight. So if you haven't tried it out, see what this type of training can do for you.

The #1 Fitness Trend of 2015

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Rucksack #Hardcore

50 Must Visit Websites For Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur you are always looking for new ways to get the work done. With the internet and all online resources we have a wealth of things that we can use to really boost our businesses. So why are we still floundering and unable to make the presence know that wqe really need? Check out some of these resources and make your business the best that you can make it.

50 Must Visit Websites for Entrepreneurs

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why You Shouldn’t Give Up On Your Dreams

When you are chasing a dream it is so easy to give up or let other things get in the way of that dream. We live in a world that is so busy that it often chokes out the dreams that we develop as childen and very few of us have the strength or willpower to push through and make those dreams a reality. How many people do we come across every day that have let their dreams go to work in a job that they are miserable in. The great thing is that we never know when our dreams will become reality and it can take just an instant to completely change. However, we have to be in that right place at the right time to make it happen. So check out this article and see if it doesn't motivate you to make things happen in the future.

Why You Should Never Give Up On Your Dreams

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Dreams

Eat These 8 Foods for A Healthy Vagina

I am struggling with writing something here and staying appropriate. Regardless it is important to keep your entire body healthy and for the ladies that I have reading my blog your man will appreciate you doing just that. So check out this article and take care of your body.

Eat These 8 Foods for a Healthy Vagina

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Healthy

9 Top Workout Mistakes Men Make

Now that I work in a gym all the time I see so many mistakes men make all the time. The number one mistake that I see is that they are scared of group fitness classes. I will never figure out why, since all the ladies are in the group fitness classes. This is just where I want to be. Not too mention it is a great way to vary your routine and keep getting those gains that you are searching for. Chec out this article to find out the rest of the things you are missing.

9 Top Workout Mistakes Men Make

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Mistakes

8 Lists To Keep If You Want To Be Successful

This is one of the things that you can do to keep yourself on track. I know I have a few lists to keep me moving forward. If I don't my days can get so busy and I forget to get the necessary things done. So check out this article and create the lists that you need to find your success.

8 Lists to Keep If You Want to be Successful

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, May 18, 2015


I have had many health issues in my life, which is what really lead me to become vegan, and IBS was a large contributor to my stomach issues. I have dealt with the bloating, the stomach pains, and other bowel issues. It can be very hard to deal with, however IBS is mainly a dietary issues so if you are able to change your diet a bit you can definately find some relief from it. So check out this article and get healthier.

7 Ways to Heal IBS Naturally

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #IBS #Health

Are Bodyweight Exercises Effective?

I am a huge fan of not only bodyweight exercises but also functional training. If you ever come to any of my fitness classes I am always pushing people to do these kinds of routines. They can be done anywhere and they take little to no equipment. They are also super efficient for anyone because you can always modify the exercises based on the strength of the participant. So check out this article that goes in depth into the science of bodyweight training.

Are Bodyweight Exercises Effective?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Bodyweight

From the Trenches: 23 Entrepreneurs Share Their Most Valuable Lessons Learned

This is really the best way to grow and have the most success possible. We need to learn from the people who have been there before us. I just talked to my 14 yr old son, who tells me that I don't understand him, and reminded him that I have been there before and have expereinced much more than he could have ever expereinced in his short life. I also reminded him that just like myself, my parents told me the same thing when I was his age but I never listened and then realized 20 years later that they were right. We cannot afford to do this as adults and entrepreneurs. While we were teenagers we may have thought that we knew everything, but as entrepreneurs we must be humble enough to learn from other people. So check out this article and grow into the best person you can be.

From the Trenches: 23 Entrepreneurs Share Their Most Valuable Lessons

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Friday, May 15, 2015

Worried? You Can Change That! 

We all know people who are chronic worriers. You can see them from a mile away because they are constantly depressed, have a sullen demeanor, and tend to be very negative. The often never smile and are always apprehensive about things. Why do we allow ourselves to get to this place? Life is already hard enough without us allowing our fear to get in the way. I have strived to get rid of my fear and break through those barriers so I can live a better and more abundant life. It is possible, so check out this article and see how you can change the way that you look at life.

Worried? You Can Change That

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Worried

5 Things That Happen if You Quit Sugar for Life

This is one of the most difficult things to do because it is in everything. However, knowing the benefits could help you make the decsion to at least limit the intake of sugar in your life. It is such an addictive substance and has so many bad side effects. Check this out and be healthier than ever before.

5 THings That Happen if you Quit Sugar for Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #QuitSugar

5 Mental “Secrets” for Staying on the Healthy Track

We all want to be more healthy, but life often gets in the way and our willpower weakens. Then we ends up right back where we started or even worse. So it seems like a insurmountable obstacle in our lives. There is a way over the mountain and it takes habit and hard work. Check out this article to give you some new ideas on how to keep on track.

5 Mental "Secrets" for Staying on the Healthy Track

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Healthy #OnTrack

Little Lifehacks Guaranteed to Improve Your Existence

Ever wonder how people seem to get everything they want? Well there is a method to their madness. Lifehacks are things that you can do that will improve or simplify your life. So check out what other people are doing to improve their life and apply it to your own to get the best out of life.

Little Lifehacks Guaranteed to IMporve Your Existance

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

4 Steps To Getting Better Outcomes – Why You DO Get What You Think About!

We always get what we think about, whether it is good or bad. We can either be limited or limitless. So how do we get the outcomes that we really want. It takes some serious willpower and focus. We have to let go of the negativity and stumbling blocks that hold us back and focus on the wonderful things that we can have. So check out this article and get what you want.

4 Steps to Getting Better Outcomes - Why You DO Get What You Think About

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #Outcomes

Everything You Need To Know To Begin An Elimination Diet

Have you ever noticed an upset stomach, gas, or allergic reactions after eating something? This could often point to something that you need to take out of your diet. This is also a great way to check for any food allergies. Just start elminating those things one at a time until you find out what has been causing the problems. I know I have had to do this with dairy. From the time I was a child I really struggled with a diary allergy and would break out in a rash everytime I drank milk or ate cheese. So find out what is bothering you and take it out of your diet. Check out this article for more information.

Everything You Need to Know to Begin an Elmination Diet

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Elimination #Diet

What Muscles Do And How to Train Them

We think we know what fitness is all about but we also need to basic functional anatomy training so we don't injure ourselves in the process of getting more fit. We need to know what our body actually does before we can work it properly and get into the best shape of our lives. I personally prefer full body workouts because it make me functionally much stronger and this is better for general, everyday health. However, if you really want to get cut and ripped you need to know what muscles to focus on to really shape the body of your dreams. Check out this article and find all the help you need, whether you want to look like a bodybuilder or get as healthy and fit as you possibly can.

What Muscles Do and How to Train Them

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #TrainHard

5 Tips for Keeping Your Day Job While Launching Your Own Business

For most of us entrepreneurs this is a necessary reality. We don't have the luxury of jumping into the business with both feet and must keep working the day job. The question is house is this possible to split your interests long enough to build the business you love, while working the job that you need. I am currently doing just that as I build the business of my dreams and let me tell you it isn't easy. However, I have gotten a job in the field that can only help my reputation and give me the necessary training to make my dream business even better. So check out this article and get to work.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Day Job While Launching Your Own Business

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

Monday, May 11, 2015

6 Simple Steps for a Better Life Today

Are you looking for a way to change your life and enjoy some of the joy that you should have? Here are some ways that you can get started right now. Check out this article and change the life you have been living.

6 Simple Steps for a Better Life Today

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #PersonalDevelopment #BetterLife

Eating for Your Ultimate Health and Ideal Weight

This is really the real goal of all diet and health. We need to make it a lifestyle. We need to decide that it is not really about what you weight, but that you are the healthiest person that you can possibly be. This is why one of my favorite books is Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It is really about eating for life rather than a weight. The weight will happen if you eat to live the best, most vibrant life possible. So check out this article and start to make it a lifestyle. This is the only way that you will be healthy and disease free the rest of your life.

Eating For Your Ultimate Health and Ideal Weight

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Heathly #Lifestyle