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Thursday, May 1, 2014

5 Reasons This Workout Will Get You In Better Shape Than Cardio

Is all that running on the treadmill or elliptical really helping you? I guess depends on your goals. If you are preparing for a race those things may be great, however if you are trying to burn fat, lose weight, or tone up they aren't helping as much as you think. In the last few years Hiit (high intensity interval training) has become a big name in the fitness world. Mainly because it works, saves time, and can be done anywhere. The key is intensity....anyone can do 20 push ups and some jumping jacks. But can you do that for 3 rounds of 30 secs each. This actually pushes your cardiovascular system further and helps you build muscle at the same time, so ultimately your burn more fat. So the key is to shorten your workout but hit it as hard as you can for the time you can and you will continue to burn calories and fat more efficiently. Check out this article for more info.

5 Reasons This Workout Will Get You in Better Shape Than Cardio

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Fitness #Workout

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