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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Life is All About Getting People to Say Yes

Whether you are in business or just walking through life, every since you were born, life has been about getting people to say yes to your requests. This may not always be the right way to go which is why we also have the word no. As a child we always want to play with the bright shiny things, but when it is a fire its great that people can tell us no, so we do not get injured. However, our desire is to get a yes in regards to our requests. So over a lifetime we acquire this skill set, so why does it often seem so difficult. I think we often set up parameters on ourselves and limit our ability to speak to people (i.e. the pretty girl walking down the street) or ask people to buy into our idea/product. So if we can get over these self designed roadblocks we could have the passion to do whatever we like. So check out this article and get the yeses you need. 

Life is All About Getting People to Say Yes

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

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