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Friday, May 2, 2014

How Giving Up 70000 a Year is the Right Financial Choice

Is money and success interchangeable? Often we act like they are because we think that if I just had more money. The problem is with more money comes more responsibility and problems. What we really need is passion and love for what we do. Then no amount of money matters as long as we are comfortable. This is the main reason I am so excited about the business I run in Costa Rica. It combines my love of teaching people and vacation. I am able to do everything I love in one of the most beautiful settings in the world, so as long as I can pay my bills and have some extra I don't care if I make a million dollars I am already doing what I love to do. If the money and expansion comes it is all a bonus. This is not what investors want to hear because they are concerned about how much money they are going to make back on their initial investment, but this is the truth. So figure out what you love and do is too short to hate your days.

How Giving Up 70000 a Year is the Right Financial Choice

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

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