I never realized the impact I have on people until years later when I have people come up and say they remember me from some event or talk that I did. It is truly amazing that you never realize the impression that you leave on other people. Often this impression can be either positive or negative. I have had both. I went to New Orleans and met a girl down there and two years later when I returned she still remembered me. We still message each other from time to time on FB. It is amazing the lasting impression you can leave. The goal is to make this impression as positive as possible. This can lead to all kinds of great things, from business deals to a complete life change. You just never know. This is the essence of networking. So check out this article and find out how you can really grab someone's attention.
How to Leave a Lasting Impression on People
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to www.scorpion-style.blogspot.com)

How to Leave a Lasting Impression on People
#WarriorVacations www.WarriorVacations.com #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #Business #Entrepreneur (no link...go to www.scorpion-style.blogspot.com)

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