This last week has been great. My diet has been on point and I have lost almost 5lbs. I did begin to add some vegan bulletproof coffee to my morning routine to help my body find ketosis. I am excited to enjoy this last official week of cleanse. The food has been excellant and I am positive that I will continue to eat this way as much as possible to help my endurance for my athletic endeavors. Here is the menu for week 3:
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Sorrel Soup
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Avocado & Tempeh Towers
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Arugula w/ Grapefruit
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Black Beans w/ Red Chard
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Swiss Chard, Red Pepper, Cucumber Salad
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Onion & Green Pepper Curry
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Watercress, Fennel, & Apple Salad
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Oyster Mushroom & Baby Bok Choy
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Swiss Chard, Red Pepper, Cucumber Salad
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Onion & Green Pepper Curry
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Arugula w/ Grapefruit
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Black Beans w/ Red Chard
-Breakfast: Shakeology
-Snack: Eziekel Bread w/ Almond Butter
-Lunch: Sorrel Soup
-Snack: Spicy Peanut or Pumpkin Dip
-Dinner: Avocado & Tempeh Towers
#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Beachbody #Shakeology #21DayCleanse #Healthy #Food