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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 18: The Sponge

I have been feeling great the last couple of days and have really increases my training back to what it was before I started the cleanse. My body has fully adjusted to have no meat and is really processing foods as it should. I have energy that lasts all day and I feel amazing. I am really looking forward to the next 22 days and watching what doors will be opened in that time. I am believing that some miraculous things are going to happen in these next several weeks.

I mentioned earlier in the cleanse that we needed to become more like little children. I was watching my six year old son playing on the computer last night sand found myself amazed at the fact that he is growing by leaps and bounds. Just a few months ago he would not if even understood the concepts and buttons to press to control the game. Now he is playing like a champ and selecting his own games and loving playing them. It made me think about the fact that children are like sponges, they suck up ask the energy and knowledge around them and are continually growing. What happens to us as adults? We lose that drive and desire to learn, to grow. So many of us get stuck and dry up like crusty old sponges. If we want to become more successful we must get to a place where we start growing and learning again. The trick is to get past our own pride and stubbornness. So learn something new today, pick up a new hobby, read a new book, just learn and grow any way you can.

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