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Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Aha Moments – How Entrepreneurs Realized What To Do In Life

This is where it all begins. For every millionaire or billionaire today, there was a moment or a time where they had nothing and didn't know what they were going to do with their life. Then at some point they had a revelation and they chose to go at it with all of their being and become the top of the food chain. For me that happened at the end of a vegan 21 day fast. I was sitting in my office and I was day dreaming about all the things that could be possible and the idea of a MMA, Fitness, and Yoga retreat hit me. So for the next hour I spent scratching a bare bones business plan. It took me another 4 months to finish the real one but it all started that day. I have realized about half of the dream. The ultimate goal is to franchise the idea out around the world and to institute a non profit end of the business that works with low income families and specifically children to teach skills and give them a place to belong. It is an audacious dream but we are up to the challenge of making it come true. Who is ready to join with me and make that Aha moment a reality. Check us out at

The Aha Moments - How Entrepreneurs Realized What to Do in Life

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

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