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Monday, September 29, 2014

Billionaire Peter Thiel Explains Why You Should Follow Your Passion Instead Of Going To College

As our culture depends more and more on degrees and higher education we have this idea that college  is our salvation. This dependance on higher education to be the qualifier of intelligence and ability couldn't be further from the truth. As more and more colleges crop up to make money off students and families the educational component is watered down. Yes, college is a business and it makes money, lot's of money. It keeps people in debt and keeps them bound to being employees. I am not saying that there isn't a place for it. Many people are simply not entrepreneurs and need to get the best education that they can get. However, there are those of us that have the desire and willpower to learn from life rather than school. The education from life experience is always so much more instructive and beneficial than someone spoon feeding you material that you don't truly care about. So check out what Peter Thiel says about the subject and let me know your thoughts.

Billionaire Peter Thiel Explains Why You Should Follow Your Passion Instead of Going to College

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Business #Entrepreneur

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