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Monday, March 24, 2014

16 Places Common Diseases Do Not Occur, and The Reasons Why

We have a very misguided belief that our American society has everything right. We trust our doctors, government, pharmaceutical companies, etc. to give us the correct picture of how are health should be. But when we look at the rest of the world we find that we have some of the highest levels of disease and some of the worst healthcare in the world. So why are we so resistant to look at other cultures that are thriving and adapt our lifestyle towards theirs for a healthier life? Often it has much to do with just that, lifestyle. We do not want to give up anything that we find comfortable, even if it means our life. It is a sad state that we live in that the instant gratification of a hamburger or cupcake trumps the lifelong elation to life pain and disease free. Here is a great article that will show you places where diseases are lowest and why they live that way and see if it doesn't challenge the way that you currently live.

16 Places Common Diseases Do Not Occur, and the Reason Why

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Nutrition #Health

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