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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What’s the Point of Yoga Anyway?

Since the popularization of yoga in Western culture there have been several meanings attached to the ancient practice of yoga. There are now as many methods and methodologies of doing yoga as there are yoga teachers. So the question becomes why do you do it. Is it strength training, flexibility, endurance, to check out the cute girls (why I, a greater connection with self, the universe, others, or some other reason all together. So the greater question is do you do yoga for the physical benefits (which there are many) or the spiritual benefits (which are innumerable) or is it just a way of life? Often the physical benefits open people up to the legalistic alignment based ideas of yoga where the spiritual side allows people to become lovers of practice and the world around them. So choose what is your goal with yoga and how do you express your life to others.

What is the Point of Yoga Anyway?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Lifestyle

1 comment:

  1. I do yoga to provide balance in my life. As a life long wrestler, athlete and eventually a professional MMA fighter, I have learned how to block out the wisdom of my body. I learned to push through pain, ignore fatigue, and overcome physical obstacles. Yoga has taught me the opposite: how to feel my body and trust the wisdom of my soul.
