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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Competitive Yoga is on the Rise in America. But is it still yoga if you're scoring points?

Here is another big issue in yoga that is coming up more and more. Personally I believe this is the worst kind of indoctrination of Western culture on yoga. I am very competitive by nature and I understand how here in the states it can be a big thing. But I think it loses so much of its meaning. I think this is another by product of the competition fitness era, which I am a fan of, but in regards to yoga I think it changes the natural grounding and centering focus of yoga and places the focus on being better or more flexible than others. This is one of the big things I argue about when it comes to alignment based yoga classes. I believe yoga is beautiful in its individual practice, not when everyone looks the same. So check out this article and leave your feedback here....what do you think???

Competitive Yoga is on the Rise in America. But is it Still Yoga if You're Scoring Points?

#WarriorVacations #CostaRica #Yoga #Competition

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